The Schools of Wizard101 - Choosing A Wizard101 School

by Seelyon

Wizards in Wizard101 must choose a school when they create their character. This Wizard101 school will impact the spells that you can learn and master in the Wizard101 universe. Pl

Wizards in Wizard101 must choose a school when they create their character. This Wizard101 school will impact the spells that you can learn and master in the Wizard101 universe. Players can choose from seven different schools and once they reach high levels gain access to three sub schools.

Choosing a Wizard101 school can be a tough decision especially for gamers new to Wizard101. With a little bit of research into the Wizard101 schools you can prevent any regret later in the game about your school choice.

Images on this page are used for review purposes and are provided by game media departments for the purpose of review and critique.

The Schools In Wizard101

  • Balance 

  • Myth 

  • Life 

  • Fire 

  • Storm 

  • Ice 

  • Death 

  • Sun (Secondary) 

  • Star (Secondary) 

  • Moon (Secondary)

Wizard101 School: Balance

The school of Balance combines all of the Wizard101 schools making it a great option for Wizards who are unable to decide which school they wish to specialise in.

Balance allows you to learn spells from all the Wizard101 schools but does not allow you to learn the high level skills that are available to those that specialise in a school. Balance also allows Wizards the ability to provide power-ups and boosts to their ally Wizards.

Wizard101 School: Myth

Myth is the Wizard101 school of imagination, wizards within this school of magic have the ability to summon various demonic creatures onto the battlefield to fight for them.

The creatures that Myth wizards can summon offer various benefits to the Wizard such as increased damage, speed and protecting. 

Wizard101 School: Life

Life Wizards thrive on the power life.

Life Wizards are the healers or clerics of the Wizard101 world and are responsible for keeping themselves and their allies alive through various healing spells. Life Wizards are also capable of dealing low damage when required.

Wizard101 School: Fire

The Wizard101 school of fire is considered to be one of the strongest Wizard101 schools available (damage wise). The fire school allows Wizards to deal massive amounts of damage over time.

If you enjoy playing a damage dealer then the Wizard101 school of fire is a great decision, the school is powerful in PvP and PvE situations. Fire wizards are a strong asset to any party and also capable of soloing many powerful bosses.

Wizard101 School: Storm

The storm school of Wizard101 offers wizards powerful spells. However, these spells are extremely inaccurate which is the trade off of power.

Storm Wizards also have the power to de-buff enemies, making them a great asset in parties. If you want to deal massive amounts of potential damage then the Wizard101 school of storm may be for you.

Wizard101 School: Ice

The Wizard101 school of Ice focuses on buffing defensive stats, Ice Wizards also have the largest health pool of all the Wizard101 schools.

Ice Wizards can freeze their enemies to reduce the number of turns they take or taunt their enemy to target them instead of their weaker allies. 

Wizard101 School: Death

Death is considered the dark school of the Wizard101 universe, often looked down upon by the other schools as being sneaky and un-trustworthy.

The school of Death is an advanced Wizard101 school that has powerful skills and the ability to steal life. Death Wizards can also cast spells to slowly weaken their enemies with poisons..

Updated: 08/30/2019, Seelyon
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