Adorable Anthropomorphic Animals: Quirky T Shirts by Earth Sun Moon Trading Company

by DerdriuMarriner

Nature lovers Earth Sun Moon Trading Company amazingly anthropomorphizes adorable animals in their nature-themed giftware apparel.

Committed to producing nature-themed giftware apparel for nature lovers, Earth Sun Moon Trading Company designs and manufactures exceptional products from their headquarters and facilities in Grove City, a small town in northwestern Pennsylvania.

Care is evinced in releasing products that appeal to true nature lovers. A fun arena of nature-themed products presents anthropomorphic (Greek ἄνθρωπος, ánthrōpos, "human" + μορφή, morphē, "shape" or "form") animals, that is, animals exhibiting human behavior and/or characteristics.

Earth Sun Moon Trading Company excels at adorable depictions of animals in anthropomorphic poses.

Cartoon characters created by animation maestro Walter Elias "Walt" Disney (December 5, 1901 – December 15, 1966) are among the most beloved of anthropomorphic animals.

"Mickey Mouse Decor: Decor from the Character Meet and Greet location at Epcot"
"Mickey Mouse Decor: Decor from the Character Meet and Greet location at Epcot"


Eight of the most endearing anthropomorphic creatures designed by Earth Sun Moon Trading Company concern cats, dogs, horses, and squirrels:

  • Birdseed? What Birdseed?,
  • Cats for Peace,
  • Cat Yoga,
  • Dogs for Peace,
  • Dog Yoga,
  • iHorse,
  • Squirrels for Peace, and
  • Squirrel Yoga.


iHorse ~ Cardinal Red T-Shirt

anthropomorphic horse


iHorse is one of the most adorable anthropomorphic animals ever designed. Earth Sun Moon Trading Company's "iHorse" design is a fun representation of a horse moving and grooving to an iPod, a line of portable media players, introduced on October 23, 2001, by Apple Inc., Steve Job's (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) company, which now leads the market in portable music players.

The horse's posture, with tail flaring upwards, conveys the breathtaking freedom with which horses move and run.

  • Horses seem to live according to rhythms that are inaudible to humans.
  • Their glorious confidence of stature signifies harmony with their emotionality, mentality, and physicality and with their place on earth and in the cosmos.

Horses consistently receive recognition for their high degree of intelligence.

  • The blend of alertness in their powers of observations and of gracefulness in the coordinated facility of their movements accounts for the almost magical effect with which horses express their love of freedom in their landscapes.


"iHorse" is one of my all-time favorite t-shirt designs.


Cat Yoga ~ Indigo Blue cotton t-shirt

anthropomorphic cats


"Cat Yoga" captures the graceful contortions that cats achieve with astounding ease as they maneuver or sleep.

It is amazing for me to realize the extreme degree of flexibility that my Maine coon cat, Augusta "Gusty" Sunshine, enjoys. 

  • Yoga expounds the health that ensues from a flexible spine.
  • Gusty affirms the veracity of this premise with her daily acrobatics.


"Cat Yoga" is a feel-good t-shirt that brings knowing smiles to cat lovers.


I love to see how the day brightens, indoors and outdoors, just by wearing "Cat Yoga" t-shirt by Earth Sun Moon Trading Company.


Cats For Peace ~ Stone Blue cotton t-shirt

anthropomorphic cats


"Cats for Peace" is a humorous design in Earth Sun Moon Trading Company's line of peace animals, which also includes dogs and squirrels.

My kittycat Gusty is an amazing peacemaker.

  • She is greatly loved by all animals in the neighborhood, including dogs, horses, and roosters.
  • The camaraderie between cats and horses is well-known: many racehorses enjoyed close friendships with cats and preferred to sleep with their favorite cat perched on their backs.

The background color, stone blue, is well chosen for this t-shirt. Blue is a color that oftentimes conveys peacefulness, as, for example, the blueness of sun-radiant skies or of gently rolling waves.

"Cats for Peace" is a design that makes me feel good in my skin as I recall the contentment that my kittycat Gusty exudes as a popular peacemaker.


Dog Yoga ~ Sand cotton t-shirt

anthropomorphic dogs


"Dog Yoga" charmingly depicts dogs as they stretch and twist.

  • Even though dogs do not seem to exhibit the extreme flexibility of cats, they nevertheless find ways to twist and bark as they journey, or nap, through the day.
  • Puppies beguile with the clumsy grace of their uncoordinated exuberance, which oftentimes momentarily stymies them as they untangle themselves from pretzel positions reminiscent of intricate yoga poses.

The winsomeness of canine camaraderie has enriched my life since childhood.

  • Dogs stretch the meaning of love in their happy eagerness to please their families, to feel useful, and to participate in as many family activities as possible.

Wearing "Dog Yoga" reminds me of the lengths to which dogs, such as Clinker, my paternal uncle's sensitive black Labrador retriever, will go to instill the healthy emotion of happiness in interactions with their human families.


