All About the Big Bang Theory

by WriterArtist

The universe got created according to the principles of Big Bang theory. Like anything else it will die in the end and get born again.

It is amazing to get used to the fact that the universe is continuously evolving, it is changing every day, every minute and every second. It will ultimately die and take rebirth. This cycle of birth and death has been there prior to our existence and will continue till eternity.

The Big bang theory no doubt has its limitations but nevertheless, it is a good starting point. For a long time it was thought that the universe is static, not changing and in equilibrium. However experiments showed it otherwise, it was found that the universe which we have made home is ephemeral, it is in a continuous state of change. Nothing is permanent, though the world gives an illusion of permanence. The Big Bang theory was an absolute effort to explain how our universe came into existence.

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Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe

Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe
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Why at all is there a Universe?

About The Big Bang


Recent discoveries in astronomy and space have shown beyond doubt that our universe did in fact have a beginning. We wanted to know what existed prior to that. There was nothing; maybe just empty space. Or there was perhaps something present that we are not equipped to understand. The big bang theory was an attempt to explain what happened during and after that moment of creation of our universe.


There is absolutely no doubt that the universe we want to explore looks very complex and alien. Human beings are the supreme brains that we know of till we find a proof of extra-terrestrial life and are in continuous quest of exploring the unknown.

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Myths about the Origin of World or Universe

Age of the Universe


We look at this marvelous universe, and wonder about its age. We try to find its age by looking back through the history of the world. 

Our explanation of this world is that God created Adam according to the Bible a billions of years ago or perhaps according to the Hindu mythology that Brahma was the creator of our universe. With our limited knowledge, we try to appreciate things as they are. We haven’t imagined but that there is a possibility of other/parallel universes existence, most likely like ours in almost every other way.  

In future, with some luck, technology and science, it might be possible to estimate the age of universe in which we reside. However; it is definite that our universe is going to cease someday (at eternity perhaps) and a new universe will be born. This phenomenon is going to repeat till eternity.

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Who built the universe?

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The Origins of the Universe for Dummies

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The First Three Minutes: A Modern View Of The Origin Of The Universe

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The Theory Of Everything

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Origins: How the Planets, Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe Began (Astronomers' Universe)

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Big Bang Theory on YouTube

The Big Bang Theory


As per the Big bang theory, our universe came into existence with a big bang explosion. It came into existence as "singularity" approximately around 13.7 billion years ago. In order to understand the Big Bang theory, it is necessary to understand a technical term called “Singularity”.


What does "singularity" mean and how to define it? In order to explain the complexity of origin of the universe, scientists devised a concept called Singularity. By Singularities we mean zones of energy which we try to define with our current understanding of physics. They were and also at present thought to exist at the core of "black holes." 

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Understanding Singularities

Understanding Black Holes


Now we need to understand “Black holes” too. Black holes are areas of intense gravity which have immense attraction power. This attraction force is thought to be so intense that matter and waves (energy) are actually squeezed into infinite density at the core (nucleus) of the black holes. Anything that comes near black holes disappears, this happens because of the immense magnetic attraction. Think a black hole as a giant magnet, even light cannot escape its power. That’s the reason when we try to watch a black hole from telescope, there is no sign of it. It is what it is – a giant dark hole in space. Scary!!!


These are some of the mind boggling concepts that for now can be explain through the complicated streams of physics and astronomy. Within these zones of infinite densities which we call "singularities” lies the root cause of our existence and the creation of universe. It is thought to have begun from an infinitesimally miniscule form, infinitely hot, immense density from a singularity to a gigantic form of today.

Secret of Universe

More Queries?

There are perhaps more questions in your mind now.

Why did that singularity appear?

Where did it come from?

Are there many more singularities in this cosmos taking birth at this moment?


We don't know. We don't know. We don't know. 

Updated: 07/31/2015, WriterArtist
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Are you convinced with the Big Bang theory?

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DerdriuMarriner on 05/15/2021

WriterArtist, Thank you for all the practical information, pretty pictures and product lines.
Have you read Bang! by Chris Lintott, Brian May and Sir Patrick Moore? It's either in there or in one of the Stephen Hawking books that it's possible to get something from nothing in the sense of antiparticles and particles interacting after non-reacting.
Is your inclination more towards the Big Crunch than the Big Stretch? The former, with its yoyo-like expansion and contraction, perhaps would fit more easily into cyclically born, dying, reborn universes of Brahma the creator, Shiva the destroyer (I love those statues of his dance of destruction) and Vishnu the preserver.

WriterArtist on 08/04/2015

@frankbeswick - I agree. We can at least come out with some theory for now. Later on, it has to be tweaked or modified altogether.

WriterArtist on 08/04/2015

@blackspanielgallery - Interesting observation. This universe is expanding like a bubble but you should not have any doubts on its shrinking. If the black holes outnumber other stars, they will pull all the celestial bodies into it, the universe will shrink into Singularity. Our universe will die and a new universe will take its place. Nothing is permanent, it is the "Law of Nature".

frankbeswick on 08/02/2015

All scientific ideas are provisional, so science can at best produce viable hypotheses. The Big Bang is such a hypothesis, tough the most credible one at the moment. But Cosmology will tweak and adjust the theory from time to time.

blackspanielgallery on 08/01/2015

Interesting. Indeed we cannot get past the Big Bang, and even that is now being questioned by physicists. As for repeating, we have an expanding universe that is increasing its expansion, hence dark energy, and we have serious doubt it will be able to collapse back to a singularity.

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