Work At Home Dads

by pkmcr

How many times have you heard about Work at Home Dads? Less often than you will have heard about Work at Home Moms or WAHM's that's for certain! But yes Dads can Work at Home too

More often than not when people hear about someone working from home, they tend to think about it as something that Moms do. In fact there's even a term for them in "Work at Home Moms" or WAHMs.

There are websites that focus on these WAHMs. So where does that leave Work at Home Dads? You may have come across the term Stay at Home Dads, or SAHDs but to me that sounds a bit patronising or insulting, with an implication that Dads just sit at home, while with WAHM you get the suggestion that Moms are at home and Working!

There is common misconception that Dads can’t work from home. However, it’s just as possible for Dads to work from home as it is for Moms. Dads also have the same reasons for wanting to work from home as Moms. They want to enjoy a more flexible working schedule, avoid the daily commute and be more available to their families.

There’s no reason that men who want to be Work at Home Dads can’t have these same advantages.

Can Dads Work From Home?

Just because Dads may work from home doesn’t meant that they’re doing work which is substantially different from the work they might be doing in an office.

Many Work at Home Dads have a real estate business, a sales business or they do freelance work such as writing, building websites, affiliate marketing or other online marketing activity. Essentially, any work that is available for women to do at home is open to men if they qualify and of course they want it.

Some couples I know of, have Moms who work outside of the home while Dad works at home running a home based business or performs their work. This seems to work out quite well for them and their kids all seem to love it and are well adjusted!

I know some couples who have taken this a step further and decided to work at home together. They either work together on a home based business, running an online recruitment business, website creation business or doing affiliate marketing.

Work At Home DadsI also know some couples who perform different jobs but work together from their home office.

This may not be ideal for some couples as they do need that time away from one another. Sometimes couple find that if they are together all day every day their relationship can suffer.

But, if your house is large enough, it could be possible for both partners to work from there but in separate offices.

When you think about Work at Home Dads think about those professionals who work out of their homes or maintain home offices. You may already know counselors, dentists, doctors or accountants who have been doing it for years.

Think about that when you are next talking to someone about Working from Home. Parents that work from home can be either Moms or Dads. There’s nothing that says it can only be the Moms. Dads can and do enjoy working at home, too!

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Updated: 12/31/2013, pkmcr
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pkmcr on 07/13/2013

@MeadowLark thanks very much that is really kind of you and appreciate you taking the time to comment.

MeadowLark on 07/13/2013

I've been working at home part time since retiring. I've tried a few different jobs, and creating wizzley pages is one of my favorites. Nice article!

Sam on 02/12/2012

What about calling it WAHP (work at home parent or person)? Would be gender neutral and wouldn't exclude people without kids ;-)

marciag on 10/23/2011

That's a great idea and useful thoughts to ponder about if you're thinking of becoming a stay and work at home dad.

TerriRexson on 06/26/2011

Our plan is to have both of us working from home in a few years. I'm taking the plunge first, but my partner would like to be a work at home dad. He's just as involved with the kids as me. Definitely a great topic to raise awareness on.

GonnaFly on 06/19/2011

Only as a Mum - and I'm loving it. I would not want to back to work outside the home again!

ameliejean on 06/14/2011

Nicely written. Anyone can work at home, if they are willing to work hard and accept it's not always the easy route.

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