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What Are Human Rights?
Yep, me and Shell are practically pen-pals over it this far down the line. LOL I've seen a truly harrowing documentary about it, but I couldn't find it on the internet to link to it. It was about pregnant women living there. One woman made a ...
JoHarrington, on 02/27/2012
What Are Human Rights?
I didn't know that about Shell and Nigeria. Its always an education, Jo...
Ianjames, on 02/27/2012
Tips and Tricks After 50 Pages on Wizzley
Good luck! And you're welcome. I love your avatar by the way. :D
JoHarrington, on 02/27/2012
Talking to Somebody Who is Deaf in One Ear
Thank you very much. As you have partial deafness too, did all of this chime with how you hear the world? It sounds like we have slightly difficult situations, as I'm profoundly deaf in one ear, but can hear fine with the other. I prefer ...
JoHarrington, on 02/27/2012
Introducing an Original Character into Fan Fiction
I was planning a follow-up all about fan-fiction no-nos, including Mary-Sue. She's not alone. There's Gary-Stu too, but he's less famous due to the fact that it's mostly women who write these kind of stories! I've certainly seen a LOT of Gary ...
JoHarrington, on 02/27/2012
Children's Flashlights
Thanks, Tssfacts and BalletGifts, for your comments. I think these flashlights are pretty cute, too.
sheilamarie, on 02/27/2012
Tips and Tricks After 50 Pages on Wizzley
Well... I'll do my best to bear it all in mind...Thank you :)
Ianjames, on 02/27/2012
How to Study (In Five Easy Tips)
You're very welcome. Formally studying can feel like such a massive undertaking. It's only when you realise that we do it all of the time anyway, that you can work out tips from your own life to make it painless. Just look how we'd approach, ...
JoHarrington, on 02/27/2012
VigLink : Top 500 Retail Store Merchants Covered
@betsuz my pleasure
humagaia, on 02/27/2012
Ways To Get More Fruit And Vegetables In Your Diet
Great tips on getting more fruit and vegetables. I make soup at least a couple of times a week and find that not only is a great way to use vegetables, but often makes a quick meal the next day.
sheilamarie, on 02/27/2012
VigLink : Top 500 Retail Store Merchants Covered
Thank you for this list! It really helps when adding Viglink to my pages. :)
betsuz, on 02/27/2012
Thank you Brenda
DebbieBrooks, on 02/27/2012
Just beautiful!
BrendaReeves, on 02/27/2012
Hats for Dogs
Glad you enjoyed my 'hats for dogs' article, Mladen!
Sam, on 02/27/2012
Talking to Somebody Who is Deaf in One Ear
Thanks for writing this! I have had significant hearing loss in my left ear since I was 5 years old from a collapsed ear drum that they finally repaired when I was 16. Even after the eardrum replacement surgery my hearing has been significantly ...
Maia, on 02/27/2012

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