There is no disputing the cost of the Keurig K-cups is a bit steep or is it?. The grocery store packs just don't last from one shopping trip to the next. The best way to supply yourself with the most popular K-cups is to buy on line in bulk. You can get 24 hot chocolate k-cups for only $11.95 and the coffee favorite offers 50 servings for only $29.97 a very deep savings. The variety is unlimited as well. You can buy any flavor you like while savings and getting more. The savvy Keurig brewer is catching on to this little secret learning to have enough of what they love for less.

The Best Deals on Keurig Donut Shop and Hot Cocoa K-Cups
by katiem2
The most popular Keurig K-Cups are the donut shop coffee and the Grove Square hot cocoa. To save money and get more of your favorites buy them here for the best deals on more.
Donut Shop K-Cup for Keurig Brewers
The donut shop variety is so popular that donut shops themselves are getting in on the act.
The popularity of donut shop coffee is widely known and is therefore popping up everywhere, in grocery stores, donut shops and bakeries. The prices at these target spots have marked up k-cups taking advantage of the popularity.
Save Money on K-Cups
While the temptation is great these places are not the best location to stock up on k-cups. The most challenging part of owning your own Keurig brewer is the popularity of the product. In order to enjoy your brewer sharing it with friends and family you need to keep a stock pile of k-cups. The best way to do that is by taking advantage of the retail giant Amazons buying power. They offer the best in value and quantity solving the problem of having enough on hand.
Grove Square Hot Cocoa K-Cups
Hot chocolate is the second most popular drink enjoyed from the personal brewer.
Hot chocolate is fun and brings people together for a warm moment especially during the fall and winter months. It is also enjoyed by many all year round. It's no big surprise to find out Grove Square hot cocoa is the second favorite beverage of the k-kup brewers. The same rule stands true for it as does the donut coffee. Taking advantage of the special quantity and price offered at Amazon will keep you in stock all the while saving you money.
How to Resist Temptation
The temptation of having the Kuerig brewer around is just to great for many who worry about the calories.
To avoid adding to many calories to your daily diet by indulging in your Kuerig k-cups have some low calorie k-cups on had such as the very healthy tea options. In fact you may work the well known healthy green tea into your diet where as before you did not. We all know the benefits of green tea, so have green tea k-cups on hand as well.
Furthermore keep the k-cups both rich in flavor and calories out of your reach. Don't store them in the cabinet on a daily basis. This makes them to easy to go for when you feel the urge. Instead store the calorie rich k-cups in the cupboard, or any place hidden out of sight.
Take them out only on special occasions like when you have guest. This will keep you from indulging to much. Have the green tea and plain coffee variety on hand for everyday use.
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The Best Deals on Keurig Donut Shop and Hot Cocoa K-Cups Chat
DerdriuMarriner, I agree it should be for special occasions, not daily. It is better for the environment and our waist lines to back of to periodic indulgences of any kind.
katiem2, It's a great idea for monthly master gardener and quarterly master naturalist meetings , both of which serve as excuses for the calorie-rich k-cups.
Thanks Mira always happy to share a good find when it comes to savings and quality. I look at the prices of the small packs of k-cups in the grocery store and cringe... They are so expensive. Buying k-cups in bulk at Amazon is the only way to go in my savvy shopping book.
The hot chocolate and coffee sounds good to me, and it's expensive when you're purchasing from places like Starbucks. Great idea, Katie.
2uesday, That's a very good point. Plus the office staff could save a small fortune using the Keurig brewer instead of making those Starbucks coffee runs at @ $4.00 a pop.
Brenda, Drats that stinks. The donut shop coffee is great. :)
I haven't tried the donut shop coffee. I'll have to give it a try. None of the reusable filters on Amazon fit my Keurig. I've had it for a couple of years and they've come out with new models.
Sandy, It is very good...
The hot cocoa K-cups sounds delicious.
Thanks Mike, Great to hear from you! Cheers :)