I started doing research on all types of baby supplies when I was just 14 weeks pregnant with my daughter. I was insane! Reading up on every baby product in existence because my every day life. What is the best diaper cream? What is the best diaper brand? Do I need a stroller? Is this carseat safe enough? How much clothing of every size from newborn to 12 months does she need?
You know what I didn't think much about? Bottles. I only needed a few anyways. I was going to be breastfeeding super mom! Forget formula!
Turns out it didn't happen that way. I absolutely hated breastfeeding, I had low supply, my baby didn't want to latch, I was having incredible pain from her bad latch, and my daughter happened to have a lip tie that made it hard to breastfeed anyways.
Next thing I know....I need bottles! Let's run to the store and just pick out the first bottle our eyes land on! I know nothing about bottles as that's the one thing I spent no time looking up.
I ended up getting my baby girl attached to the WORST bottle ever....and now she won't take any other bottle. So I want to help inform other parents to be (or even second or third time moms) of our journey through a dozen (literally!) different baby bottles and how I felt about them....despite the fact that my baby girl didn't take any of them. Here are five of the different bottles we tried and how I felt about them.