Benedict XVI Books

by vikksimmons

Pope Benedict XVI had written 66 books by the time he announced his resignation from the papal office. Books written by Benedict XVI include the books about Jesus of Nazareth.

When it comes to books about Catholicism, Benedict XVI has written some of the best including the famous trilogy about Jesus of Nazareth. By the time he stepped down from the papal office, he'd published 66 books. Quite an output and even more remarkable because of their accessibility to the modern reader.

As a fairly new convert to the Catholic faith, I wanted to gain a deeper understanding. To do that I've embarked on a journey into books by Catholic authors. While there are many Catholic writers who capture my imagination including G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Flannery O'Connor, I've decided to make the books by Benedict XVI a major reading project.

For me, Benedict is an easy choice. Will I get through all 66 books? I don't know, but my goal is to read Benedict extensively and that is what I'll be doing in 2013 and beyond. I loved my first slip into the waters when, in 2012, I read the devotional below.

How to begin reading Benedict XVI

Books by Pope Benedict XVI Don't let Benedict XVI's intellect and knowledge of theology keep you away from his writings. He is masterful when it comes to making the sublime and the complex simple and easy to understand. The former pope has a way of explaining even the deepest theology so that it comes across in knowable and applicable terms for daily living. 

His books range in scope, topic, and style. My first book written by Benedict XVI was the gorgeous Benedictus: Day by Day with Pope Benedict. The book is beautiful, the writing simple and direct. There's joy simply in picking up the book, opening to the page bookmarked by the included ribbon, and gazing upon the accompanying photographs. 

Meditate 5 minutes a day with Benedict XVI

Great devotions to begin or end the day
Benedictus: Day by Day with Pope Benedict XVI

Lovely devotional. 415 pg. This day-by-day collection (January - December) of inspirational meditations by Benedict XVI has beautiful photographs and two ribbon bookmarks. Stellar quality. This is one of my favorite books; I'm reading it again.

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Yes, it's nice to do daily readings
dustytoes on 03/05/2013

I try to get in daily readings but I am not very disciplined. I do pray every day though, just because it is naturally part of my life.

sheilamarie on 03/05/2013

I love to read the Psalms and the Gospel every day. I also have a book of prayers. Just sitting in the Presence is the best part, though.

Benedict XVI's search for the face of Jesus

Jesus of Nazareth, a three-volume meditation

Pope Benedict XVI writingThe full scope of these three books ranges from the birth of Christ to His death and resurrection. Benedict began with Jesus's public ministry, then in the second book he moved into the Holy Week with Christ's entrance into Jerusalem and ending with his death on the cross and his resurrection. Finally, Benedict considers Jesus as a babe born in a manger. 

These books can easily be read over the course of a year. The infancy narratives and the volume dedicated to the Holy Week easily function as meditative reading for Advent and Lent seasons. 

The books are perfect for the modern reader. They are slim in volume but not in content. Easy to carry, easy to read, they make a great addition to anyone's spiritual library. 

Jesus of Nazareth trilogy by Benedict XVI

Jesus of Nazareth: From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration

Now in Paperback, with a new Index! In this bold, momentous work, Joseph Ratzinger--in his first book written since he became Pope--seeks to salvage the person of Jesus from rec...

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Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance Into Jerusalem To The Resurrection

For Christians, Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, who died for the sins of the world, and who rose from the dead in triumph over sin and death. For non-Christians, he is almo...

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Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives

New York Times Bestseller! The momentous third and final volume in the Pope’s international bestselling Jesus of Nazareth series, detailing how the stories of Jesus’ infancy and...

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Being Catholic day by day
Being Catholic day by day

My Benedict reading project

Becoming Catholic day by day

Because I'm so new to the Catholic faith, I have a deep desire to learn and understand more. That is one reason why I've opted to choose Benedict XVI as a major reading project. I truly can't think of anyone more relevant today with a greater understanding of living the faith in modern times. 

Luckily, he's written a lot of books. My aim is not to read his work in chronological order but to go where I'm inclined. I'll post my reflections and reactions in any one of a number of places. 

To chronicle my journey, I've created Being Catholic day by day. I hope you'll stop by, say hello, and return to read my reviews, mediations, and reflections. 

Find Being Catholic day by day online

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New books by Benedict XVI

How to pray, what is prayer, and how to rediscover faith

"Lord, teach us to pray." Luke 11:1What exactly is prayer? If God knows our hearts why do we still pray? How did Jesus pray, and why? What can we learn from the prayers of the p...

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A School of Prayer: The Saints Show us How to Pray

Prayer is essential to the life of faith. In this superb book, based on Pope Benedict's weekly teaching, he examines the foundational principles of the life of prayer. Believers...

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The Faith

"The renewal of faith must be a priority for the entire Church in our time."-Pope Benedict XVIIn his writing, teaching, and speaking Pope Benedict XVI challenges Catholics to un...

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More books by Benedict XVI

Books to help practice the virtues, meditate on the Gospels, and strive for holiness
The Joy of Knowing Christ: Meditations on the Gospels

As Pope Benedict XVI notes in the first meditation in this collection, knowing that there is a God who is good, who knows us, who is so near to us, is truly the gospel—the good ...

The Virtues

"...The truly great thing in Christianity, which does not dispense one from small, daily things but must not be concealed by them either, is this ability to come into contact wi...

Holiness Is Always in Season

For a Christian, the way to reach perfection is to strive for holiness. What is true perfection? Christ's words are clear, sublime and disconcerting: "Be perfect as your heavenl...

Updated: 03/05/2013, vikksimmons
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dustytoes on 03/05/2013

Good luck with your reading commitment and new blog. I am not Catholic and don't know much about the Pope so this was an interesting page.

vikksimmons on 03/05/2013

Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your thoughts and your time. I'm looking forward to reviewing all the books from my project.

sheilamarie on 03/05/2013

Nice read, Vikk. I hope you continue to progress along the path you've chosen. All the best.

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