Vintage Wells State Nicknames Map Charms

by fitzcharming

Vintage Wells Enamel State Charms With Their Slogans On The Back - Collectible, Colorful, and Fun

One of my charm collections is a set of enamel sterling silver US state map charms. These were made by the Wells Sterling company in the 1940s and 1950s. Each has a colorful enameled front with state specific cities and symbols; and a state slogan on the back. The Wells catalog was called the Top Hat catalog some of the charms have a little top hat on the back in addition to the Wells hallmark.

I don't have the complete set yet so I'll add photos as I buy them. But there are enough for readers to get the idea. Once I have them all I'll put them on the perfect silver bracelet and wear it proudly on patriotic holidays. It's likely to be too heavy or noisy to wear as an everyday bracelet.

I'm Only Missiing A Few In My Collection

Vintage Wells State Nicknames Map Charms
Vintage Wells State Nicknames Map Charms
My Collection
Wells Charm Catalog
Wells Charm Catalog

Alaska and Hawaii Are Not Included In The Set

Notice there are no Alaska or Hawaii charms. These were made before they became states. I've got an old Wells catalog (pictured) that shows the entire set and it shows only 48 states. These took me a long time to acquire, mainly because I just bought them every now and again when I happened to see one, and didn't actively pursue them. I hope you enjoy my vintage Wells State Map Charm Collection.

USA - Alabama - Arizona - Arkansas - California State Map Charms

Wells Sterling United States of America Charm
Wells Sterling United States of Ameri...
God Bless America
God Bless America
Wells Sterling Alabama Charm
Wells Sterling Alabama Charm
Yellow Hammer State
Yellow Hammer State
Wells Sterling Arizona Charm
Wells Sterling Arizona Charm
Grand Canyon State
Grand Canyon State
Wells Sterling Arkansas Charm
Wells Sterling Arkansas Charm
Land of Opportunity
Land of Opportunity
Wells Sterling California Charm
Wells Sterling California Charm
Golden State
Golden State

State Nickname Meanings - Alabama - Arizona - Arkansas - California

  • Alabama - Often called the Yellowhammer State because the state bird is a Yellowhammer Woodpecker.
  • Arizona - Grand Canyon State - Most of the Grand Canyon is in Arizona.
  • Arkansas - Land of Opportunity - In the 1940s businessmen wanted to change the state's image to one with a bright outlook for the development of business, industry, and agriculture.
  • California - Growth grew quickly after gold was discovered in 1848, and there are fields of golden poppies that grow in the spring throughout the state.

Colorado - Connecticut - Delaware - Florida - Georgia State Map Charms

Wells Sterling Colorado Charm
Wells Sterling Colorado Charm
Centennial State
Centennial State
Wells Sterling Connecticut Charm
Wells Sterling Connecticut Charm
Nutmeg State
Nutmeg State
Wells Sterling Delaware Charm
Wells Sterling Delaware Charm
Diamond State
Diamond State
Wells Sterling Florida Charm
Wells Sterling Florida Charm
Sunshine State
Sunshine State
Wells Sterling Georgia Charm
Wells Sterling Georgia Charm
Peach State
Peach State

State Nickname Meanings - Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia

  • Colorado - Became a state in 1876, one hundred years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, therefore called the Centennial State.
  • Connecticut - Nutmeg State - Early sailors brought back nutmeg from the state to their homelands, along with wooden nutmeg seeds carved by Native Americans.
  • Delaware - Thomas Jefferson called Delaware the Diamond State because he thought it was a jewel on the eastern United States.
  • Florida - Known as the sunshine state because it has the longest coastline of any state in the U.S.
  • Georgia - Peaches are one of Georgia's most delicious agricultural products, hence it's known as the Peach State.

Want To Take A State Slogan Quiz?

I have a quiz on state mottos or slogans on my Charmchatter blog.  I suggest you finish looking at the pictures on this page, and then head on over and see how many you remember.

Vintage Wells State Map Charms – How Many Slogans Do You Know?

**** Disclaimer**** - These may not be the current or official state slogans - they are the ones the Wells Top Hat Company used for the state map charms.

