Writing for the Quick Buck - Clickworker

by Sam

Clickwoker offers online jobs for writers and pays weekly (via Paypal) or monthly (into your Bank Account). It is free to join and the average income, per hour, is $13.

Sometimes life happens and an unexpected bill turns up and you need some extra cash quickly. If you only start searching for a new source of extra income when that happens it might be a bit late. So, what are good places to know about and to keep a free membership with so that you can make quickly extra cash when this unexpected bill turns up? One of this places is ''Clickworker. The following article will explain to you how it works, what the typical jobs are, how to qualify for and find the best jobs, how much money you can make with them and how you get paid. And if you have any further questions, just leave them in a comment at the end of this article and I will do my best to answer them ;-)

No time to read my rambles? Want to try it out for yourself?

Click banner below to sign up with Clickworker instantly!

If you don't want to work - or dream of getting rich over night - Read This First!

One word of caution, writing content or doing research work for others is hard work. And it only pays out once! If you want to create a more semi-passive form of income work on your own sites and projects or sign-up here on Wizzley. Writing as a freelancer for sites like Clickworker can be boring, repetitive and isn't really exiting at all - but if you have urgent bills to pay ...

They also do require a high standard of writing, so, if you do want to keep this freelance job, submit only your best work, good enough is not good enough for them!

How much Money can you make with Clickworker?

That is what everybody wants to know first, how much money you can make and if you get paid in time and when ;-) First the money question:

Clickworker pays depending on the difficulty and size of the project different rates. Here some actual examples. Please bear in mind that I am in Europe, so my Clickworker currency is set to Euro (1 Euro is approximately $1.25) and yes, you can work for them from anywhere in the world, see next paragraphs. Now some examples of rates they do pay for different types of work:

Researching products and writing compiling product descriptions between 200 and 250 words:

Euro 3.50 (~$4.40).

Writing short category description of 20-35 words: Euro 0.22 (~$0.28)

These are only two examples, but if you have a look at what other similar places pay their freelance writes this is actually above average! As an indication on how much you can make by hour, the mini tasks can normally be completed in a minute or so which means by completing the short descriptions project mentioned above you can make between around $14 or 11 Euro per hour.

How much you can make with more elaborated content writing projects depends on how familiar you are with the topic and how quick you can type without compromising quality. I think four quality articles are perfectly possible per hour if you know your topic and the articles are maximum 250 words long. Taking the other example I gave you that would translate to around $17.50  or 14 Euro per hour.

How do you get paid and when?

As I mentioned already, it doesn't matter where you live, there are only two conditions for clickworkers: Delivering high quality work and being able to receive your payment ;-) Clickworker pays weekly into a Paypal account or monthly into a bank account (provided that account is in a SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) country. And yes, they do pay on time, but only for projects that have been completed at least one week ago. Another reason to get started with them rather sooner than later ;-)

How to get started

Signing up and taking your first tests.


First you will need to sign up, here the >>>SIGN-UP LINK<<< again and fill out your profile including your payment info. Here some extra tips:

If you are really good in a language other than your mother tongue you will need to set this language also as your 'native' language in your profile, otherwise you will not see any projects / assignments for it. Only do this if you can write in said language on a very high level!

When filling out your profile select as many options in the interests, hobbies, experience ect fields. The more you select here, the more potential projects and assignments will be open to you.

Before you can start working you will need to successfully complete a few tests to assess your abilities. Do them as thorough and perfect as you can, they do influence what kind of jobs you can do later on!

Typical tests:

  • Basic language test for your 'native' languages: Normally pretty easy, you have to do a 'cloze test' and fill in the missing words.
  • Advanced language test: This consists of writing a short article, between 90 and 120 words, on a given subject. Take great care with that one as not only grammar and spelling are evaluated, but also how closely you followed the instructions and how creative your article is.
  • Proof reading test: If you have completed the first two tests successfully you can proof now that your language skills are good enough to be a proof reader.
  • Other tests: Sometimes other tests are available which may help you to qualify for new projects etc. Always take all tests, called assignments, and try to do them as best as you can. The more you complete, the more jobs are available to you that you can choose from!

What, Who, Why, Which, When.

Some things you might want to know about a company called Clickworker.

Clickworker was founded in 2005 in Germany, but has since 2010 expanded into other countries like Switzerland and the USA.

At the time of writing (2012) over 250,000 people from over 70 countries use their platform to get freelance jobs and when I checked last time there were 150,000 jobs available!

Clickworker pays set prices which you know before even starting a job, no bidding on jobs here.


Yes, I have tried out Clickworker for myself, both for research purposes for this article and to have 'yet another tool' in my make money online box ;-) It is an established company that is here to stay, pays on time and always has work available for qualified writers.

The links in this article, including the banners, are affiliate links. If you sign up via one of them with Clickworker AND earn money with them!, Clickworker pays me a commission. ;-) Therefor, thanks for using my links!

Updated: 08/26/2012, Sam
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cmoneyspinner on 01/31/2014

Useful info. Thanks.

VioletteRose on 01/17/2014

Very helpful information, thank you so much!

Sam on 01/17/2014

The minimum payout for Paypal is $1 (no joke ;-) and yes, you can choose what you want to work at.

CeresSchwarz on 12/18/2013

Clickworker sounds interesting and appears to be a pretty good way to earn some quick cash. I'll have to check it out sometime.

You mentioned that you can get paid either via PayPal or by bank account but is there a minimum amount of money that you must have earned before getting paid? Do you get to choose what kind of work you do in Clickworker?

WriterArtist on 05/13/2013

It looks good enough for people who are good at English. Another advantage is - it is open to people from other countries as well.

Sam on 04/16/2013

You are welcome ;-)

thegoodvillager on 04/16/2013

Thanks for providing resources for non-Americans! There are a few out there ;)

katiem2 on 03/30/2013

I've signed up as I know a few people who may find this helpful, students in fact, honors, AP and IB Language Arts students who no doubt could writer circles around me. They are college bound soon and old enough to begin working. I'm thinking this may well be a good life lesson for them to stay motivated and working for the big prize fulfilling their true potential all the while learning how hard it is for some to earn a buck yet earn some money for themselves as they focus on their studies. Just thinking out loud... ????

BrendaReeves on 03/23/2013

Thanks for the info, Sam. I'm going to check them out.

Thamisgith on 11/18/2012

Thanks for the review Sam. Sounds like a good option to have for emergencies.

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