5. It is the ultimate ‘whoever you want to be or think you are’ destination
In Berlin, you can be your alter ego. Think of Berlin as an urban, everyday ‘burning man festival’. Well, maybe not that extreme, but is a city far from mainstream. Berlin is completely counter culture. People dress how they want, listen to the music they like and do what they feel. From vampire bars to sex clubs and everything in between, you can experience whatever you want- without judgement.
6. Shopping outside the box
Berlin is a great place to shop. While you have your usual high end stores and large retail centers, Berlin also has great boutique stores with unique apparel, art and other goods designed by local artists. Check out the ultra hipster neighborhoods of Prenzlauer Berg or Kreuzberg.
7. It is super multi-cultural
Berlin has nearly 3.5 million inhabitants with nearly 500,000 people holding foreign passports. All in all, almost 30% of Berlin residents are of migrant origin. Berlin is jokingly thought to have the largest Turkish population after Istanbul. It also has large communities of Middle Easterners, Eastern Europeans, East Asians and sub-saharan Africans. The most common foreign languages in Berlin are Turkish, Russian, Arabic, Polish, Kurdish, Vietnamese, English, Serbian, Croatian, Greek and other Asian languages. Check the Carnival of Cultures (Karneval der Kulturen) in Spring. Its a parade and festival that shows off Berlin’s international culture.