Idaho - Illinois - Indiana - Iowa - Kansas - State Map Charms

Wells Sterling Idaho Charm
Wells Sterling Idaho Charm
Gem State
Gem State
Wells Sterling Illinois Charm
Wells Sterling Illinois Charm
Prarie State
Prarie State
Wells Sterling Indiana Charm
Wells Sterling Indiana Charm
Hoosier State
Hoosier State
Wells Sterling Iowa Charm
Wells Sterling Iowa Charm
Hawkeye State
Hawkeye State
Wells Sterling Kansas Charm
Wells Sterling Kansas Charm
Sunflower State
Sunflower State

State Nickname Meanings - Idaho - Illinois - Indiana - Iowa - Kansas

  • Idaho - Nicknamed the Gem State, because the state congress thought Idaho meant "Gem of the Mountains" in native Shoshone.  Turns out they were mistaken but the nickname stuck.
  • Illinois - The third week in September is Prairie Week in Illinois, meant to honor the native Illinois prairies.
  • Indiana - Named after a poem written by John Finley "The Hoosier's Nest".
  • Iowa - The Hawkeye State is named as a tribute to chief Black Hawk, leader of the Sauk Indians.
  • Kansas - Named the Sunflower State because the sunflower is the state flower of Kansas.

Kentucky - Louisiana - Maine - Maryland - Massachusetts - State Map Charms

Wells Sterling Kentucky Charm
Wells Sterling Kentucky Charm
Blue Grass State
Blue Grass State
Wells Sterling Louisiana Charm
Wells Sterling Louisiana Charm
Pelican State
Pelican State
Wells Sterling Maine State
Wells Sterling Maine State
Pine Tree State
Pine Tree State
Wells Sterling Maryland Charm
Wells Sterling Maryland Charm
Old Line State
Old Line State
Wells Sterling Massachusetts Charm
Wells Sterling Massachusetts Charm
Bay State
Bay State

State Nickname Meanings - Kentucky - Louisiana - Maine - Maryland - Massachusetts

  • Kentucky - Called the Bluegrass State, after a type of pasture grass, grows all over the state.
  • Louisiana - Named after the brown pelican, the state bird.
  • Maine - Pine Tree State - The Eastern White Pine is the state tree, and a pine tree is on the state seal and flag.
  • Maryland - General George Washington called Maryland the Old Line State because of the Maryland Line military that served in the Revolutionary War.
  • Massachusetts - Early settlers called Massachusetts the Bay State because of the shoreline bays.

I Bought Most Of My State Maps on eBay

These Show Up For Sale Pretty Regularly So It's Easy To Begin A Collection

Michigan - Minnesota - Mississippi - Missouri - Montana - State Map Charms

Wells Sterling Michigan Charm
Wells Sterling Michigan Charm
Wolverine State
Wolverine State
Wells Sterling Minnesota Charm
Wells Sterling Minnesota Charm
Gopher State
Gopher State
Wells Sterling Mississippi Charm
Wells Sterling Mississippi Charm
Magnolia State
Magnolia State
Wells Sterling Missouri Charm
Wells Sterling Missouri Charm
Show Me State
Show Me State
Wells Sterling Montana Charm
Wells Sterling Montana Charm
Treasure State
Treasure State

State Nickname Meanings - Michigan - Minnesota - Mississippi - Missouri - Montana

  • Michigan - In the 1800s Michigan and Ohio settlers fought over a strip of land.  The Ohio residents thought the people were as vicious as a wolverine.
  • Minnesota - Named the Gopher State after the striped gopher which is common in the state.
  • Mississippi - The Magnolia tree is the state tree and the bloom is the state flower, hence Mississippi is called the Magnolia State.
  • Missouri - A state representative in the legislature gave Missouri the nickname the Show Me State because of the people's stubbornness and common sense.
  • Montana - Called the Treasure State because of the mining industry.

Nebraska - Nevada - New Hampshire - New Jersey - New Mexico - State Map harms

Wells Sterling New Hampshire Charm
Wells Sterling New Hampshire Charm
Granite State
Granite State
Wells Sterling New Jersey Charm
Wells Sterling New Jersey Charm
Garden State
Garden State

State Nickname Meanings - Nebraska - Nevada - New Hampshire - New Jersey - New Mexico

  • New Hampshire -  Named the Granite State after the granite mines in the state, also it's the official state rock.
  • New Jersey - The Garden State got it's name because it's like a barrel with a vast amount of good things to eat inside.

