Today I'd like to introduce you to a new concept, a fresh way of thinking when it comes to being Vegan or Vegetarian. I'd like you to entertain the thought of eating healthier by opting for more vegan or vegetarian options all the while avoiding the life style over haul so many dread.
I'll be talking to you and backing it with a lifetime of experiences as I share the benefits of eating vegan, vegetarian or raw. Plus I touch on why eating like this could be the fountain of youth or better yet the key to a quality life.
These words mean just what you think, you may eat vegan, vegetarian or raw from time to time. Think about eating this way without incorporating it full time yet keeping an mind open to the possibility of becoming more and more vegan or vegetarian. Who says you have to go all or nothing? The point being including vegan, vegetarian or raw foods into your diet more frequently increases your over all health, longevity and mental abilities.
The Benefits of Eating Vegan Chat
We eat them as a snack, dried and store bought, Trader Joes is a favorite provider.
katiem2, Do you have any seaweed recipes to share?
Brenda, I have the same reaction to refined sugars and carbs. I also prefer eating raw. Days go buy when we do just that and then the kids will start talking about cooking something. They normally cook themselves but for the most part they are like me simple eaters, eating what ever is within reach usually raw fruits, veggies and nuts. My oldest loves sea weed, she eats that often. We eat a lot of raw nuts, walnuts and almonds are our favorites. :)K I've heard of dogs loving carrots, never fed my dogs any, will have to give it a go. My oldest daughter loves raw carrots, could eat them everyday, my youngest won't touch them, I can take em or leave them...
Katie, I'm with you on this. I just had some pine nuts for breakfast and will also eat an apple and some raw carrots. I started keeping raw carrots in a bowl of water in the refrigerator. Every time I open the door to the frig, I grab a few carrots. My dogs run over to get their carrots also. In August, my brother came to stay with our mother while I went to CA. I was talking to him on the phone from CA while he was fixing something to eat in the kitchen. I heard him say "get your head out of there" and then he asked me "why are these dogs sticking their heads in the refrigerator?." I said, "oh, they want some carrots." lol
I could easily eat a raw diet all the time because I don't like to cook, mainly because I hate washing dishes. I am an animal advocate, but I do like yogurt and eggs and an occasional ice cream. Refined sugar and carbs knock me on my butt. It's like taking a sleeping pill.
Great article.