Yandex (Яндекс) is available in country versions for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Turkey. It is currently the #1 best search engine in Russia. It has risen up the rankings of worldwide websites, and currently ranks about #23, according to Alexa. It also has an English language version: This is currently ranked around #7,000. The Yandex bot is independent of other search engine spiders, and you can add your URL to the crawl queue, using Yandex Webmaster Tools. This also has comprehensive information available for your site in its indexes and serps.
This search engine is one you should watch, and one where you should include your webpages., Best Search Engine: Russian, English
by humagaia
Yandex ru (Яндекс) is the best search engine in Russia and on of the best worldwide. It has a daughter site: in English. Yandex webmaster tools are...
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Search engine for English speakers run by Russian search engine has an ~#7,000 worldwide ranking with Alexa Traffic Rank. It is ~#400 in Kazakhstan, ~#1500 in Russia, ~#1700 in Ukraine, ~#1900 in Israel, and ~#2500 in Portugal. But these figure belie the fact that the parent site ( is a significant player in world search engine use (see below)
Approximately 2,800 sites link to the Yandex English version home page. Visitors mainly use this homepage (~77%), company details section (~9.5%, mainly because Yandex is now listed on NASDAQ [YNDX]), passport (~9.5%) and webmaster tools (~9.5%), when visiting the site.
Site demographics mirror that of, except that there is a marked increase in male visitors, and a marked decrease in female visitors, relative to the internet norm.
The countries from which Yandex English mainly obtains its visitors are: Russia (~21.5%), China (9%), US (~8%), India (~6%), Germany (over 5.5%), Kazakhstan (~5.5%), France (almost 4%), Ukraine (~3%), UK and Spain (~2.5% each).
Yandex (English version) English
![]() English Humagaia "Paint" screenshot |
Russian search engine for the Russian language speaking community is #23 in Alexa Traffic Rank worldwide. It is #1 in Russia, ahead of,, and The site ranks #4 in Uzbekistan, #7 in Ukraine & Kazakhstan, #8 in Belarus, #12 in Azerbaijan, and #289 in Germany. There are almost 300k sites linking to the Russian version of Yandex (Яндекс). Between 2.8% and 2.9% of daily global internet users visit it.
Visitors mainly access the homepage (82.5%), mail (~30%, Войти в почту), images (~16%, Картинки), pass (~16%), and news (~14%, Новости). The main search queries are: 'карта' (map, 10%), 'яндекс' (Yandex, ~8%), 'Yandex' (~5%), and 'карты' (maps, ~3%).
The site demographic show a marked positive, in relation to internet averages, for males, searchers under 35, home browsing, and for those with graduate level education. The demographic shows a marked negative for females, those over 35, lower education standards, and for those browsing from school or work.
As would be expected of a Russian language site, the majority of visitors are from Russian speaking countries.
Yandex (Russian version) Russian яндекс
![]() (in Russian) Humagaia "Paint" screenshot |
Data courtesy Alexa (2012/03/20)
Main Yandex Office Locations
Registered Office:
Yandex N.V.
Laan Copes van Cattenburch 52
The Hague 2585 GB,
Tel.: +31 70 3562237
Moscow Office:
16, Leo Tolstoy St.,
Moscow 119021,
Tel. +7 495 739-70-00
Yandex Offices And Jobs
There are offices in:
- Moscow
- Saint Peterburg
- Ekaterinburg
- Novosibirsk
- Kazan
- Rostov-on-Don
- Kiev (Ukraine)
- Odessa (Ukraine)
- Simferopol (Ukraine)
- Minsk (Belarus)
- Istanbul (Turkey)
- Palo Alto (California)
Vacancies: Вакансии
Яндекс Wiki
Yandex Wikipedia
Functions Homepage
The Yandex English homepage ( is minimalistic, just like Google homepage, except even more so.
Here you will find just:
- Images
Find images at - Video
Find videos at - Mail
Create an account at - Yandex worldwide
There are currently 4 additional country versions:
Belarus (
Kazakhstan (
Ukraine (
Turkey ( - About Yandex
Find corporate and investor information at
Functions (Яндекс) Homepage
The Yandex search home page has the following functions just above the search (Найти) entry box:
- Карты - maps
- Маркет - market
- Новости - News
- Словари - dictionaries
- Блоги - blogs
- Видео - video
- Картинки - images
The remainder of the home page is organised somewhat similar to Yahoo!, in that it is a bit overcrowded. There you can find:
information for your local area, weather (Погода), stock quotes (Котировки), TV schedule (Телепрограмма).
There are also Yandex categories:
Auto (Авто), Work (Работа), Market (Маркет), Real Estate (Недвижимость), Games (Игры), Beauty (Красота), Sport (Спорт), Learning (Учеба), Music (Музыка), Entertainment (Развлечения), Business (Бизнес), Recreation (Отдых), Home (Дом), and your local country websites (Сайты).
At the bottom of the home page there are:
russian keyboard (Русская клавиатура), support (Служба поддержки), jobs (Вакансии), about (О компании), and adverising (Реклама). Homepage
Translated to English
![]() translated to English Humagaia "Paint" screenshot |
Yandex Webmaster Tools
Submit website to Yandex
The English version of Yandex Webmaster Tools can be found at:
Here you are able to add site URLs to the Yandex search indexing queue, for inclusion in their databases.
Rest assured: I have checked that Wizzley has been included. You should see mention that it has indexed your pages by looking at your Wizzley analytics.
Add Url To Yandex Indexing Queue
Yandex Webmaster Tools
![]() Yandex Webmaster Tools Humagaia "Paint" screenshot |, Best Search Engine In Russia
Yandex now aiming at the world search engine market is the English version daughter of the best search engine in Russia:
Yandex (Яндекс) is becoming one of the major players in the world market after conquering the Russian language speaking search engine market.
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