Wizzley Review – Wizzing for a month
by DrDarko
After one month and twelve published articles, it is time to write my review of Wizzley and my current view of the site’s ease of use, earning potential and my plans for the future
Wizzley basics
Before I start with my Wizzley review, I will ask you to look at the statistics (from Google Analytics) on the left. With only 12 published articles, I received over 3,000 page views from over 2,750 unique visitors. This goes a long way towards proving the site’s potential.
Wizzley is a “revenue sharing” site. Revenue sharing system is really simple. We authors write content (articles) and in exchange, get a share of advertising revenue and do not have to worry about web site maintenance and design.
Unlike many other similar sites, Wizzley is not focusing only on Google AdSense revenue sharing. With Wizzley, you can also get a share of the revenue from AdSense, Zazzle, Amazon and AllPosters. The best thing about this is that you get to choose which advertising options are present on your articles. This makes Wizzley great for people who do not have AdSense account or had the misfortune of losing it.
Ease of use of Wizzley
Wizzley is extremely simple to use and if you know how to use Microsoft Word, you will have no trouble using Wizzley. Its editor allows you to format the text and customize it almost any way you want. A number of additional modules like Poll, Feed, Link list, Google Maps, YouTube, Images and many others are there to help you make your article more interactive and interesting for your visitors.
Zazzle, Amazon, eBay and AllPosters modules are easy to integrate and you have various customization options so you can make those ads as big or as small as you want. Having the possibility to split any module in half, and drag and drop positioning of various modules on page allows you to really make entire article look exactly the way you want it. There are a lot of other customization options available and you should really join Wizzley and try out everything.
I really think that Wizzley is not only a great income opportunity; it is also a great community featuring great people who are always ready to help you. Chef Keem will address and answer any question or uncertainty you have.
Some Wizzley rules
Quality requirements for writing at Wizzley are rather high. Your first five articles have to be manually approved by editors. Still, as long as you set high enough standards for yourself, you have nothing to be afraid of and you will never have to wait too long for that approval. After your first five articles are approved, all later posts will be auto-approved but you will still be monitored so please, do not abuse the system.
Make your articles at least 400 words long, make them original (never copy content from other sites), use good enough grammar and spelling and your article will be approved. Avoid placing too many links to other sites within your articles since this could be considered spamming and, after all, you want people reading your articles not sending them elsewhere.
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Wizzley and SEO
It appears that Google loves Wizzley. Google indexes all articles posted here in only an hour or two. In addition, if you did your keyword research right, your article will usually start featuring on the first page of Google search results. If you only perform adequate keyword research and on-page SEO, you almost need not do anything else.
Although I have created only a few back-links to my articles and posted them only to few social bookmarking sites like Reddit and Digg, my Wizzley articles constantly receive more and more visits from Google search as you can see in the graph below.
With average time on site of 3:38, I guess that any visitor from Google took time to really read my article. Of course, majority of my visitors came from Reddit but since all 12 of my Wizzley articles are less than one month old, 300 hits from Google search engine is a great number.
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Wizzley’s earning potential
First, let me tell you that I have made money with Wizzley during my first month here, and that with only 12 published articles. How much did I make? Well... $0.63. I know that you think that this is nothing but on most other revenue sharing sites you must have at least 50 articles before you see you first few cents. Also, I have not yet made anything with Amazon and other revenue sources. I have received a lot of clicks on my Amazon modules and who knows, I might still end up making some money from that.
However, the potential is clearly there. By focusing on promotion and not using Amazon and other opportunities only as an afterthought, Wizzley can be great for your affiliate marketing earnings. Also, AdSense earnings are definitely going to increase as the number of posted articles increases. Visits translate into income and if my number of visitors continues to increase at the current rate, I expect a big increase in earnings too.
My future plans
This site is great for both learning and earning and you will meet some great authors here. I plan to reach 100 posted articles some time during 2012 and maybe even reach that author rank of 100. After that, I will probably post an overview of my first Wizzley year and the rest will be history...
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Thanks. You reminded me that I'm on the right road, and I just need a few more articles to start seeing the pennies again.