Some people live in fear of being rejected, being snubbed by someone respected and loved. Most people live in fear of being snubbed by people they do not even know. This fear of rejection stifles our every action. We act in a way either to prevent attracting attention or to attract only positive attention. This sometimes means we act differently from the way we would like to. This also means we live below our expectations constantly as we try to fit into other people moulds for us. In some cases, we put so much pressure on ourselves that we crash, trying to live up to ‘their’ expectations. The ubiquitous ‘them’ – They are always around us controlling our actions and most of the time, we have no idea who ‘they’ are.
How can we stop this fear from controlling our life? Let me list a few things that help me act regardless of what my ‘steadily decreasing’ inner negative voice says.
How do you deal with the fear of rejection