5 Quick Tips for Ebay Sellers

by ebaygranny

This is an article that shares some quick and easy tips for ebay sellers to get started running a successful business.

If you are just getting started you may want to know the steps other ebay sellers have taken to become successful. This article will get your started on the right foot.

E-Bay has been around for quite a few years now and many people have gotten on board with selling their goods. If you have been thinking about getting on board but are unsure of just how to get started, this article will share 5 Quick Tips for ebay sellers that will have you making money in no time.

ebay headquarters
ebay headquarters

1. Don't forget the picture! eBay offers 1 free photo with every listing. Make use of it. There is no excuse not to. There is no reason to pay for half a dozen photos unless you are selling a package and would like to take shots of individual items which you believe would help sell the whole thing.


Take your time with your shots. Even if you do not have the most advanced or expensive camera, that doesn't matter if you stage the item properly. Put it up against a solid background that will make the item standout(for example, if it is a an old fashioned jewellery box made from cherry wood, then putting it on top of a white sheet or table cloth would make it stand out). As long as the image is not blurry and there is enough detail in the shot to show off the best parts of the item, this should be adequate.


2. If you want to become an ebay seller who grows a business, you need to make sure that you are selling things that people want at a price that both they will clamor for at the same time earn you a profit. Check around to other auctions and see what other sellers are selling similar items for. Follow the bidding process and you should be able to see how much of an interest could be generated for your own item. If you are worried about losing money, set a reserve price that will ensure that you make at least a minor profit to be worth your time.

If your product doesn't sell for the reserve price or above, you will know that this may not be a high enough interest item and price bracket. You must keep in mind that there are manufacturing companies and drop ship companies already selling on ebay and they may be able to get these same items as you for less which means not only can they make a larger profit but they can also afford to sell for less than you.

3.Shipping is a big one! This is the area that many ebay sellers find they lose all their profits when they first get started. You must spend some time talking to a postal clerk, going over all of the literature and pages on the website and make sure you understand how much it will cost you to mail each item from right next door to half way around the world if you want to. Sometimes, if you can, you could add a few extra dollars to cover yourself but don't rely on this. If you don't know how much it costs to ship somewhere, and can't find out easily enough, then don't offer to sell to that country or region.


4.Going back to your auction listing. As much as having a photo really helps, you must think about the description of your item too. You do not want to add too much detail that you bore people but you do need to include all of the essential information that they will need to determine if that product will serve their need. If your product is unique and you have an engaging story to share about how you acquired it, this could be your selling point just be sure to make it interesting and enticing to your potential customers.


5. One final tips that is crucial for ebay sellers is to pay attention to your customer service. This includes leaving positive feedback, keeping in touch with your customers to let them know that you have shipped the item or can give them a tracking number to follow, being professional at all times with all correspondence and comments on the site. Buyers will be checking into your feedback and track record. Don't give them any reason not to trust you.


It is possible to make a good business and have fun as an ebay seller but you must remember that your actions will make or break you.If you do not do your homework, find ways to save money where possible, and treat your customers kindly, you may find yourself looking for a new line of work.

Updated: 02/27/2012, ebaygranny
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