Shopping at thrift stores is nothing to be ashamed of, I am in there every other day. To me it feels like treasure hunting and sometimes you find a real treasure. There are ways to get the most out of your trips to these places, learn 3 ways to get better results when shopping.
These stores can have some real deals if you are lucky enough to find them, what I have learned should help you to save money and look good doing it.

3 Tips For Thrift Store Savings
by iggy
Learn to shop at Thrift Stores, save money and look your best. 3 tips I have learned through my experience that will help you.
Saving Money
In these times it feels harder to save money and get by, you have to find ways to get through life the best you can while saving money in the process.
One of the ways I do this is shopping at thrift stores, you would be surprised the deals you can find to save money and look good doing it. These stores can have stuff in them that should have been thrown away, at the same times they will have brand new stuff with the tags and labels on them. It was never used, probably bought as a present and did not fit or was not liked by the person receiving it. These are what I look for.
I also check these stores for anything I may be able to resell on Ebay or similar sites, I have made money this way.
Do's & Don'ts
There are tricks to shopping at thrift stores like anything else you do, learn these and your results will be better.
Things I will not but are underwear and shoes, I make exceptions when the shoes are brand new. I have found some really nice shoes. Hygiene products are never good to buy unless they are factory sealed.
Never buy mattresses in these stores, you could end up not sleeping alone. I personally do not like being woke up by bed bugs.
Electronics can be a risky purchase, you do not know if it works or how long it will work for. These stores are usually as is with no returns on anything so you need to be aware of what you are getting into. I will find a plug in the store and try it if possible, this gives you an idea if it works but you may not be able to check everything out. Buyer beware !
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Tip 1
Take Your Time And Look
Come prepared to be there a while, you have to take your time and go through everything to find the brand new stuff that no one ever used. Often these items will be in a rack that is to tight to search properly and that is why it has not been purchased yet, or it is just in a spot that keeps getting over looked. Maybe it was just put out on the floor and you are the first to see it. That is why you need to take your time and look, you want to look for the new items that still have tags or labels showing they are brand new. I have found 60 dollar jeans for 2.99 with the stickers still on them, I have found even better deals on shirts. Shirts and shoes are my weakness, I like them both and have more then I need.
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Tip 2
Visit Often
Things are put out in some stores all day long, you need to visit often to see the new things before they are bought. This gives you a better chance at seeing the new things that come in, you have a better chance of being in the right place at the right time by visiting often. Many times I will stop and do a quick walk through looking for new things, I try to spend time in there at least three times a week searching for good items and deals.
Remember I also look for things to resell online, I have even found good topics for articles like this one in the stores. These quick walk through's have turned up some good deals.
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Tip 3
Make Sure It Fits, It works, And You Want It
There are no returns in these stores, make sure what you are buying fits you and is in good condition. Look for damage and make sure it works. Many times I have seen something I liked but when I got it home it did not work in my house, I can usually resell it.
Clothing that is out of style is often found in these places, styles tend to come back into fashion and you can find things that make you look good. My friends have asked me many times where I find my stuff because they like it, you can dress well and look good if you take your time and find nice looking stuff in great condition.
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You can find some good furniture in these stores sometimes, most of the time it is junk. It is one of those being in the right place at the right time things. You have to be there when the stuff they just received is being put on the floor, the good things sell fast. I got a pair of end tables while they were putting them on the floor for sale. They just came in and I bought them. I do not buy things like couches that could hold bugs or fleas.
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Have You Ever Bought Furniture In A Thrift Store?
Look Good
You can be the envy of your friends by looking good and having new clothes, put together a wardrobe that is versatile and can be used to make thousands of outfits. Your friends will wonder how you can afford to look so fashionable all the time.
Sometimes getting out and shopping makes me feel better, this gives me plenty of shopping therapy for the money I spend. If you are like me and like to shop or it relaxes you then the thrift stores can be a good outlet for this. Relieve some stress, save money, and look good at the same time.
Saving Money
Saving money is just like making more, you have more at the end of the day to do other things with. If you start saving money in other aspects of your life you can start to save and build some financial security, maybe you are struggling and these tips can help to make life a little easier for you. Either way I hope I have helped you to have a better life, learning to not be wasteful can be the first step to have more money. I try to stretch things out and make them last longer. You can learn this and save by not replacing things so often.
Use Specials
The shop in my area has a card that gives 10% off after 10 purchases. Make frequent smaller purchases and when you get to redeeming them make a larger purchase of things you want or need.
They have color coded labels and the older stuff on display will be marked down by color, look for the color that is getting the deal and search them items.
For the seniors their may be a day that you are given an a percentage off. Shop on this day and get the money off while getting you card stamped for future savings.
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I would love to hear about your finds, time needs to be spent looking over every item to find that one special gem.
I have always envied my friends who as I say, "have the golden touch." I have a couple of friends who find high end designer clothes, coats, and handbags in thrift stores. They always say they find them in thrift stores but nothing more. Thank you kind sir for spilling the secrets to finding these deals. I have learned a few tricks I did not consider. I will come back and share any good finds I run across. I'm excited to go hunting for thrift store bargains. I live in a big city and we have lots of them.
iggy, Thank you for the tips, particularly about electronics, mattresses, shoes and upholstery. It's fun to get it right the first time but it's nice that the internet is around to sell something that still looks good, but just not on the buyer. It's also great when thrift stores provide discounts, since that's one of the ups of grocery shopping for coupons, discounts, fuel points, mark-downs and sales.