5 Keys to Lowering High Cholesterol
by wizpro
Get a handle on your cholesterol situation in a natural way.
Start with Your Doctor - if you have high cholesterol, you're going to be seeing a lot more of your family physician. It's absolutely essential that you form a strong relationship and feel comfortable with your current physician. With his or her guidance, you get the best advice available since this person already knows about your past medical history. It's important to know where you’re starting and to get regularly updated with your current cholesterol levels. This isn't something where you can gauge your progress on your own which is why you need to be comfortable with your doctor.
It can be a pretty scary experience when your doctor tells you that you have high cholesterol. A lot of people begin to panic and think about how they can overhaul their lives overnight. But dramatic changes are not always necessary, nor do you have to go the route of medical supplements. If you've got some time to work with, simple alterations in your lifestyle can work miracles for your cholesterol. Of course each situation is different, and more serious ones require faster action. This is why you have to think about an overall approach without panicking or doing anything too drastic. The better prepared you are, the greater chance that you'll get a handle on your cholesterol problem before it leads to future complications. The good news is you aren't alone and there are plenty of resources out there that can put you on a path back to better health.
Snack Smarter - some people are afraid of snacking because they associate it with weight gain or bad eating habits. But snacking can actually be one of the best things to keep you healthy if you know how to do it right. By choosing snacks that are healthy alternatives to high cholesterol foods, you can keep your metabolism going and prevent yourself from overeating later. There are also snack foods that can help to lower your levels while keeping you full of the same time.
Read Labels - education is one of the keys that will help you to get your health back. Chances are if you have high cholesterol levels, you haven't been a big fan of reading labels and the first place. Most people make food choices based on what they feel like eating in the moment without thinking about the future. Those days have to be put behind you, and shouldn't be too hard to start educating yourself on the elements that enter your system. Staying away from trans fats and saturated fats is one of the key elements to improving things.
Foods that Lower Cholesterol
Exercise - healthier living in general includes things like proper hydration, plenty of sleep, and reducing stress levels. And of course one of the most important element is exercise which can help you to lower your cholesterol as well. In general, if you stick to the rule of keeping your body healthy, you'll be doing your part to lower cholesterol in natural ways. You don't have to go overboard with strenuous types of exercise either since gradually boosting your daily exercise has benefits as well.
Cook Your Own Meals - in order to really get your cholesterol under control, it's important to put more power back into your own hands. Rather than handing your power over to restaurants or fast food establishments, you can start to cook your own meals and to determine your own destiny. Cooking is a wonderful way to understand your eating patterns and keep track of your cholesterol intake. It can also be an enjoyable activity over time as you learn healthier dishes that keep you away from high cholesterol foods.
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