Scrapbooks tell the story of your life as told by you. There are no right or wrong ways to tell your story. It's your story to tell exactly the way you want to tell it. You are keeping a record of your families life through pictures, thoughts and journaling. You can become a scrapbook artist in very little time at all. Here are 25 tips to get you started the right way and on the right foot. They will keep your creative juices flowing and get you on the right track.

25 Scrapbook Tips For Beginners
by linfcor
If you have decided to start become a scrapbook artist there are some essential things to know so that you start off on the right foot. Here are some great tips to get you started.
What You Need To Create Your First Scrapbook
Some thoughts on getting started the easy way !
1.I always recommend that everyone making their first scrapbook start out with a scrapbook kit. First of all it's very economical to begin with a complete kit as a package. The kits have an album that includes page protectors ( the pocket where your pages are held to keep them fresh. They also have all the paper that you need to create your pages. Most also include things like stickers, titles and embellishments. The only other thing you will need is a tape runner, a pair of scissors and an ink pen or two. Most of these kits even give you directions and ideas how to use the pages. You can get general kits for all occasions or themed kits. Themed kits come in all kinds of subjects like baby, wedding, birthday, sports and more. Kits also make great gifts for special occasions. If I am gifting a kit, I always include some double sided tape or a tape runner
Things You Need To Know About Scrapbook Albums
Getting Started With Albums
When you are shopping for albums, the first thing that strikes you are the choices that are available. So, here are some tips when you are thinking about scrapbook albums.
2. Most people prefer post bound albums. These are probably the most popular. They are easily expandable and come in a variety of prices and cover designs. Look for sturdiness and composition rather than design.
3. The materials that albums are made of run from chipboard all the way up to fine tooled leather. Consider the purpose of your album and how often it will be handled. For things like wedding albums, you might want to consider a better made album.
4. Most albums come with page protectors in them. On average about 10. each page protector holds 2 pages each. The paper that is included in the page protector is generally not strong enough to mount pictures on, but can be used for other things.
5. You should buy extra page protectors when you purchase your album, at least one extra set. This way you are prepared for all the inspiring ideas that you come up with.
6. Take a post-it note on the inside of your album with the information of the name, brand and size of the page protectors you may need. This way, you will be able to just take your note or copy the info when you need to shop for more page protectors
Scrapbook Kits Are An Easy Way To Begin Scrapbooking
Scrapbook Paper Tips
7. The scrapbook paper that is generally used for the scrapbook page is called cardstock. It comes in all types of solids and patterned papers.
8. The best way to buy cardstock is in stacks. Stacks are generally themed by type of paper, colors or tones as well as themes. Generally there are two pages of each type of paper in the stack so that you can make two pages facing each other in your album. These two pages are called a layout.
9. The best way to cut scrapbook paper is with a paper cutter. They range in price and style. There are simple cutters that utilizes replaceable blades. You can move up from there all the way into professional laser cutters. These cutters cut a clean line on all your projects
10.You can add some decorative edges to scrapbook paper with decorative scissors. They can be bought as a set or individually. They are inexpensive and can add a lot to your layouts.
11. Matting your photos is an easy technique to add dimension to your pages. You can by precut mats in stacks, which is always the most cost effective way to do it. or you can cut mats out of scrapbook paper, patterned paper or vellum.
12. Never throw away any pieces of paper that you might have left. Store them. You can use them is dozens of ways on future projects. Every scrapbook artist has a stash of paper bits saved for use later
Photo Tips And Ideas
13. Limit your photos to three at the most on each page, unless they are tiny photos
14. Crop your photos. That means cutting the extra unnecessary background that clutters your images. You can also crop them into shapes for your layouts.
15. If you are using patterned paper on your pages, add a photo mat- a solid color mat, between the photo and the patterned paper. That way the photo won't mesh into the pattern of the paper.
Designing Your Scrapbook Pages
16. Before you start gluing or taping your scrapbook page, lay everything out on the page to make sure that it all looks just the way you want it to look.
17. Groups of three of anything are pleasing to the eye. Remember, you don't want to clutter your pages to distract from your photos
18. When making a layout (two pages facing each other) you can carry the title between the two pages. A layout is two pages with the same theme. It's very nice to have a book that tells your story in a very organized method.
19. Journaling is an important part of telling your story. People love to read more than just a title. You can journal on the computer and print it out, but, it's always nicer to write in in your own hand.
20. Stickers add a nice touch to all your pages. There are stickers to cover every theme and they are relatively inexpensive
21. Don't go crazy critical about your art. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to scrapbook. You will create simple pages in the beginning and then gradually you can add elements.
22. Sign the back and date your scrapbook pages. Someone in the future will appreciate that thoughtful idea
More Tips And Ideas
23. Involve your children in scrapbooking. Make a family fun night. You can sit down together and work on pages. Sharing time together is a huge esteem builder.
24. Get your photos organized. This is a great project for an evening or a quiet Sunday afternoon. Organize them by year, theme or person.
25. Work at your own pace. Rome wasn't built in a day. Making scrapbooks is an ongoing project and hobby
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You go girl. I just finished two scrapbooks for my 35 year old son....For Christmas-all his childhood pictures. Now I am working on my daughter's pictures...lots of memories going out. I also have a scrapbook for each of my 7 grandchildren and one grandchild. Each of them will receive their scrapbooks before they are married. Good thing I am retired, LOL
These are some great ideas about making scrapbooks. I have a few projects I'd like to finish. You've inspired me to finish them.
Scrap book kits are a great way for new scrapbook artists to start their new hobby. It's also very economical to buy it as a package. Thank you. Appreciate your warm welcome
I've never seen a scrapbook kit. I agree it's a great idea to buy one if you want to experiment with scrapbooks. You have some nice suggestions on this page.
Welcome to Wizzley! :)