Bring Me Sunshine

by sheilamarie

In these anxious days, we need to take a stand for joy and for happiness. Joy is something we receive when we give it away. Listen to the Jive Aces, UK's #1 jive and swing band.

A little music and a little smile can sometimes make a difference in the life of someone you meet. Our every "insignificant" moment counts, even when the larger events of the world appear threatening.

Here is my little gift to you of some sunshine. May we learn to lift the burdens of others we meet throughout our days.

Bring Me Sunshine: Attitude Is Key

Give a Little Joy

No one who follows the daily news can deny that prospects ahead look bleak. Whether we are focusing on the environment, on the economy, or on world politics, we are in for some belt tightening and some lifestyle changes in the near future.

But despite external difficulties, we do have some choices as to how we respond to the circumstances in which we find ourselves. Some people create art as a response; other people express their frustrations through music. Still others write about their times or create beauty around themselves in their own corner of the world.

One response that amazes me is the way some people meet adversity with a deepened empathy and compassion for others, walking alongside people in their troubles, finding their life's meaning in binding wounds and building up the human spirit.


The Jive Aces

Bring Me Sunshine

The Jive Aces

Listen to More of the Jive Aces
Recipe for Rhythm
$12.91  $22.9
Life's a Game
Only $12.99
King of the Swingers
Only $13.68

The Gift of a Smile

Little Things Add Up

One thing is true: how we personally respond to difficult times affects others. We can bolster up other people and help them cope or we can pull them down and make their load even heavier. Our attitudes, our faith, and our hope are contagious. So are our actions.

One only has to look at a few areas on the action side of things to see how this is true. As we all know, violence breeds violence. People who are hurt, especially when they are very young, often (though not always!) grow up to be those who turn around and hurt others.

But even on a very mundane level, people's sometimes tenacious habits can be modified or changed just by being around others who have made similar changes. For example, at my local grocery store, very few people walk out the door these days carrying their food in throw away plastic bags. The campaign to bring along your reusable grocery bags has been so successful that even when due to a memory lapse, someone forgets to bring bags from home, you hear them apologize to the cashier about forgetting. Of course, I have never heard a cashier say anything that would make someone feel embarrassed about failing to bring reusable bags to the store; it's just that in the local culture, reusable bags are expected. This is a small change in people’s habits but an important one nevertheless, especially when added to many other small changes in behavior (and a few large changes needed on the governmental level).

The world’s problems are overwhelming for any of us individually, but we don’t have to be totally crushed by them. We can choose joy. We can choose to feel gratitude for the little things in life, even for “just” being alive.

I received a link to the above video from a friend the other day and thought I would share it with you, my Wizzley friends. I hope it made you smile -- it did me! 

When the Saints Go Marching In

The Jive Aces

Have You Heard the Jive Aces Before?

Give Me Sunshine
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Although they've been around for a while, the Jive Aces are new to me.

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Updated: 04/28/2013, sheilamarie
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sheilamarie on 03/02/2012

And thank you, Kinworm, for your comment and for the sunshine you spread at Wizzley!

Marie on 12/21/2011

Staying positive is key to mental well-being. You never know when sharing a smile will really help someone who is feeling down. Thanks for sharing some sunshine today!

sheilamarie on 12/20/2011

I'm glad you enjoyed them, DrDarko! Thanks for your comment.

DrDarko on 12/20/2011

Thank you so much for these clips SheilaMarie. They certainly made me smile.
Every smile is precious and you are definitely right, we need to feel gratitude for those little things...

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