Learning to ride a bike is one of the many loved milestones of childhood. But bikes are difficult for your toddler to use. They don't have the coordination to use normal children's bikes. So they aren't safe for your toddler. Steering a bike and pedaling at the same time without crashing into objects (like trees or furniture) is also harder than we adults remember.
So it's best to buy a bike that has been especially made for toddlers. This is the safest option and will be the most fun for your child.
Thanks for the feedback Micheal :)
Recently, I just plan to buy a bike for my kid and your suggestion is great.
I'm glad it was helpful Angel. I've only seen the balance bikes around in the last couple of years. They're such a great idea :)
With four children, we have some bikes laying around in our yard. Our five year old just learned to ride her bike without the training wheels. Still have the 3 year old to teach. That balance bike really is a good idea. I have never seen one of those before. So thank you for showing me what is available!