The reason I never learnt to play violin
Getting a tutor to teach you to play violin is not as expensive anymore.
I am always drawn in by the sounds of a violin and I have always wished that I could play. Listening to it is like living next to a beach and listening to the calming sound of the water as the waves hit the shores. It calms me.
Music was my first love and I have always wanted to learn the violin. Unfortunately, I was limited by the circumstance of my station in life. Born to Nigerian Parents who had emigrated to the UK, and yet still felt the pull towards their home, I started my life in the UK but ended up in Nigeria by my 6th birthday.
Learning to play music the hard way
My passion for music started as I watched my mum with similar passions clunk away at her organ and try to make beautiful sounds. I wanted to play too so I started to use the books she had brought back to Nigeria and taught myself slowly but surely how to play keyboard. Well, more accurately, I learn to play organ so I had two rows of keys for my hands and a row of pedals for my feet as well and somehow (I cannot even imagine how now!) I learnt to play all three levels of notes and make a great sound.
Not being able to see or hear what I should sound like however did limit my abilities somewhat and I always wished I could have lessons but they were too expensive and finding people that could play and read music competently was not that easy. How I wish I had had the options that the internet presents.
Music Lessons Online provide a great alternative.
Being the person that I am, I tend to flit around the place from one subject to another so I wanted to learn a range of instruments to find the one that really appealed to me and yet, I was unable to fully indulge my passions as there were no teachers around and even if there were, they would have been expensive.
Leaving Nigeria meant I had to give up playing the keyboard as my parents again could not afford to buy an instrument for me so I then took up guitar as it was not too expensive and I saved up all my money to buy an instrument. I again taught myself to play using books. The internet was just becoming more widely available so again there was not as much choice available.
I have become a sufficient guitar player which means I can string a few songs together. Imagine what I could have accomplished with the aid of a world class tutor? And that is what attracts me to the Violin Master Pro. Now I can indulge my desire to play violin but get the privilege of Eric Lewis, a professional tutor of many years and a violin player himself.
Do I regret not having lessons? Yes but would they have been a waste at the start as I tried to figure out if they were for me or not? Possibly.
To play or not to play violin online
Starting to learn the violin online where you can see and hear someone else playing and showing you the basics is a cheaper way to get a feel for your liking of the violin and its music. You could start any number of them for a nominal sum. The most expensive part of this is buying the violin but hey, you can obtain a second hand instrument to start and sell it on if it proves not to be your cup of tea.
Overall, my life took me away from my initial passion for music though I still indulge myself any opportunity I can get. I also want my children to have different options than what I did and there is no way I can pay for lessons on all of the instruments they might be interested in. What I can do however is invest in something like the Violin Master Pro and see how they get on with it.
More information on playing Violin
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