The Facts about Five Dog Myths

by Ragtimelil

There are many myths about dogs. Here are five myths that you might have believed.

Dogs have been companions to humans for thousands of years. It's not surprising that myths have grown up around them. Here's just five things you might not have known about dogs.

All Photos by Lana Pettey

1. My dog gets even with me when I leave him at home.

Dogs are very intelligent, but their sense of time is not so good. If dogs are destructive when left alone, it is because they are frustrated. They cannot plan too far into the future.  They really don't think ahead to  the time when you will be coming home and plan to do something that will be upsetting to you. They tend to live in the moment. Dogs are social creatures and some are particularly stressed when left at home. Many will find his owner’s clothing or bed because the owner’s scent is strongest there. Chewing is a typical stress reliever for dogs. So, no, it’s not to punish you, it’s just a natural expression of stress.Moss the Border Collie

My Closet

Dog Left At Home
Dog Left At Home
Photos by Lana Pettey

Some Help for Destructve Behavior

A Dog's Very Own Den
Midwest Life Stages Double-Door Folding Metal Dog Crate, 36 Inches by 24 Inches by 27 Inches

The MIDWEST Life Stages folding Double Door Dog Crate/Cage cuts house breaking time in half and reduces behavioral problems, wether your starting with a new puppy or starting ag...

Only $47.95
I'll be Home Soon: How to Prevent and Treat Separation Anxiety.

This booklet explains the difference between dogs who truly have separation anxiety and those that merely misbehave. Written by Patricia McConnell, it describes a dog behavior m...

$4.6  $3.39

2.When I come home and he’s done something wrong, he looks guilty. He knows he has done wrong.

Once again, dogs don't have a good sense of time.Dogs don’t associate the act of chewing or house soiling with the punishment if there is too great of a time span. They need to see a reaction to their behavior in a matter of seconds. What they probably have learned, is that being in the same space with you and the offending item is going to bring punishment or that your homecoming often brings punishment.

 Moss looks guilty

Dog-Human Communication

How To Speak Dog: Mastering the Art of Dog-Human Communication

Parlez-vous Doggish? At long last, dogs will know just how smart their owners can be. By unlocking the secrets of the hidden language of dogs, psychologist Stanley Coren allows ...

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On Talking Terms With Dogs: Calming Signals

Yawning, lip-licking, sneezing, even scratching are just a few of the 30-plus signals or that dogs use to communicate with one another. Now, with On Talking Terms with Dogs, you...

$10.99  $7.0

3. Mixed breeds are healthier than purebreds.

Not necessarily. A conscientious breeder of purebreds will have their dogs tested for hereditary diseases and only breed those that pass. Inbreeding is not common as some people think. Mixed breeds often are the product of accidental breeding and the dogs were never tested for any hereditary problems. Breeders of mixed breeds seldom have their dogs tested before breeding. While there is a thing called hybrid vigor where the offspring are more robust than the parents, it doesn't always manifest and if it does, it will fade with subsequent generations

Dog in Class

About Breeding Dogs

Control of Canine Genetic Diseases (Howell Reference Books)

If you breed dogs for any reason, you must own this book. Genetic diseases are among the most serious hazards on the landscape of modern dog breeding and one of the most vexing ...

$22.85  $1049.96

4. It’s not the breed of dog, it’s how you bring them up.

Well, yes and no. Certainly good training and good socialization will do wonders for any dog, but dogs inherit traits from their parents. Some of those traits are personality and temperament traits. There has been a nature vs. nurture debate going on for years. My personal opinion is that it is a combination of both. If you have a protective or dominate breed of dog, you will need to put in extra training and socialization to overcome the nature of that dog.

Obedience Class

Training Tips

Do Over Dogs: Give Your Dog a Second Chance for a First Class Life (Dogwise Training Manual)

What exactly is a Do-Over Dog? It might be a shelter dog you’re working with to help her become more adoptable. Perhaps it’s the dog you’ve adopted, rescued, or even found runni...

Only $17.9
Getting Started: Clicker Training for Dogs

New EXPANDED edition! "New to clicker training? then this is a "must read". Learn from this book how training can be FUN, both for you and your dog!" If you are curious about cl...

$20.32  $3.84

5. Dogs see only black and white

Nope. Researchers have found that dogs can see colors but not the full range that people can see. Their spectrum is more bluish, greenish and yellowish. They can’t see reds or oranges. So those favorite red and orange toys actually are harder for your dog to see. Some retriever training bumpers are white which show up well against a dark ground.Spot the Border Collie

What Color is Your Toy?

KONG Aqua Dog Toy, Large, Orange

Your dog will enjoy these totally cool, floating retriever toys that promote fun and exercise. These toys also perform well in field use for year-round enjoyment. KONG interacti...

$16.99  $16.94
KONG Air Dog Fetch Stick with Rope Dog Toy, Large, Yellow

Our exclusive tennis ball fabric is nonabrasive and gentle on the teeth and gums. KONG Air Dog Fetch Stick with Rope floats high on water and comes with high-quality throw rope....

Only $22.12

Did You Believe Any of These Myths About Dogs?

Updated: 06/07/2012, Ragtimelil
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Ragtimelil on 06/26/2012

Uh Oh.....

katiem2 on 06/26/2012

Looking forward to it :) K

Ragtimelil on 06/21/2012

Thank you. I could do more of these....

katiem2 on 06/21/2012

Good to know the truth about the many myths we hear about dogs. Thanks for the rest of the story. :) K

Ragtimelil on 06/07/2012

Glad to be of service.

chefkeem on 06/07/2012

This cleared up a few things for me (and my dog). Thanks! :)

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