Basically meditation is a great way to release stress and tension, to give you peace of mind and clarity, and for some to transcend them to higher levels of consciousness. But that last part is only for a few who are mostly interested in the spiritual aspects of meditation and are serious practitioners for long time.
A look at meditation reveals that when you meditate, and you've been at it for any given time, your mind automatically calms down. Your thoughts slow down and the chit-chatter that is usually an ongoing part of you, remains behind.
And this is what we really want. Did you know that many people manage to actually relieve their tension headaches simply through meditation?
While not scientifically proven, there is enough anecdotal evidence to show that tension headaches are from too much stress, too much 'stuff' to deal with, too many thoughts that are fighting for attention in your mind. And that is not a good thing.
Meditation can easily remove all that stress and tension, and just by clearing your mind for the next 15 minutes, you've gained so much, it's incredible. The new ideas that come right after are usually pure and in many cases they present the solution to burning questions and problems.
It is just like when you are in deep sleep in the middle of the night, when conscious thoughts are not present, and you suddenly wake up with the solution to something that was burning you inside out for weeks at no end.
Which Is Your Favorite Meditation Technique?
Interesting insight into the topic and yes I do meditate through the medium of prayer.