Dogs For Peace ~ Heather Indigo 100% cotton t-shirt

anthropomorphic dogs


"Dogs for Peace" is heart-warming installment in Earth Sun Moon Trading Company's line of peace-seeking animals.

There is something so huggable about these canines as they display the peace sign with uplifted paws.

In every canine heart is a desire to love and to be loved and to express love through the joys of camaraderie.

  • Acceptance is an important path to peace, and dogs are renowned for their acceptance of people and situations.

Dogs will exert every winsome effort to restore peace when they perceive disruptions in family environments.

  • Truly dogs serve as bridges over troubled waters. 

Heather Indigo, the background color for "Dogs for Peace," imparts peace in its soothing nuances. It is a color that I love in clothing, especially paired with patterned jeans.


Squirrel Yoga ~ Navy Blue cotton t-shirt

"This tee is a hilarious take on the masterful contortions squirrels are capable of when trying to prize birdseed from backyard bird feeders. Sure to give a hearty laugh."
anthropomorphic squirrels


"Squirrel Yoga" hilariously presents the heart-thumping acrobatics that squirrels display in their efforts to invade bird feeders.

  • It is an ongoing struggle for bird lovers to outwit squirrels as feeders are placed and replenished for avian enjoyment and nourishment.
  • When motivated by feeders not designed for them, squirrels show themselves to be relentless death defiers.

Fortunately, I have effected a truce between squirrels and bird feeders by enticing the bushy-tailed acrobats to their own spaces on the balcony or on the patio. Their designated spaces provide gustatory satisfaction by way of coolers stocked with seasonal favorites, such as:

  • black walnuts (Juglans nigra),
  • pumpkins, and
  • sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus).

Sometimes, though, I miss those squirrelish bird feeder antics.


"Squirrel Yoga" is the most hilarious design in Earth Sun Moon Trading Company's line of yogic animals.


Squirrels For Peace ~ Prairie Dust 100% cotton t-shirt

"These popular shirts featuring the work of artist Tom Griffin bring a fresh - if zany - perspective to a great message."
anthropomorphic squirrels


Possibly "Squirrels for Peace" is the most endearing design in Earth Sun Moon Trading Company's line of peace-seeking animals.

Especially quirky is the flying squirrel, with both paws extended for double peace signs.

"Squirrels for Peace" is available via Amazon as sweatshirts and t-shirts.

The earthy background coloration is perfect:

  • Prairie Dust for t-shirts, and
  • Tan for sweatshirts.

Both sweatshirt and t-shirt are essential for my wardrobe.


Cat Therapist - Large T-Shirt Iris

"My therapist has whiskers."
Cat Therapist - Large T-Shirt Iris, Furry Friend, Novelty Gift Apparel

Conclusion: Awesomely adorable anthropomorphic animals


Anthropomorphism offers a path for change by holding up a mirror of faults, as, for example, George Orwell (June 25, 1903 – January 21, 1950) famously contrived to achieve by way of anthropomorphic barnyard animals in his 1945 dystopian allergory, Animal Farm.

Anthropomorphism also serves up heart-warming fun, as, for example, the memorable cartoon characters created by pioneer animator Walter Elias "Walt" Disney (December 5, 1901 – December 15, 1966).

Although Earth Sun Moon Trading Company's anthropomorphic animals may be viewed by some as social commentary, essentially they imitate popular aspects of modern life, such as consumer-friendly electronics and yoga. The fractious opening years of the 21st century underline the elusiveness of peace, which is sought and found, with greater success, internally through contemplation or meditation.

The mirror that Earth Sun Moon Trading Company's anthropomorphic animals hold up for wearers and viewers of these adorable designs is awesomely beautiful in conveying the indomitable, spirited personalities that nature's fauna reveal, up close and personal, in interactions with humans.


What Birdseed? ~ Black cotton t-shirt ~ parody of Japan's pictorial maxim, Three Wise Monkeys, also known as Three Mystic Apes ~ Available via Amazon

"Three squirrels caught red-handed (and full-mouthed) taking a classic pose. A T-shirt sure to amuse back-yard birders."
anthropomorphic squirrels



My special thanks to talented artists and photographers/concerned organizations who make their fine images available on the internet.


Image Credits


"Mickey Mouse Decor: Decor from the Character Meet and Greet location at Epcot": Steven Miller (Sam Howzit), CC BY 2.0, via Flickr @

a good listener: Earth Sun Moon @EarthSunMoonCo, via Twitter Nov. 7, 2018, @


the end which is also the beginning
the end which is also the beginning

Me and my purrfectly purrfect Maine coon kittycat, Augusta "Gusty" Sunshine

Gusty and I thank you for reading this article and hope that our product selection interests you; Gusty Gus receives favorite treats from my commissions.
DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
DerdriuMarriner, All Rights Reserved
Updated: 02/03/2025, DerdriuMarriner
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