A chop saw is a relatively light power tool and used for making precise angled cross cuts in lumber or metal stock. They're surprisingly useful and take the labor out of miter saw work and straight cuts. A few adjustments allows the user to alter the cut, match angles across a variety of mediums and all done through the touch of a button or two.
Before you make the final choice you're well advised to determine which one best suits your needs. They come in variety of sizes, different manufactures incorporate different factors - as an e.g. some of the more expensive models are also sliding chop saws, which may well make it top quality but - do you need a basic model or one with all the bells and whistles?
As a gauge, the five best chop saws are featured below. They're the most popular models, the best overall value for money and of course - they're high on the ratings factor. Any one will produce a great finish - all you have to do is pick the best match re budget and need.