Tiger Safari Pench Unique Sightings

by pateluday

Pench is well known as the land of the tiger made famous by Rudyard Kipling. It is India's finest reserve. On a tiger, safari, see the indomitable Sher Khan king of the jungle.

Though well known as Kipling's country, Pench is home to Mowgli the Wolf Child made famous by the author. His vivid description of jungle life in Seoni Hills, and the escapades of Mowgli and the wolf gang is a memorable literary feat.

Jungles of Seoni are still teeming with life and on one visit you can see many animals described in the book. On tiger safari, at Pench, you can see some less-seen animals, and the wolf is one of them which has become rare now. Other animals you can see are antelopes, crocodiles, and those that hunt at night. These are small mammals and reptiles besides some nightjars that can be seen under the lights in the outer ring of the park.

Sloth bears take the cake when it comes to an exciting encounter their tumbling bodies synchronize in perfection as they roll down the meadows. When the bear stops scratching its back against a massive trunk you will be thankful you booked a safari at Pench.

Jumbo Ride

Elephant Ride
Elephant Ride
Uday Patel

Wonders of Mowgli Land

Pench Ecosystem & River

Pench is an ecosystem that supports amazing biodiversity in terms of flora and fauna besides wonderful natural formations and earthly elements. This pristine ambiance is supported by fresh air, and the free-flowing waters of Pench River that intersects the park besides numerous other sources like water holes, lakes, dams, and minuscule falls that emerge as sprinkles from the edges of the mountains and roll down to sustain numerous life forms. 

The tabletop mountains, rolling grasslands, and snaking rivulets all are composites of the landscape of this tiger land in Central India or the State of Madhya Pradesh. The dense tropical mixed deciduous forests enshroud the whole ecosystem leaving jagged edges of rocks and mountains bare. The unique spectacle created in simple terms is mesmerizing.    

The tall stands emerge straight jackets from the earth to assemble along with a thick understory in order to create a mesh of greens that is difficult to preen through. It is a complex web of life forms that form the understory and crown cover as well. The intensity of sunlight depends upon gaps between the tall trees, and together with soil elements, they support varied flora. This accords with the floral diversity that these forests are famous for.  Grasslands give way to an open sky but then they are crucial for the support of herbal life, the deer, and the antelope.  

Predators roam in the forests and amid the grasslands silent, hidden, and well-camouflaged to strike down their prey often in one ambush.  Night and Day, the drama unfolds, and if you happen to be on safari at that moment you will experience a memorable moment. 

Outside the reserve forests, humanity prevails. The thick stand gives way to sparse vegetation at places among the hamlets and this is where the wolf survives. The hamlets now support a large population of young naked children and perhaps there is a Mowgli among them.  

Wild Dog

John Leon

Denizens of the Jungle

Unique Wildlife of Pench

LeopardKaa, Baloo, Baghira, Bandar log, and Kibaki all survive in what is now Pench Tiger Reserve. Named after the Pench River, it is a conservation unit and a National Park as well.  

The safari offers something unique, an action you have been waiting for or an antelope you have not seen for a long time. The park is home to Nilgai the towering blue bulls in the company of rufous tawny females, large and graceful as antelopes always are. Not as abundant in other reserves Pench is the best place to sight them and take pictures. In any reserve, you visit for excursions the sloth bear is a rare sight but it is more often sighted here.

The only antelope with four horns, the chausingha is a sight to behold, although they inhabit drier rocky surfaces and plains nevertheless the park is home for them.  

In these sylvan confines, the big cat is the focus of attention, and it is seen often on game rides. Tigers can be seen hunting and moving around with cubs at waterholes as well as under the shade of trees in a completely relaxed state. But another big cat that survives in these jungles is the leopard diminutive but equally spectacular and graceful this creature is much less seen. Wildlife enthusiasts yearn to catch a glimpse of this elusive cat and it does not disappoint them. You can encounter a leopard in Pench just about anywhere they are so adaptive. You will find the animal lurking near the villages, in the outer ring of the forests as well in the core area. Besides Sher Khan, it is the most photogenic creature on this planet.    

Wolf is an open country animal and you can see the creature in the outskirts where there is a conflict between man and animal. That is why the population of this canid has decreased with survival almost precarious. These are the most sought-after predators and you can see them only at Pench on a wildlife safari.  


Sloth Bear
Sloth Bear
John Leon

Pench in Seoni Hills

Kipling Country

Jungle Home PenchAmazing creatures reside here in this amazing jungle. The tiger landscape encapsulates intriguing geographical features that create stunning visuals, and unforeseen and unbelievable charisma. That is how Pench Jungles hold people in captivity through its mesmerizing and spectacular panorama.   

Seooni Hills! As Kipling would have mentioned has shrunk to a great extent, yet much remains to be discovered. More has to be discovered than found during Mowgli's era, birds, butterflies, bees, insects, reptiles, and mammals. This is a fantastic assemblage of the living in the realm of the tiger.    

Seoni is a small town existing in obscurity as it did during Kipling's era but it holds the mysterious jungles in its folds. Magical forests still enthrall those who experience them. The tiger landscape is proving crucial for the survival of big cats in India and facilitates tourism to generate revenue, and offers opportunities for the finest safari holiday in the wilds.  

For those seeking excursions in the wilderness, the Pench tiger safari is best. It is just ninety kilometers from Nagpur Airport, and a five hours drive from Jabalpur Airport. Discover Kanha, another Kipling Country at a distance of five hours. 

For accommodation, Pench Jungle Home is ideal as it provides a luxurious stay. Discover the tiger land while you holiday at the resort.       

Resort Jungle Home Pench

Jungle Home Pench
Jungle Home Pench
Updated: 12/01/2022, pateluday
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pateluday on 04/24/2021


blackspanielgallery on 04/23/2021

Great photographs.

pateluday on 04/23/2021

Elephant rides in tiger reserves is not allowed anymore. They are used for patrolling by security staff of the reserves. They usually carry tree branches in their trunks besides hosting the mahout or the elephant rider sometimes guest may be on board too but number depends upon the size and age of the animal. In think preferred range would be ten years?

DerdriuMarriner on 04/22/2021

pateluday, Thank you for the practical information, pretty pictures and product lines.
Is there a preferred age range for the elephants who carry people and possessions? Is there a maximum number or weight load?
Some people, when they aren't driving, like the front passenger seat and others like the rear seats in a car. Would there be some seating deemed more comfortable or more prestigious on an elephant ride?

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