Have you ever taken a selfie? People take selfies for various reasons; one of the most important is that the image records special times and places the author has been. They are not unlike initials carved in old trees that say, "I was here". For some artists, their need to self-record goes deeper. van Gogh was working through his emotional issues, and Frida Kahlo recorded the changes throughout her life. Why do you take selfies?

What is the Point of an Artist Painting a Selfie
by Jo_Murphy
Playing a significant role in the artworld throughout history, artists' self-portraits record what artists looked like. For the artist, they can be playful self-examination.
Self Portraiture - journalling that records and assists with change
Visual journaling records changes to an artists life and the resulting changes to artistic style
In my last exhibition, portraiture played an enormous role in the storytelling of my transition in to retirement as a grey nomad.
For the most part, I was chronicling a transition to telling the story of a small outback town, Cunnamulla, becoming my home.
Behind the scenes I was getting ready to transition to a retirement based on painting and travel writing.
The first self-portrait Grey Nomad, begged the question, "Can I fit in here?" and the second Family Reflections captured the level of family support I needed to make the momentous change.
So then, self-portraiture can be a form of journalling that records and assists with transition.
Family reflections and much, much more
Family connections are very complex networks - but - a picture can say a thousand words
If you notice the reflections on the lens of these sunnies- you will see two of my nieces.
This painting captures a time when Dani took me climbing all the way to the top of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Shannon joined me when painting the Opera House where she works as a manager, and of course, to Aida at the Opera House itself.
We also went with my sister to Opera on the Harbour and saw the majestic but tragic Madam Butterfly. You can see a suggestion of the opera house, the bridge and the ferry that took us to an outing at the beach.
So you see that an lot can be said just by painting one picture. For example, you can pick up on the contrast of age - nuf sed!
They place images such as this OPERA HOUSE AT NIGHT in context.
as I sit here in St George. I can reflect on the plans I made at that time. I had intended to paint an oval portrait of both Dani and Shan to place beside the portrait at the exhibition. I never quite got there -but - I did manage to paint the painting featured below.
If ever you wondered why artists paint self-portraits, you now know why. There are a wealth of information contained in the images that will reveal what was going on around the event of the exhibition.
This is the night we went to VIDA.
The story above places images such as this OPERA HOUSE AT NIGHT in context.
No thing is about one thing
A series of paintings can be about many things
I am soon to release a book called TeTe Trashes the School to Prison Pipeline.
In it a young prisoner, TeTe always asks himself, What more can I give? In this way, he hopes to become a better person and through a process of self examination, and of pondering life's complexities, escape the entrapment that often characterise prison life.
The philosophy of Martha Nussbaum provides advice about this way of thinking.
She describes a condition called Transitional Anger.
When I wrote TeTe's book, I didn't know what transitional anger was. And I didn't know that transitional anger is meant to be supervened by something more pure. You will need to read the book on release if you want to know what this supervenience might be.
The journey TeTe is on is one of self reflection - but - his self portraiture takes the form of writing, recording and publishing RAP.
Do we think of writing and song penmanship as a form of portraiture? I do. I regaurd Nassbuam's book Anger and Forgiveness: Resentment, Generosity, Justice as a self portrait too.
Anger and Forgiveness: Resentment, Generosity, Justice
![]() | Anger and Forgiveness: Resentment, Generosity, Justice |
What more can I give?
Artists contributing to society in their own way
I had the good fortune of meeting up with Jane Prior for a pleasant Christmas chat and she told me about the background of her series Crystal Kingdom. And yes - in a sense - her books are a self-portrait too.They capture her concern for the great mother earth, and simultaneously they capture the author's concern for children both now and in the future. Crystal Kingdom is a series meant to be read by carers (or older children) to a younger audience with the idea in mind of stimulating challenging conversations about the conservation of mother earth. The activities in the back of the books also stimulate thought and productive, healing action. In this sense Crystal Kingdom captures an image of Jane as a carer of the earth and of children. Find out about the Crystal Kingdom Series here.
Not only this, we gain insight into an old wiser muse. I asked her whether she would ever visit The Riverlights Festival in Cunnamulla, and indeed, I dared to ask her whether she would write a fantasy about our bountiful Warrego.
Tentatively, her answer was thoughtful. "I'll think about that!" she said. Maybe, I chipped in Cheesy and Dan might help you with background material.
Stayed tuned to this channel, you never know what might happen next.
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Yes, that kind of thing happens in Australia too. Lately, young people like to tag with spray cans as well. Sometimes there are turf wars.
Your introductory paragraph contains the interesting description of selfies as "not unlike initials carved in old trees that say, 'I was here'."
Unitedstatesians sometimes like to carve initials within hearts. Might that happen in Australia?
You are making me want to come to America!
Someday soon. I leave for Lightening Ridge with my sister and niece on the 12th of January. 2024. They do have opal hunts, and indeed, a festival did where they have planted opals worth a lot of money. I have yet to see whether I could get into the push and shove of that event. When I am there, I will see what the rules are.
There are Unitedstatesian black opals too!
In fact, the Virgin Valley mine in Nevada is known for its rare black fire opals!
Perhaps the owner-operators of the Bonanza and the Spencer opal mines respectively in Nevada and Idaho appreciate Lightening Ridge artistry.
The two afore-mentioned mines arrange for visitors to dig for their own opals.
So perhaps they know of the underground art at Lightening Ridge and might consider doing likewise with artists -- such as you? ;-D -- someday soon or not-so-soon?
It was discovered in 1902 in Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, Australia. Black opal is the name given to any opal that displays “play of color” with a dark or black body color. Black opal is the most valuable variety of opal. Black opal is also known to come from the United States, Ethiopia, Honduras, and Ethiopia. https://www.gemstones.com/gemopedia/b....
I guess I gave a lot more research to do!
Oh, I meant BLACK Opal - I'll go and do some research and come back. Just a tic
Online sources identify Unitedstatesian opal mines in Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington.
For one year, I lived in Salt Lake City, for its Family History Library resources. My sister temporarily moved to Arizona for studies.
So -- from my personal experience -- Arizona, Idaho, Nevada and Utah definitely possess opal mines.
Would eight states with opal mines be at all competitive with the (few or many) Australian mines?
It seems to be a strangely unique place with rare black opal, underground art gallery. and amazing hot springs I would say there probably is no other place like it in the world. Can't wait.