Are You Depressed? Here's How to Tell

by athena2011

Here you will learn the difference between sadness and depression so that you can then learn how to cope with whichever one it is you are suffering with.

Those who are depressed, depending on how severe their case is, can find that it interferes with them being able to function normally in life. Discover here if you are merely sad (as bad as that feels) or actually depressed so that you know what you're dealing with and can then focus on appropriate treatment to get better.

Giving up should never be considered as an option, although, at times it may seem like the easiest and perhaps, best, solution. You must seek solutions for your depression, as there are many available.

Recent research has shown that anti-depressant drugs are not effective for mild to moderate depression, but can be helpful for those with severe depression.

Once you have established that you are, in fact depressed, then you need to determine also if yours is a case of mild to moderate, as opposed to severe. Your doctor will be able to help you make that determination. Good luck to you. You can do this!

Instead of Giving up, Find Help to Get You Over Being Depressed

You can overcome this.

When you are depressed, you are experiencing much more than simply feeling sad. You have intense feelings of sadness, along with other symptoms, such as no longer having an interest in things you used to enjoy. These feelings may last for quite a while. If you are depressed you have a medical condition. Do not think that this is a sign of weakness. Your doctor can help, and so can you, by learning all you can about this condition.

There is no reason to feel embarrassed, as depression affects millions of people around the world. It is far better to face up to your depression than to smother it and hope that it will go away.

This video below has excellent information that may reveal to you what you are dealing with and help you on your path of finding a solution.

Learn more about depression so you can find out if you are depressed.

Have You Ever Been Depressed?

So Assuming That You're Depressed

Learn Coping Mechanisms for Depression

So now that you have watched that video, you should be able to identify if you have those symptoms discussed and be able to determine if you definitely are depressed. Now you can move forward by learning how to handle and treat your depression so that you can feel better and live a normal life.

There is the traditional medical route you can take, and I'm sure your doctor will be happy to prescribe something to help you with this issue. If it were me, however, I would first prefer to try natural approaches.

Some of the natural therapies for depression include;

1. Exercise

2. Relaxation

3. Aromatherapy

4. Acupuncture

5. Guided Imagery

6. Chiropractic Treatments

7. Hypnosis

8. Massage Therapy

9. Meditation

10. Yoga

There are also herbal supplements that can help with your depression, such as St.John's Wort and Ginko Biloba which have proven the most effective in boosting moods.

For lots more information about depression and how to cope with or overcome your depression go here; Depressed

Amazon Recommendations

Get help at Amazon
Overcoming Depression One Step at a Time: The New Behavioral Activation Approach to Getting ...

What if depression weren’t a disorder occurring on its own but was rather a kind of signpost pointing at tangible things you needed to change in your life? This would ...

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NatureBright SunTouch Plus Light and Ion Therapy Lamp

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Amoryn - Depression & Anxiety

AMORYN works by increasing the levels of all four of the brain's "feel good" neurotransmitters. By providing an all-natural boost to serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and ...

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ViniYoga Therapy for Depression with Gary Kraftsow

Effective depression relief from America's leading Yoga therapist! Viniyoga Therapy is an ancient system that adapts and applies Yoga teachings and practices in a therapeutic ...

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Anti-Depression Grocery List

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The Mindful Way Through Depression

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Do you have Chronic Depression?

Have you tried any of these to cope with being depressed?

Updated: 02/28/2012, athena2011
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Sheri_Oz on 10/13/2012

It is very important to distinguish depression from sadness. We are an overmedicalized society and turn some things that are normal responses to lifecycle events into depression and I think that that keeps some people suffering longer than they need to. Sadness needs to be expressed and not held in or "put-on-a-happy-faced".

athena2011 on 08/27/2012

Hi Ragtimelil,

I sure hope at least one of them works for you finally. Please let me know. Good luck.


Ragtimelil on 08/27/2012

Thanks for this article. I do have bouts of depression and have tried some remedies without much luck so far. Guess I just haven't found the one that works for me. I'm going to try some you suggested.

athena2011 on 03/01/2012

Hi Katiem2,
Thanks for your feedback. It will help those reading about the methods recommended here to know that they work from someone who experiences SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).
I am happy to write about this as my passion is to help people with this condition as well as many other related conditions.
Be well,
P.S. Spring is almost here :)

katiem2 on 02/29/2012

Great article, I experience seasonal depression. I love getting outside and being apart of the great out doors but don't like the cold, this creates an unbalance. I've used a lot of the techniques you've outlined here and they do work. I feel depression is part of the human condition, something we all face from time to time. Thank you for talking about it and doing such extensive work. Its nice to have a go to girl for this issue to share with others.

athena2011 on 02/28/2012

Hi Kajohu,
Thanks so much for your feedback. This is my very first Wizz ( is that what they're called?).

So happy that you have found ways that work for you whenever this nasty thing called depression tries to take over. All that you mention are great ways to combat depression.

Also glad that you do not tackle it using drugs as I feel they tend to give you so many other things to deal with, as in negative side effects.

I look forward to reading your work as well and getting to know you.

Thanks again,

kajohu on 02/28/2012

This is a very thoughtful and comprehensive overview on depression. I occasionally have mild bouts of depression (luckily not major!), and what helps me most is yoga and getting outside for brisk walks. Also during the winter, I sit next to my NatureBright SunTouch lamp (I see you have it listed above!). Also being with other people keeps me from spiraling inward to dwell on depressive thoughts.

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