Vintage With A Twist | A Family Endeavor

by mandeesears

Vintage With A Twist is a new, family owned booth space located in the J.W. Riley Antique Mall in historic Greenfield, IN. Come to our vintage blog to see what's up!

What do you get when you combine a mother and her love or antiques, a sister crazy about primitives, another sister enamoured with all things retro and my vintage loving self?

Vintage With A Twist -- A very eclectic booth full of history, fun re-do's and a genuine appreciation of items from yesteryear.

It's all in the Family

Vintage With A Twist

Vintage With A Twist LogoOur vintage blog hosts articles about everything vintage, pictures from the booth, stories from our treasure hunting adventures, articles about collectible items (Depression Glass, Viking Glass, Ephemera, etc...) and photos of some of the cool vintage items available at our booth. 

Yup, a mother and her three daughters are having a blast sharing their creativity, treasure hunt finds and giving new life to some worn out pieces from the past. 

It all started with Mom...

in more ways than one

Mom-Vintage with a twistMom is a gem. I like to think when God created her, he broke the mould. She is one of the most giving, caring, loving life people I have ever known. She has had a rough road in her life in many different ways but always has a positive, reality driven attitude.

When she gets that look, we all know to stand back. She's about to accomplish something someone told her she couldn't do -- and succeed to boot. 

Mom is a coal miners daughter from the hills of Kentucky. And though her marriage has taken her all over this country and beyond, her western Kentucky family roots and values are strong.

Named after her grandmother, mom came about her love for antiques (glassware and furniture primarily) from her mother and grandmother. She and her sister grew up in a hard working family that instilled an appreciation for quality workmanship.

Mom-vintageHer sister has been in the antique business for 30+ years. Though they live thousands of miles
apart, they love to get together and take driving trips. They stop at every antique mall, yard sale and auction house they pass along the way while enjoying their short visits together.

Mom loves old oak dressers, chests, wash stands and other pieces that remind her of her childhood. She also collects Fostoria American pattern and Jewel Tea Autumn Leaf pattern dishes.  

Daughter #1

I used to love saying the "oldest"... not anymore

Record Cabinet VintageI was born into the family in Flordia in the mid sixties, arriving a short 15 months after my brother. 

I have been told by numerous people I am an old soul and was born in the wrong decade. I have always had a love affair with things from the 1940's, 50's and 60's. I am a Frank Sinatra fan through and through. 

I love the patriotic era of the 1940's, the fun loving 1950's and the Rat Pack - Lounge Singers era of the early 1960's. Mid century modern furniture is some of my all time favorite. I love the introduction of sleek lines in contrast to the more frilly Victorian style.

Mandee at Vintage With a TwistI love that I can take a once loved piece of furniture and give it a new life with color or changing the purpose so that it is re-born into a second useful life while still keeping the intigrity of the original piece.

I also love Viking Art Glass, and in particular, the Epic Line. The vibrant colors and absract shapes are fun. This endeavor is a labor of love for me!

Antique Books, Collectible Books

Very Useful Guides
Warman's Antiques & Collectibles 2012...
Only $3.33
Kovels' Antiques and Colectibles Pric...
Only $2.35
Toys & Prices 2011 (Toys and Prices)
$10.49  $40.91

The Middle Daughter

The Red Head!

Guernsey-milk-vintageMy next youngest sister came along two years after me. She was born in the "Golden State" of California. 

Deb is raising the third of her 3 boys. She likes to grow a huge garden along with her husband. They keep chickens, a couple of cows, hunting dogs and a lot of other animals on their farm.

She cans her vegetables, cooks from scratch and loves primitive decor. Her husband is very talented as well, building cabinets and other pieces of furniture from reclaimed barnwood, and refurbishing once loved treasures. 

debbie vintageThey bring a sense of the past, almost Little House on the Prairie, to our booth with their additions of hunting paraphernalia, old pot bellie stoves, handmade playhouses and barns and antique rocking chairs. It's fun to see the bounty from their treasure hunting when they add something new to the booth. 

We recently added a couple of "mink stretchers" from Deb and Tony. They were in the booth a total of about 20 minutes and were snatched up. I didn't even know what a mink stretcher was! Goes to show that when you combine a few different tastes, you can truly end up with something for everybody!  


The Youngest Daughter

and the Hippest!

Retro Art GlassHeather was born in Illinois almost eight years after me. She is a very talented person in more ways than one. She has a wonderful husband as well as a daughter and son that keep her hopping. 

On the side, she plays around with decorating anything that doesn't move. She has a natual eye for design and comes up with some of the coolest, unique and different designs and uses for vintage and retro items. For a time, she owned an operated her own store specializing in this talent and won over a devoted following.

locker-bed-vintageToday, while running her kids around to dance, soccer and school functions, she still fiddles with redesigning and refurbishing old treasures. Her favorite era is the retro modern era of the 1960's and 70's. Yes, she likes orange and avocado green -- she makes it look chic, with it and up to date.  

Heather brings a taste of retro-modern to our booth space, completing a very eclectic selection with something for everyone. 

J.W. Riley Emporium


The J.W. Riley Emporium is located in beautiful downtown Greenfield, IN on Main Street. Main Street is also the National Historic Road, U.S. Highway 40. We are one block from the town square at:

107 W. Main Street, Greenfield, IN 46140

Carol owns the mall and runs it with her son, David and his wife Amber. They are so welcoming, knowledgeable and just all around fun people.

The Emporium is named for one of the city's most famous residents - James Whitcomb Riley. Each year in October, The Riley Festival is celebrated bringing hundreds of thousands to town to enjoy the parades, craft booths, antique malls, food, and more while celebrating the birthday and life of the "Hooiser Poet".

This year the festival takes place from October 6th to October 9th. 

J.W. Riley Antique Mall

Greenfield, Indiana

Indiana Bound

If you are ever in the area, stop by and see us! Or, you can keep track of our ongoing saga at our vintage blog by joining our email updates. 

Either way, we are a fun bunch and when family  is involved (and 4 girls, no less) it's bound to be interesting! 

Vintage With A Twist
Vintage With A Twist
Updated: 07/31/2012, mandeesears
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ajgodinho on 01/19/2012

This is so wonderful to be able to do it together. Vintage with a Twist is definitely unique and special. Wishing you all, much success and blessings!

KarenTBTEN on 09/06/2011

It's cool that that's a family affair -- and that you even have that hobby in common. In many families, folks live in different worlds.

PeggyHazelwood on 09/02/2011

How fun! Sounds like a great way to have fun together and support your vintage habit!

mandeesears on 09/02/2011

Thanks ladies! Glad you enjoyed it and hope/wish we could meet too!

ohcaroline on 09/02/2011

What a great new venture for you...and even better to share it with your family. Your little "store" looks wonderful...nice touches. Who knows...maybe I'll be in your neck of the woods and pop in! Nice article on it.

petunia on 09/02/2011

I certainly enjoyed meeting your family and learning more about you today. I wish I could visit your booth, too!

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