Adam Lambert - His Music

by MuminBusiness

I watched American Idol probably for the only time in my life and got hooked watching Adam Lambert perform. Hearing of his recent arrest reminded me just how great his music is.

Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert
Adam Lambert

My introduction to Adam Lambert...

Skimming through some of the lesser channels here in the UK, I decided to give American Idol a chance for the first time in my life. That was the first day, I heard Adam Lambert sing... And boy, could he sing!

I was immediately drawn in by his ability to connect with his audience. the vocal gymnastics he was able to pull off without batting an eyelid were just amazing. As a wanna-be singer, I know how difficult it can be to hit some of those notes. The boy had skill!

From then I was hooked. And each week, I watched out for his performance.

Have a listen to 'Feeling Good' as sung by Adam. Listen out for the note he holds towards the end of the song. He was truly amazing!

(As an aside, please do click on the button to like this article or share it, Thanks)

Adam Lambert Singing 'Feeling Good'

If you cannot listen to it all, Listen from 1:25

Adam Lambert - A little back history

He was born in 1982 in Indianapolis - Still young but about to vacate the twenties at the end of January.  His parents are regular folks - Interior Designer and Program Manager who raised him in the Jewish religion (though you would not think it, to look at him!).  He has done a few religion-themed performances but this was before he became a popular name.

His performances in American Idol shot him to fame and gained him a huge following.  On Twitter at present, he has over a million followers!  I can definitely understand why - Adam has charisma.

I had hoped he would win American Idol but it was not to be. Unfortunately, he did not get sufficient votes.  It would seem this was connected with his sexuality though I am not sure why this should have an impact on his ability to sing and entertain.  It must be an American thing...

Should Adam have won American Idol?

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Yes, because...
pcdman on 01/31/2012

he did a very good set with the monsters of rock KISS.

For Your Entertainment

2009 album from the first runner-up on the eighth season of American Idol. Immediately following his participation on American Idol, Lambert began writing collaborating with ...

$8.83  $26.98
For Your Entertainment (EU Edition) (Incl. Bonus Tracks)

EU pressing includes four additional tracks over the US edition along with exlcusive artwork. 2009 album from the first runner-up on the eighth season of American Idol. ...

$9.99  $8.33
For Your Entertainment: Special Edition

International special two disc (CD + NTSC/Region 0 DVD) version comes with four bonus tracks plus a bonus DVD that contains behind the scenes footage, the making of the videos ...

Only $35.97
For Your Entertainment

Only $10.99

What has Adam been up to?

Some people go through these talent shows on television and then nothng seems to come of it.  Not the case with Adam Lambert however - He went on to release an album by the end of 2009 called 'For your entertainment'.

What can I say about this? It rocks! It is definitely pure entertainment.  With styles ranging from Pop to Rock and ballads, there is something in it for everyone.  It is one of those albums you want to listen to over and over again- so more-ish!

His winning streak continued...

Adam Lambert - On with the show...

There is no doubt really that Adam Lambert is somewhat over the top in his appearance and his performances.  If I saw him on the street, I would probably cast my eyes down and walk quickly by - This probably says more about me than him, though.  As he says, "I'm like your boy next door who decided that he wanted to be a rebel one day. So - I'm a nice rebel."

Despite all this, he is a very talented singer and performer.  the Album 'For Your Entertainment' was definitely a winner.

Unfortunately, Adam himself seems to permanently be surrounded by controversy regarding his sexuality.  

Anyway, to promote his album, he did a few concerts in the US and abroad.  His fans continue to grow around the world because the music he produces is bigger than his lifestyle.

In 2010, he decided to go on a solo tour and out of this came 'Glam Nation Live'.  This also consisted of a video of his live performances - Definitely Powerful stuff! 

Glam Nation Live [Blu-ray]

Studio: Sony Music Release Date: 05/10/2011

$11.69  $10.7
Glam Nation Live

CD Tracklisting 1. Voodoo 2. Down The Rabbit Hole 3. Ring Of Fire 4. Fever 5. Sleepwalker 6. Whataya Want From Me 7. Soaked 8. Aftermath 9. Sure Fire Winners 10. Strut 11. ...

$8.98  $9.0
Glam Nation Live [CD+DVD] Adam Lambert | Format: Audio CD

Only $79.99

Adam Lambert Now...

Earlier in 2011, he was invited to front the Band 'Queen' at a performance in Belfast, Ireland.  His performances were electrifying as usual.

He has also recently released a single as a forerunner for his album which will be released Spring 2012.  If this single is anything to go by, you can be sure that album is going to be another show-stopping group of songs that will spin a web of delight all around you.  Just have a listen to that single 'Better than I know myself'.  You can get it from Amazon and listen to it practically immediately.  

The full album 'Trespassing' is already available to pre-order as well. 

To finish this run through tour of Adam Lambert since 2009, let me leave you with this video of the final performance with Kris Allen ( the winner of American Idol) and the original drummer and guitarist from Queen.  They were definitely the Champions!

Better than I know myself

Better Than I Know Myself

Only $1.29

For more information on Adam Lambert

{{Infobox musical artist | name = Adam Lambert | image = Adam Lambert 2010 GLAAD Media Awards 2.jpg | caption = Adam Lambert at the 21st GLAAD Media Awards | background = solo_singer | ...
Updated: 01/07/2012, MuminBusiness
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MuminBusiness on 01/31/2012

Oh well, he can't win everyone, I suppose :-)

pcdman on 01/31/2012

good article although I'm not a fan

MuminBusiness on 12/25/2011

Thanks! He truly is a very versatile singer and performer.

ExploreDecor on 12/25/2011

Great article. I fell in love with Adam's music on American Idol as well. He is definitely a top-notch entertainer and musician. I was disappointed that he didn't win because he was without a doubt the best singer on the show. However I knew that with his talent he would go far whether he won or not. I hope that Adam continues to sing and entertain for a long time.

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