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High School Shooting (Chardon, Ohio)
When I read this story yesterday, I cried. I cried for the students at that school and for the families. I believe one of the students died. I also cried because it is just so scary. Like you, I have a daughter in high school and just could ...
Janet21, on 02/28/2012
Things I Love About Wizzley: Breadcrumbs And Contents
@N_R Did you manage to make it with links to the appropriate headings so the visitor could jump there, or were the contents just a list of module titles?
humagaia, on 02/28/2012
Things I Love About Wizzley: Breadcrumbs And Contents
I also often create a "contents" list near the beginning of many of my hubs, therefore I love the "Contents" module.
NaturalRemedies, on 02/28/2012
Gothic Wedding Dresses
Some of these dresses are absolutely gorgeous! I love the green and black one especially.
JoHarrington, on 02/28/2012
Embrace Your Inner Geek With The Big Bang Theory
Thanks very much, Janet. Sheldon is my favourite, too. Jim Parsons plays it so well!
WiseFool, on 02/28/2012
Gothic Wedding Dresses
I got married in a white, plain dress. Looking back I don't know why. I hate white, and I really wish I'd got married in something more my style - black and red I think!
wrylilt, on 02/28/2012
Toll Brothers Retirement Communities in the Northeast
Fortunately I'm not of retirement age yet. With my parents however, I think the most important thing is to keep them active and interested. Living in a community with people of similar age, to them, is very important to their quality of life.
JaneG, on 02/28/2012
How to Find Topics Nobody is Writing About
You are welcome Guarded_Secrets ;-) A great tool to make what you describe quicker is, the free version gives you enough ideas already, no real reason to buy it ;-)
Sam, on 02/28/2012
What Is The Best Time To Publish Online?
@G_S aha, you found my angle. Rather than preach the mantra, it is often better to ingrain the mantra more subtly. It's the subconscious thingy - child psychology wotsit! You know - let's find out together, rather than this is how it is. Did it ...
humagaia, on 02/28/2012
Adsense Alternative VigLink: Essential Tasks to Maximize Benefits
@H_H you can choose Chitika in lieu of GAS. You can run VigLink alongside GAS, they are not mutually exclusive, they are complementary. My title is not absolutely correct - it was crafted for the the keywords, although if you do not have GAS, ...
humagaia, on 02/28/2012
Nail Biting - Causes and Prevention
Very good tips on preventing nail biting. Oh the kids who do this and its so troublesome. Thanks for the tips to quit.
katiem2, on 02/27/2012
Adsense Alternative VigLink: Essential Tasks to Maximize Benefits
So we can choose VgLink or Chitika in liew of GAS?
Holistic_Health, on 02/27/2012
High School Shooting (Chardon, Ohio)
Yes, now we know that one student died, two more are in critical condition. Very scary.
lakeerieartists, on 02/27/2012
Gothic Wedding Dresses
Smashing, I love them all, the main highlighted dress as the article image is my fave. But oh how I love all of these amazing gothic wedding dresses. I'm divorced and if and I mean IF i ever get married again this would be the dress for me. ...
katiem2, on 02/27/2012
How to Get Pinned at Pinterest
Great advice! I had no idea about the automatic URL links on photos... good tip!
Maia, on 02/27/2012

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