The Beautiful Maple Trees of Fall and Spring Season

by WriterArtist

The beautiful maple trees remind us of the gracious colors of Fall and are feast to eyes.They color the garden and the skyline in mesmerizing hues of orange, red, yellow and green.

Biking through a crisscross of dense maple and oak trees and a river flowing along the trail is something that every hiker cherishes. A steep uphill travel with a workout in a panorama of hills and canyons is beyond description, no gym can match the beauty and the chance to inhale such pure fresh air.

Maple trees types vary between the most 50 recognized types mostly encountered in the temperate zones of northern hemisphere. Growing and correctly trimming maple trees for bonsai is something that can give your garden a breathtaking and awesome look. A trail of red maple trees is certain to leave you spellbound with the enchanting foliage of scarlet and red.

Maple Trees in Fall

The shades of multicolored leaves on a Japanese maple tree are nothing short of bliss. Spotting the bright cream in the scarlet hues during the fall, leaves you mesmerized in the charming proximity of the foliage with specks of golden hues in shades of crimson and red with a hint of green and pink in the autumn leaves of maple trees.

During the beginning of winter the spring green leaves start blending beautifully with the vibrant pink and occasionally white and cream of the forest to give a spectacular feel of the green cover. No words can describe the real beauty of this glorious paradise of brilliant hues and shades. You have to watch to feel it.The scenery of red and orange foliage is a panorama of beauty that you want to portrait in your heart.

Bonsai Making with Maple Tree

Bonsai is an art, it just cannot be thought of as a fun or trivial art, it takes time to practice and master the art. For beginners, there are some trees that are easier for making bonsai. Among the popular bonsai trees such as Juniper, Azalea, and Cherry Blossom, the Japanese maple tree is widely and commonly recognized for its easier care and robustness.

But just about any tree can grow in miniature form, it just isn’t that easy to bonsai any random tree on the planet. Japanese maple tree is supposedly a good candidate for making bonsai trees for beginners. The main reason for choosing this tree for bonsai is it is adaptability , low maintenance and the outcome is brilliant in form of red showers of brilliant foliage. 

Maple Tree Types for Bonsai


The common and favored bonsai trees for beginners include Juniper, Azalea, Cherry Blossom, Japanese maple, & Cotoneaster. These trees are easier to care for and grow than the others; but just about any tree can be grown in its tiny form as a bonsai. Japanese maple is another best candidate for bonsai trees for beginners. This type of tree is trouble-free to grow, robust and the outcome is really wonderful.

Prevalent maple trees for bonsai making are both the red and silver maples. They can be easily planted indoors in residential areas due to their fast growth and even outdoors with a beautiful dense crown. The red Japanese maple is desired and loved for its display and ornamental attributes. It is difficult not to be attracted to these beautiful maple bonsai trees with its bright red leaves prominently displayed both in the spring and fall season.

Maple Tree Types

Maple trees are one of the most encountered trees with Norway maple trees also called “Acer Platanoides” adapting well to variegated soil types and tough environment. In fact, they adapt so well that they have become an invasive plant in North America. A prominent reason for their widespread usage as shade trees in urban areas across the United States is growing resistance to pollution compared to other trees besides being attractive. The bright fall foliage color of these trees is bewitching yellow. You can plant Norway maple trees in full sun and they will come out with flying colours if you are careful to choose well-drained soil for best performance.


The American Maple also commonly known as the Swamp Maple. The biological name of this tree is Acer rubrum, a maple tree which grows 60 to 75 feet tall unobtrusively in nature. Young trees found in forests are often pyramidal or elliptical and they grow quite fast providing strong and robust wood.


Another maple trees types id the weeping Japanese maple trees that too are very low maintenance trees. Interestingly, amidst short periods of average rainfall, the full-grown trees do not require regular water but for small saplings, watering regularly to prevent scorching is a must. One important fact and advantageous point of growing Japanese maples is that trimming is not required, they shed dead branches on their own, and require very little pruning, if at all.


Sugar maple trees also called “Acer Saccharum” grow well in a garden that is well-drained and either gets full sun or partial sun-rays. These amazing maple trees can reach eight feet or more in height, with a width of around sixty feet. Sugar maples trees are known to have a fall foliage color ranging from bright yellow to orange and lastly to crimson red. The fall foliage color may depend on the weather, location and time of the year, many factors coming into play and playing an important role in deciding the brilliant display of the hues.

Sugar from Maple Syrup


The sugar maple trees are known as such because they hold the secret of the famous source of "maple syrup,”. When we think of maple they remind us of the sweet maple syrup, which is the delight of many pancake eaters and an important ingredient of desserts. Sugar production is optimum with open-grown, large canopy of maple trees. 

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Maple Tree on YouTube

Have you grown maple tree in your garden?

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paperfacets on 04/09/2014

The red Japanese maple is not doing so well.

dustytoes on 03/24/2014

I don't plant them, but they are everywhere here in New Hampshire.

Maple Tree for your Garden

Coral Bark Japanese Maple - Sangu kaku
Japanese Maple Tree "Bloodgood" Two Gallon
Clifton's Nursery
Only $98.00
3-4 ft. - Coral Bark Japanese Maple
Only $123.71
Updated: 03/23/2014, WriterArtist
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Do you love the colors of Maple tree in Fall?

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WriterArtist on 11/07/2014

@dustytoes and VioletteRose - The maple trees in fall are a riot of colours. They are so beautiful - I would never tire from looking at them.

WriterArtist on 11/07/2014

@ologsinquito - I wish I could travel to North America at this time of the year.

ologsinquito on 03/24/2014

Fall in North America is a lovely time of year. It starts to get cooler after the oppressive heat of summer.

dustytoes on 03/24/2014

I love the beautiful color of the Maple trees in fall. And I especially love the ones that give us that delicious Maple Syrup in spring.

VioletteRose on 03/24/2014

They are so beautiful, love the stream in autumn woods poster!

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