Tailgaters take notice. You need quality entertainment while warming up for your favorite team to take the field, and these awesome tailgating games are sure to entertain you for as long as it takes to tailgate before the game and let the traffic clear after the victory.

The Best Tailgating Games of All Time
by landocheese
There are only a few necessities for tailgating; friends, food, drinks, music and a one of these best tailgating games of all time to keep you entertained.
Games for Tailgating
When it's time play fun tailgating games to pass the time, pick from the best games ever invented for the parking lot. These are the greatest tailgating games of all time and for good reason.
1. They are all classic games that will stand the test of time, so they will still be fun five years from now.
2. They are easy to pack and bring along in the trunk, yet offer a challenging game to play while waiting for kickoff.
3. These great tailgate games are all easy for people to play, even if they are not experienced. Of course, the frequent players will have added skill.
To build your tailgating war chest, add these great games to your inventory.
One of the greatest games for tailgating is washers. Washers is a very simple game that is easy to play for everyone, even seniors and kids. Since the only thing that you have to do is throw very light washers, anyone can do it.
The setup if really simple. Washers consists of two boxes with a tube inside them. These are less than 2 feet square each, and are often manufactured to fit together, which makes washers one of the great travel games and suitable when heading to the tailgate. The play involves throwing regular washers from about twenty feet away and attempting to land them into the box on the opposite end.
Washers is super fun if you have a little space. It requires about 30 feet of length but a very narrow path. The game works fine for 2 people but is even more fun with 4 and a peanut gallery to enjoy the game. The game of washers is cheap, resilient to weather, and will be the center of attention at your next tailgate.
Ladder Toss
Ladder toss, sometimes referred to as ladder golf since the players throw a cord with golf balls at each end, is very similar to washers in that players stand at opposite ends of a long and narrow court, throwing objects to the other end.
In ladder toss, the goal is to get your cord to land on one of the horizontal ladder rungs to score points. There are many strategies to use to do this, with some players throwing a line drive while others come in from up high. Since the balls bounce you will even find that a score from a bounce off the ground is possible.
Ladder toss is a bit more dangerous than washers since players tend to have an errant throw once in a while, so make sure you have room. If you do, this is one of the fun lawn games that is wonderfully entertaining for players and onlookers alike. It will also pack up neatly and fit back into the trunk for next week's game.
Bean Bag Toss
Bean bag toss is the third in the line of great tailgating games that, like washers and ladder toss, is played in a long and narrow space. Since bean bags are rather soft this may be the safest option in a tight crowd, but the play is very similar.
In bean bag toss, also known as cornhole if using the correct board, the object is to toss your beanbags to the opposite platform to score by getting into or close to the hole or holes in the board. There are various games, some with one hold and others with several.
The great thing about bean bag toss is that you can find them in many popular team colors with logos, so they seem to be made just for the tailgate. Bean bag toss is another game that is easy to pack away in the trunk and can take a little weather, so don't let those late fall games prevent you from enjoying a fun tailgating game.
Which game do you like the best?
Choose Your Entertainment
Whichever game you choose, make sure it meets the tailgating criteria. The game should be fun, simple enough to invite others to play, easy to pack in the car, and capable of standing the weather that football games are known for.
Washers, ladder toss, and bean bag toss will all do the trick. Together, they are the greatest tailgating games of all time.
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