Visually Impaired Vets Realize Importance of Manual Skills

by teddletonmr

With a little help U.S vets can learn to live with vision loss, strengthen manual skills, perform everyday tasks, and regain independence. Learn how now.

From one vet to another I really do understand how you, your friends and family must feel about vision loss. Let me assure you, sooner or later, vision loss can easily have a negative impact on our lives, the way we view the world and things going on around us when we allow it. I think we will all agree, the truth of the matter, many folks like you and I feel out of sorts when faced with the realization, our sight loss is never going to return or get any better.
Adding to our frustrations we must deal with the realization our sight will get worse instead of better as life goes on, and we age gracefully. Follow along as we have a conversation why we should keep a positive attitude, stay mentally sharp, and strengthen our manual skills, dexterity so we will feel good about maintaining our self-reliance.

Importance of Manual Skills

Maintaining Dexterity, Hand and Arm Strength do more than Simply Make Loosening a Jar Lid Easier

For a visually impaired person learning to live with sight loss, discovering how our sense of touch, hearing and yes even our sense of smell has more meaning. That is not to say we suddenly develop hyper sense of touch, bionic hearing or, a heightened sense of smell. Oh no, we simply learn to trust and pay closer attention to things we touch, hear and smell.

How Your Senses Help

The five senses come into play more now than ever as visual challenges develop our senses help out in many ways.

Who knew, tactile clues, different sounds and aromas provide we humans with far more useful information than we ever took into consideration before sight loss changed our lives. Let’s face it, how often have you found yourself quickly pulling your hand away from something too hot to handle, looking in the direction of a loud noise let’s say a siren, or how about fallen victim to the sweet or savory smells of your favorite foods, fresh baked bread, cakes, cookies or garlic bread come to mind.

I believe you will find it easy to understand, how using the power of these manual skills as a way of dealing with the challenges of vision loss. After all, for someone learning how to deal with their sight loss, learning to use and trust new ways of doing things and overcoming the many day to day challenges life throws our way a good thing indeed.   


Limitless Options for Visual Impairment

There are so many things the visually impaired can do, if you're interested in it, you can do it.

With the amazing training and new found skills taught at the Hines VA hospital Blind Center for veterans it's amazing what you can do. Veterans find new hobbies and finely tune old ones with the patient help of the VA hospital blind rehab training staff.

Updated: 09/25/2012, teddletonmr
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teddletonmr on 10/07/2012

@katiem2 thanks for showing an interest in the many challenges folks dealing with low vision encounter every day. I believe it safe to say, at one time or another. We have all witnessed a visually impaired person doing their best to move around in unfamiliar surroundings.
Suffice it to say, I feel as caring, responsible members of our communities. There are those among us that feel obligated to help our neighbors, anytime it is obvious to us they really could use our assistance, a helping hand if you will in their moment of need. The thing that gives most of us reason to pause, knowing how and when we should help.

@sandyspider thanks for sharing your thoughts, by the way, enjoyed your article .

Thanks Katie, and Sandy, Make it a great day:) Mike

sandyspider on 10/06/2012

This so wonderful to read about the importance and awareness of the visually impaired.

katiem2 on 09/26/2012

This is so inspiring. You've brought a whole new awareness to me, thank you. I feel inspired to get on with life and enjoy several hobbies and interest I let go by the way side. You are indeed a very good inspiration. :)K

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