Most Realistic Back To The Future DeLorean Ever - Sold On eBay

by Jerrico_Usher

Back To The Future Time Machine Replica Looks More Real In Person Than The Actual Movie Prop!

The DeLorean used in the movie Back To The Future has been one of the most beloved fanfare items since the film came out in 1985. Although you may never see one driving on the road, there are A LOT of them out there tricked out like the actual time machine in the movie but none of them have been this meticulously built to look this incredibly close to what you see on the movie.

The mock up time machine in this article comes complete with stunning pictures of the car and it's intricate parts and I found a video of a similarly built DeLorean that you can watch to see it in action. I've also included some history of the house used in the movie and more... The Auction starting bid was $70,000 (which is cheap considering a standard DeLorean starts at 63,000).


Just for fun, here's a simular model with the same bells and whistles (sorry about the cheesy dude)

Back To The Future DeLorean

This car has already been sold unfortunately (2009 auction on eBay).

The house in the background of the above image was taken at the Gamble house (the one used in the movies). Gamble (of proctor and gamble) had the house built and only the outside was actually used in the film (the inside was a completely different house/stage).

I've been a fan of the Back To The Future Movie since it's inception around 1985 (I saw it in the theater when I was about 9-10 years old and it blew me away). We still watch it all the time because it's a classic and a great time travel movie.

If you're a fan of Back To The Future you will appreciate this amazing piece of movie history. What makes this car exciting is that the owner built the car meticulously so it was identical to the on screen version of the car. By Identical I don't mean the same "prop" but the same look, feel, and function (less the actual time traveling part). Even the original prop wasn't this cool.

The curator of the vehicle spent 6 years putting the finishing touches on it to make it perfect. His name is Gary Weaver, a Back to the Future enthusiast widely hailed as the leading authority on DeLorean time-machine replicas. The actual DeLorean in the movie wasn't all that in person- most of it's cool effects were created in post production. The beauty of this machine is he found ways to make the movie magic come to life IN PERSON.

Apparently there has never been a true replica sold on eBay and often the replicas you do see look great for a movie at a distance and even far away in a display- but up close it's often not so cool.

Back to the Future/Laser

$17.97  $8.55

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Even the actual prop used in the movie wasn't so cool before post production got a hold of it.

The builder did it with much more precision than the actual prop in that he went to great lengths to assure the details, including things that were not actually present in the taping were in there.

In other words the CGI effects (or whatever they used for the CGI type effects back in the 80's i.e. George Lucas's Pixar (before it was sold to Steve Jobs) used in rendering those lighting effects (or whatever they did use)).

He included props that animate the car's time travel features such as the blue lights and even included special effects sounds like the door opening sound, the time circuits, and more.

Gullwing doors

So how much would you pay for such a time consuming project, a gem that only has one in existence and a prop that is fully functional (less the flux capacitor)?

It even includes details like the "Out Of Time" license plates (two show up in the images).

The auction went at a starting bid of $70,000 dollars.

A price I'd gladly pay- but it was sold apparently in 2009 to an undisclosed buyer/collector.

I'm not sure for how much as the ad isn't there anymore.

I'm absolutely floored by the accuracy of this cars aesthetics and can only imagine the inside details you can't see.

I only wonder if he follows Steve Jobs Former CEO of Apple's law of "the inside parts you don't see should be every bit as meticulously beautiful as the parts you don't (source Steve Jobs Biography - Walter Isaacson 2011).

Flux Capacitor
Flux Capacitor

Here’s some of the highlights:


  • The Prop Started from a gorgeous ultra-clean stock 1981 DMC-12 Delorean with five speed transmission.
  • $16,000 dollars worth of work was done mechanically including upgrades to bring it "Up to speed" with the movie prop. The best part is that these upgrades were done by the DMC manufacturer themselves performed at the California location Plant In September, 2008
  • The vehicle only had 78,000 miles on it before it went up for sale!
  • He added programmable time circuits exactly like those in the movie and that function (with added sound effects that were obviously added into the movie in post production) exactly the same as the movie but with total real life realism! (nice touch).
  • In the movie the speedometer was replaced from it's "stock" version that only went to 85 MPH replacing it with one that read a maximum speed of 95 MPH to coincide with the "when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, your going to see some serious SH**t" catch phrase and function of the time machine.
  • Everything lights up just like in the film inside and out. Some effects on the outside were simulated with bright LED light effects.
  • The gull wing doors have triggered sound effects that bring the movie magic right into the car using the doors speakers (nice touch!).
  • Plutonium "rods" (completely made up version of plutonium assembly) used in the movie, inside the box are also included and can actually be loaded into the "reactor" at the back of the car- an amazing detail he included that really brings the "power" home when showing the car to your friends!
  • Exterior lighting with a band flux effect that's phenomenal at night!
  • Two metal stamped License plates one is Screen accurate with the decal "OUTATIME" the other says "Out Of Time". The car came with both and even has real 1986 registration tags!
  • Tires are Eagle Goodyear GT model, the very ones used in the movie (not pictured)
Back To The Furure CarBack To The Furure Car
Back To The Furure CarBack To The Furure Car
Back To The Furure Car At Night
Back To The Furure Car
Back To The Furure Car
Updated: 07/02/2012, Jerrico_Usher
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Jerrico_Usher on 07/02/2012

I can't get enough of this movie, I want a DeLorean :) I saw one repo'd on the repo show, what's funny is the car ran for only one run of them then the inventor was busted for drug running (using the cars for running drugs I hear was the reason he created it)... then it got used in the BTTF movie and became a sensation. I'm about to produce another article about the new electric DeLorians coming out in 2013... (no time circuits though lol)

Angel on 07/02/2012

So cool! I am a fan of Back to the Future as well. I remember seeing it in the theater when I was about the same age as you. Man this makes me feel old!

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