Writing an eBook For The Kindle
by brlamc
Want to know why as a writer you should be writing an eBook for the Kindle? Find out how the Kindle can kick start your writing career in this article.
eBooks Publishing for Authors
In the past if you wanted to become a published author you needed to find an agent which in itself was a very difficult task. Agents didn’t accept just anyone, even if your manuscript was excellent. Agents need to do what is best for them and the publishers and were always looking for the “next big thing.” Authors would work tirelessly to produce books that would please the agents and often this lead to failure and frustrations. The traditional publishing world hasn’t changed much but with the birth of the Internet comes new opportunities for authors in the realm of what we call eBook publishing. Now an author doesn’t have to go through the headaches of traditional publishing but can instead release a book though the Internet as an eBook and make sales. Amazon offers a way for authors to do this with their Kindle Direct Publishing and others are offering these features too. Now you can become published and bypass the problems associated with the traditional publishing method.
eBook Guides
How to Write & Sell Simple Informatio... | How To Publish An Ebook On A Budget -... | Make Money Online-Write and Sell EBoo... Only $23.98 |
Why eBooks for Authors?
Why would anyone want to write an eBook for the Kindle or any other platform for that matter? The Kindle offers a unique opportunity for writers at this point in time because the device is gaining in popularity. Now writers have a voice for all those old manuscripts that were rejected time and again by regular publishers due to the fact that they “weren’t the right fit for us.” Authors can now take their works and find an audience online that is difficult to find in the real writing world. Even if you’re an excellent author it often comes down to luck and the mood of the agent. Now as an author you can take your love of writing and get it out into the real world where people can read your work and you can make some money doing what you love. Writers don’t have to agonize over waiting for that next rejection slip or suffering the heartache of “just one more submission” and I’ll make it. Whether you’re a fiction author or a non-fiction author you can have your voice heard and finally make it in the business which for so long has made it difficult for even the best authors in favor of the next best thing.
Kindle eBook Readers
Kindle Fire, Full Color 7" Multi-touc... Only $199.00 | Kindle Touch, Wi-Fi, 6" E Ink Display... Only $27.00 | Kindle Touch 3G, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 6" ... Only $40.75 |
A Simple Publishing Process
With a word processor or easy Kindle book publishing software you can create your eBook and have it ready for publication. You will want to have a cover designed and get the book edited by someone or if you like you can do this yourself. You don’t want to publish a poor quality eBook since this will bring down your reputation as a serious author and you won’t make sales. Once your book is ready you can use a blog, website or social media to market your work and bring you fans of your work. Once the book is published you are free to go back and revise and edit it as you see fit to fix any mistakes along the way you may have missed. In the real publishing world once your book is published that is it.
Best of Both Worlds
Now of course the real writing world has tremendous advantages and you can find a lot of fame with a good book deal from a publisher. As an author you can publish eBooks as well as send submissions to agents and still make some money while you’re waiting. When you write eBooks you can write as many as you like and have your books instantly published for the world to see and gain some income while waiting for your big break in the traditional writing world. Writing an EBook for the Kindle can kick start your writing career and bring you that income you want for your hard work.
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I have written three so far. For the most part I like it. Just leave them there and write more.
Ah eBooks for Kindle, now that is a GREAT idea - and don't forget Nook too ;)