New York - North Carolina - North Dakota - Ohio - Oklahoma - State Map Charms

Wells Sterling New York Charm
Wells Sterling New York Charm
Empire State
Empire State
Wells Sterling North Carolina Charm
Wells Sterling North Carolina Charm
Tar Heel State
Tar Heel State
Wells Sterling North Dakota Charm
Wells Sterling North Dakota Charm
Flickertail State
Flickertail State
Wells Sterling Ohio Charm
Wells Sterling Ohio Charm
Buckeye State
Buckeye State
Wells Sterling Oklahoma Charm
Wells Sterling Oklahoma Charm
Sooner State
Sooner State

State Nickname Meanings - New York - North Carolina - North Dakota - Ohio - Oklahoma

  • New York - George Washington called New York "the Seat of the Empire" and the name stuck.
  • North Carolina - Called the tar heel state because of the tar, pitch, rosin and turpentine exported from the state's pine forests.
  • North Dakota - Named the Flickertail state after the squirrels that flick or jerk their tails before they run away.
  • Ohio - Ohio is nicknamed the Buckeye State because of the buckeye trees once covered the countryside.
  • Oklahoma - Early settlers of the Sooner State moved to there before the land was legally available, called sooners because they arrived too soon.


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Oregon - Pennsylvania - Rhode Island - South Carolina - South Dakota - State Map Charms

Wells Sterling Pennsylvania Charm
Wells Sterling Pennsylvania Charm
Keystone State
Keystone State
Wells Sterling South Carolina Charm
Wells Sterling South Carolina Charm
Palmetto State
Palmetto State

State Nickname Meanings - Oregon - Pennsylvania - Rhode Island - South Carolina - South Dakota

  • Pennsylvania - At a Jefferson political rally he referred to Pennsylvania as "the keystone in the federal union," and it became the Keystone State.
  • South Carolina - SC is the Palmetto state because the Sabal Palm is the official state tree.

Tennessee - Texas - Utah - Vermont - Virginia - State Map Charms

Wells Sterling Tennessee Charm
Wells Sterling Tennessee Charm
Volunteer State
Volunteer State
Wells Sterling Texas Charm
Wells Sterling Texas Charm
Lone Star State
Lone Star State
Wells Sterling Vermont Charm
Wells Sterling Vermont Charm
Green Mt State
Green Mt State
Wells Sterling Virginia Charm
Wells Sterling Virginia Charm
Cavalier State
Cavalier State

State Nickname Meanings -Tennessee - Texas - Utah - Vermont - Virginia

Tennessee - Was given the nickname the Volunteer State during the war of 1812, when volunteer soldiers helped win the Battle of New Orleans.

Texas - Called the Lone Star State because of the star on the 1836 flag of the Republic of Texas.

Vermont - French explorer Samuel de Champlain called this state Verd Mont, meaning green mountain.

Virginia - Called the Cavalier State, this nickname is derived from the supporters of King Charles (Cavaliers) who came to Virginia during the English Civil War.

Are You Interested In Vintage Charm Collecting?

This Is The Best Book For Learnging About Charms and Charm Bracelets
Charms And Charm Bracelets: The Complete Guide

Virtually every American woman has a charm or two tucked away somewhere or has inherited a charm bracelet from a relative. Charm collecting has grown into a competitive and popu...

$32.0  $19.99

View on Amazon

I've been collecting vintage charm bracelets for about 10 years and Charms and Charm Bracelets, The Complete Guide, written by Joanne Schwartz is by far the best research book on the market. I belong to a group of collectors and this book was written by one of the members.  Additionally most of the photographs are of a member's extensive collection.  There are dozens of drool-worthy color pictures and the commentary guides the reader through charm collecting for over a hundred years.  The book also has history of manufacturers and examples of American vs European charms.

Washington - West Virginia - Wisconsin - Wyoming - State Map Charms

Wells Sterling Washington Charm
Wells Sterling Washington Charm
Evergreen State
Evergreen State
Wells Sterling West Virginia Charm
Wells Sterling West Virginia Charm
Mountain State
Mountain State
Wells Sterling Wisconsin Charm
Wells Sterling Wisconsin Charm
Badger State
Badger State
Wells Sterling Wyoming Charm
Wells Sterling Wyoming Charm
Equality State
Equality State

State Nickname Meanings - Washington - West Virginia - Wisconsin - Wyoming

Washington - Nicknamed the Evergreen State after the abundant evergreen forests.

West Virginia - West Virginia is the Mountain State because of the Appalachian mountains that run through it.

Wisconsin - Called the Badger State after the official state animal.

Wyoming - The Equality State is where women were first allowed to vote, hold public office, and serve on juries.


Updated: 08/21/2014, fitzcharming
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fitzcharming on 08/19/2014

Great idea Telesto - thanks.

Telesto on 08/19/2014

I think that's lovely. Perhaps you could write an article on how the different states got their nicknames?

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