Are you having trouble getting started on your next article? Do you have writer’s block? Are you stuck with a blank screen and no ideas? There are stories in and around your house, just waiting to be told. If you’ll take a look around, you’ll see that there are enough ideas to keep you writing for as long as you wish!

Suffering From Writers Block? | Unique Ideas To Get You Writing Again
Are you having difficulty coming up with unique and original topics for your articles? Here are some tried-and-true ideas for your next writing assignment.
Look at the Walls in Your House!
Do you have a photograph or painting on display? Tell the story of where you got it, what it is about, and why you hang it on your wall.
I have a rattlesnake skin above my doorway. Originally, this rattlesnake skin hung beside the door, secured to the wall with thumbtacks. My husband caught the snake, skinned it, and tanned the hide. After he passed away, his best friend removed it from the wall, took it home, and mounted it on a board. It now has a place of prominence above my door, and reminds me of my husband each time I see it. From this same snakeskin, I’ve written an article entitled “How to trap wild animals”. I'm certain that other articles can come from this same rattlesnake.
![]() Mounted Rattlesnake Skin Country Sunshine |
Another photo on my wall is of planters I made out of my husband’s old boots. I wrote an article on another site on how to make planters of your own, and it is one of my most popular. I also took several photos of these boot planters, because I like the way they turned out. One of the photos was so good that it now has a place on my wall. When friends remark on this picture, I have a story to tell.
Your Furniture & Appliances
Where did you get your items, and why? Did you like the color and style? Was it a gift from a family member or friend? What are the best features and benefits of the piece?
My maternal grandmother gave me a 7-foot long antique couch. It held a prominent place in her living room for years, and it was not only comfortable, but quite stylish. When she moved into a smaller home, she gave it to me. I have toted this same couch to 3 different houses, and it now has its own place in my farmhouse living room. Several stories can be written from my memories of this couch: those about my grandmother, about places I’ve lived, and the emotional tie I have with this furniture.
My wood-burning stove was a gift from my father-in-law. He knew we wished to rid ourselves of the burden and expense of propane, so he gave us this stove for Christmas. Cutting wood keeps the body warm, keeps the fire going, and in turn, warms the house. This gift provided me with content for 3 articles: How to Split Firewood, How to Clean Glass Doors on Your Wood-Burning Stove, and The Best Wood-Burning Stove Accessories.
Your Kitchen
Your kitchen has enough content for articles to keep you busy writing for a long time. Ideas include your favorite recipes or foods, essential kitchen utensils, the best kitchen faucet or appliance, and cabinet organization.
Other kitchen topics include:
- Marble vs. granite counter tops
- How to store spices and seasonings
- Best products to clean the kitchen floor
- How to choose and replace cabinet handles
- Under cabinet lighting
- How to clean a sink
I have written several recipe articles, including my great-aunt Olive’s “Cranberry Pink Stuff”, my Mother’s “Homemade Potato Salad” and “Venison Spaghetti”. I’ve also shared my thoughts on the “Top 5 Essential Kitchen Utensils” that every cook needs.
A Bedroom Isn't Just For Sleep
Every person spends at least a third of their lives in their bedrooms.
Before you go to sleep, look around to see what your bedroom contains. Do you have a favorite mattress? Where did you purchase your linens? Do you recommend a chest of drawers, a dresser, or a vanity table? How did you choose your ceiling fan? What is hiding under your bed?
Other ideas for bedroom articles include:
- Tips for falling asleep
- Bed-side reading lamps
- Quilts vs. comforters
- Decorating ideas
- Best room-darkening shades
- Blinds vs. curtains
What Is Hiding In Your Closet?
Look inside your bedroom closet to see what it contains. Does it hold more than clothing and shoes? What is in your closet, why do you store it there, and how can you become more organized?
I have yet to write an article on what is in my closet. However, I do have some ideas to share:
- Closet organization
- Rotating seasonal clothing
- Cedar vs. moth balls
- How to store old uniforms or wedding dresses
- How to get rid of clothes you don’t wear
- Should your purse and shoes match?
- How to dress for a special occasion
- The pros and cons of high heel shoes
- Hats for every occasion
- Monsters and scary beings in the closet
The Bath or Washroom
Most people don’t like to think about bathrooms, but they are an important part of living.
There are many topics you can cover, from bath towels and mats to favorite body lotions. Open up your bathroom cabinets to see what they contain. From favorite soaps to cleaning solutions, to bandages and sore throat medicine, there are more than just bottles and towels inside! Other possibilities include articles about fixtures for your sink and tub, window coverings, and decorating ideas.
When I redecorated my bathroom a few years ago, I re-did the floors, painted the walls, and hung photos. I wrote an article called “Photos in My Bathroom” that told about the pictures I chose, and why. I also have an article entitled “How to Re-Caulk A Porcelain Bathtub”, since I re-caulked mine recently.
More Ideas
There are many more articles that can be written from items inside your house. All you need to do is open your eyes to get ideas:
- Look at your ceiling. Does it have popcorn texture? It is vaulted, or trimmed with crown molding? Explain how to remove the texture, paint the ceiling or add trim.
- Do you have cobwebs in the corners or dust bunnies under the couch? Write an article explaining where these come from and what you use to get rid of them.
- Have you ever replaced an inside door or doorknob? I wish I had instructions on how to remove a knob when I replaced mine.
- What is in your china cabinet or on your bookshelf? If you are a collector or reader, there is a story behind each item.
- Where do you put your keys or purse when you enter the house? Provide tips on how to remember where you’ve left these important items.
- Do you have a “junk drawer”? Tell a story about the items inside it, or give tips on becoming more organized.
- What type of flooring is in your house? Have you ever replaced carpeting with tile, or painted your floor? What types or brands of solutions, mops, brooms and carpet cleaners do you use?
One of the most important elements of an article is that it is original. If you use the ideas outlined here, you’ll find that they are both original and unique, because they come from your own personal point of view and experiences. After all, I doubt that you have a rattlesnake skin above your door, or a 7-foot antique couch like mine!
Copyright 2014-2017 L.C. Clifton / Country Sunshine.
Originally published October 22, 2014 on
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Have I given you any new ideas?
Recipes are always welcome. As long as they are your own or properly cited and allowed by copyright they make good reading. Just remember to include pictures. I believe that is the easiest for new writers, of all the things mentioned. They are easily formatted, and a template can be developed.
Hey, I love those boot planters! These are all good ideas. I usually get my ideas for writing as I look around the internet. I find things others might like to have, or know about, and then write an article.
Also, it's important to realize that not everyone knows what you know. We all have something unique to share.