Unique Gift Ideas for that Special Dad

by wrylilt

Whether it's Christmas time, a birthday or Father's day, choosing the right gift can be difficult. Here's a quick guide to some unique gifts for dad.

Some dads are easy to buy for - a pair of socks or a tie, or a gift card to an automotive store and they're set for another few months at least.

Other dads are more difficult and require some time and planning to find that special unique and perfect gift that fits their personality and sense of humor.

Here are some ideas on finding that special gift for that very special dad.

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For the Garage

Most dads love to spend time in the garage - whether it's working, fiddling or simply escaping their wife. Of course you can add to his collection of tools that he rarely uses, but keeps meaning to OR you can buy him something that'll remind him of you every time he sees it.

A manly sign or memento is a perfect way to let him know that he owns the garage - although he may just prefer a hot bikini calendar to hang on the wall. Either way, a garage gift can be just the thing for dad.


Sure, most dads will laugh in your face if you mention girly things like massages and manicures. But that doesn't mean something calming and relaxing isn't a great gift (as long as it's manly of course!) A calming water fountain to sit on the table (or in his garage) might be just the thing - or maybe a massage seat (although he'll probably have to share that with your mum). If that still sounds too feminine, try something like a new beer holder or a remote boat so once he's sitting down he doesn't need to move!

Just remember - you might be responsible for the lawn not getting mowed!

Gag Gifts & Collectibles

What better way to make dad smile than with a gag gift? Whether it's one aimed at one of his peculiarities or one meant to high light his pet peeve, dads love a good laugh. 

Another great gift is a collectible item - in which case you've got two choices. 

1. You can give your dad one item out of a set, meaning you'll have the perfect gift for the half-a-dozen special days.

2. You can give your dad a collectible gift relating to something he loves, such as a trademarked rum wallet or a Ford model car.


Yes, storage! If your dad is like most, he probably has a huge collection of assorted objects with little value to anyone but him. They might include the old coins that just aren't quite old enough to be rare - or the bottle cap collection he keeps meaning to throw away. No matter what it is, there's likely to be an easy way to store it that he's been meaning to do, but hasn't got around to. So beat him to it - get him a coin jar, a storage case or a file folder to keep his knick knacks in order.

Updated: 04/15/2012, wrylilt
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DerdriuMarriner on 05/18/2022

wrylilt, Thank you for practical information, pretty pictures and product lines.
In particular, I appreciate the storage suggestions. In terms of the garage, what would you think of paying someone he knows and likes and trusts to make the garage into a man cave with decent shelving for storage?

Jimmie on 08/24/2011

Love the garage sign and the mooning gnome. I've never been a fan of those gnomes, so the mooning just suits how I interpret their silly grins.

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