5 (more) free Valentine gifts that will make your partner happy
by Michaela
No need to spend a lot of money for a great Valentine Day's gift for your partner! Here are 5 creative and thoughtful Valentine gift ideas that cost you (almost) nothing ...
You can find the first part of this article series on free Valentine gifts here:
Five free Valentine gift ideas
1) Personalized Valentine gift coupons
I was surprised to see personalized gift coupons – the do-it-yourself kind - listed among "worst Valentine gifts" in a recent article. I think that if done correctly, personalized gift coupons make a very thoughtful gift. You might not spend money on a do-it-yourself gift coupon for your partner but what you offer is even more valuable: Your time. Your work. Your effort. Your willingness to make your partner happy.
If given freely and generously, gift coupons can be a wonderful idea. It all depends on your attitude and your ideas: If you come up with activities your partner truly loves and appreciates, a gift coupon will be a very successful Valentine gift.
Maybe you would like to choose activities that your partner enjoys doing but you are usually not too fond of yourself: They will make a special treat for your partner!
For example, give him/her a coupon for:
- a night out with the boys/girls
- his/her favorite snack prepared while he/she is watching football/taking a bath
- free Saturday (no household duties)
- do-it-yourself massage (see below)
- join him for a sports game/join her for a shopping spree
You can find a great variety of free printable gift coupons - Valentine gift coupons included - here.
2) Handmade Valentine gifts
Women especially love handmade Valentine gifts. Why? - Even if they are not exactly equivalent to a poem or love letter, most handmade Valentine gifts ideas are more about symbolic meaning than about the gift itself.
They usually convey a message like this: I made this especially for you because I love you and care about you. Handmade Valentine gifts show a personal touch, some effort and creativity.
Easy handmade Valentine gift ideas:
- Your wife or girlfriend is allergic to flowers or maybe just simply finds them boring? - Think about making her a paper flower bouquet instead! Honestly, paper flowers look much better than they sound. And they last forever, too! Martha Stewart shows you how to make a paper flower bouquet in this article. Easier version? - Look here.
- So simple but sweet: Hearts in an envelope. All you have to do is cut out 5-10 heart shapes from red or pink paper. Then write on each heart shape what you love about your partner: Your smile. The way you make me laugh. The sound of your voice. Your patient way with the kids ... Put all heart shapes in an envelope and maybe add a title like "10 things I love about you" or "My heart belongs to you because of ..." or "Why I am so very fond of you ..." "I love ..." etc.
Please feel free to download and use the free printable Valentine hearts for this gift idea - see below!
- Ever heard of a "map of love"? - Read more about this cute Valentine gift idea here ...
- Katie from ColormeKatie Blog came up with a fun Valentine gift idea, too: The Kiss in your pocket
How to make a paper flower bouquet
Handmade Valentine gift: How to make an origami heart envelope
3) Your time
Such a simple gift but such a precious one: Your time. If you don't know what kind of gift would make your partner truly happy, why not leave the choice to him? Simply give your time. Let your partner know that you're completely open for what he would like to do. All it takes is a simple question: "What would make a perfect Valentine's day for you?" Maybe your partner will surprise you with his answer!
4) Romantic do-it-yourself-massage for Valentine's Day
The authors of the book "Massage for dummies" claim that a massage is the perfect gift for anyone and any occasion. And you don't have to schedule a professional massage - everyone can learn the "massage basics".
If your partner enjoys being massaged, think of making it a special experience: Use candles, warm oil, scents, water, soft music, ...
If you don't feel competent enough to give a whole-body massage treatment, simply learn how to do a foot massage. Foot massage is very relaxing for both body and mind, especially after a long work day.
How to give a foot reflexology massage
5) Homemade Valentine gifts from your kitchen
A cake, cupcakes or muffins, homemade truffles or candy – with homemade Valentine gifts from your kitchen you have so many options! They are really the perfect gift idea because
a) they are truly individual
b) you put time and effort into your gift
c) they cause no waste, no clutter
d) your partner will love them
If you are a complete beginner when it comes to cooking or baking, don't worry: There are lots of easy and no-fail recipes you could make. And since your partner knows you are usually not prolific in this area, your efforts will be even more appreciated!
How to come up with ideas:
- Obviously: Think about what your partner loves to eat – but please don't forget to consider allergies, dietary preferences (for example vegetarian or vegan) or food intolerances. Better not give chocolate to someone who's on a diet - and it's not a good idea to prepare low-calorie food to remind your partner that he or she should really lose a few pounds ...
- Try to remember special treats or indulgences your partner likes to order in restaurants, on trips or during vacations
- Do you know what your partner loved to eat as a child? (You could ask siblings, parents or grandparents if you don't.) Childhood "comfort food" makes a wonderful surprise because it usually comes with happy memories as an extra bonus.
If you don't feel very competent when it comes to cooking or baking, don't be afraid to use very simple recipes. You can always make more of a basic cake or easy cookies if you "beautify" them with appropriate decoration: Pink icing, heart-shaped cookie cutters, maybe some fruit or sugar sprinkles.
Very easy recipes for Valentine's day:
- Pretzles (see video below), marshmallows or fruit dipped in chocolate (chocolate-dipped strawberries are said to be "love food", too!)
- Truffles
- Love Sandwich
- Easy sugar cookies, e.g. "Windowpane hearts" (Less confident? - You can also choose the no-bake cookie version)
Want more ideas?
Easy no bake Valentine recipes for kids: If kids can do it, you can do it, too!
Lots of sweet Valentine treats for the more advanced: Valentine's Day Recipes from FamilyFun
How to make chocolate-covered pretzels
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Thank you, too, kinworm! :) Your tutorial fits in perfectly. Just what I was looking for!
A very useful Valentine resource page and thank you very much for including my paper folded heart envelopes :)