The main health benefits of eating ferments include improved gut health, a stronger immune system, and better digestion. The balance of good and bad bacteria within your intestines is an essential step in maintaining good health overall. However, the problem lies in the fact that many of our modern foods cause digestive problems, which in turn can lead to poor health.

Why Eat Fermented Foods?
The health benefits of eating fermented foods are numerous and fermenting your own foods can be a great way to improve your overall health.
Fermented Foods and Probiotics
If you are experiencing health problems, it can be beneficial to include fermented foods, also known as ‘ferments’, in your diet because they will provide your body with probiotics – nutrients which aid digestion. Getting probiotics is essential, because these are the “good” bacteria that keep the bad bacteria levels under control.
By consuming ferments rich in probiotics, you will be promoting gut health in several ways. As mentioned, probiotics help keep a balance of bacteria in the gut. An overgrowth of bad bacteria can cause problems such as chronic diarrhea or constipation.
List of Fermented Foods
10 Foods Filled with Probiotics
Fermented Foods and Enzymes
A second benefit is the numerous enzymes and beneficial organisms produced during the fermentation process. They have antibiotic and anti-carcinogenic properties. In other words, the nutritional value of the food is enhanced.
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, the bacteria that cause food poisoning cannot live in the acidic environment of fermented foods. Organisms like those that curdle milk grow spontaneously and convert the natural sugars of the vegetable into lactic acid. As the environment acidifies, it becomes impossible for the food to spoil. There is no need to worry about botulism.
Foods for the Immune System
When you maintain gut health by eating fermented foods, you’re also strengthening your immune system. Much of your immune system is in the gut so maintaining the healthy balance of ‘good’ bacteria will help your body to fight off sickness. The flora in ferments actually protects the lining of the intestines and prevents harmful organisms from inhabiting the area.
Some foods create antioxidants during the fermentation process. Antioxidants fight harmful free radicals – the byproduct of metabolism. Reducing the number of free radicals will in turn reduce the risk of certain health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
Do You Eat Any of These Fermented Foods?
Do you include fermented foods in your diet?
Overall, there are many health benefits that can be gained by eating fermented foods on a regular basis. They’re easy enough to make at home and inexpensive. If you aren’t already including ferments in your meals, you’re missing out on a tasty way to improve your health.
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I like eating ferments because they keep me regular. They taste good too.
@DerdriuMarriner Yes, things like yogurt and kefir are fermented.
Non-dairy alternative milk and yogurt are what I favor. Would they be considered fermented drinks and foods?
@WriterArtist I agree. Fast food is making everyone unhealthy.
@blackspanielgallery I hadn't heard about that, but it doesn't surprise me. One more reason to eat ferments.
Are you aware if fermented foods might work with diabetes control? I read dill pickles help, along with other things like vinegar. I get the impression it is the acid in the vinegar lowering sugar levels. Is that correct?
I am a fan of pickle & yogurts. Indian meals has an essential course of curds/buttermilk at the end. Modern eating habits, fast food is changing the old trends. I totally agree on fermenting because it eases the digestion.