Cuticles are more than a part of the nails cuticles are actually skin - When you suffer from dry hands and skin you get bad cuticles. Dry skin leads to many a mainicure problem.
The cuticle is the area surrounding the sides and base of the nail where the skin can actually connect to the nail if not cared for properly. Basic nail care is an easy fix to avoid bad cuticles which lead to bad nails.
once the cuticle attaches itself to the nail it grows outward and often times stays connected to the nail causing it to spilt and crack creating ugly painful nails.
Cuticles are just skin so why is it this small area of skin can cause so much aggravation and pain?
Tell us about your cuticle problems or manicure tips and secrets
Audrey, Oh this is a tricky one! The desired effect is to avoid hang nails altogether but we do get them at times. Try soaking your hands in a nice oatmeal manicure bath for 10 minutes then gently brush downward away from the cuticle to the ends of the nail in hopes the hang nail will gently pull away BUT not in the opposite direction!!! If it doesn't allow it to dry this process should have stretched it enough you may clip it as close to the base as possible but without drawing blood. then apply neosporin or a similar product apply a small band and pamper it, from here on out using proper care following the instructions shared here today. Best of luck and health dear friend.
Katie - I love this page. I use Burt Bees cuticle cream and love it. My biggest problem is with hang nails. I 'm not good at knowing how to clip them. How much skin do I remove?
Thanks Katie ~ Audrey
Natural_Skin_Care, Oh yes so true the cuticles are delicate and can be over worked, manicurist can over work your nails, nail beds, and cuticles causing a whole host of nail problems and issues.
My cuticles were ragged because of the way the manicurist was buffing my nails. Talk about ironic.
Great money saving tips on avoiding nasty looking nails. I have been pulling my hair out trying to get rid of my dry cracked cutucles. I never thought about having a nail brush at every sink and in the shower. Great plan of action.
Michelle, It's so easy to forget the basics in nail care or anything else for that matter we all do it. Great to hear you found avoid bad cuticles and are on the way to beautiful healthy nails. :) K
Thank You, My nails are in bad shape after this past season it seems I forget about my nails, manicures and proper nail and cuticle care til warm weather hits and I want to show off my nails and toe nails. This is a helpful reminder as to the basics and what an impact it can make on my cuticles, looking forward to my new nail brush, its the basics!
Niki, Great so glad you've found us here at Wizzley, may your cuticles be beautiful and healthy :)
Sweet just what I needed. Whew a cure for my nasty nails, much appreciated.
Thanks Pinkchic, Great to have you here