Christmas Cocktails

by lou16

Christmas cocktails are a great thing to serve at your Christmas parties or get togethers and I've managed to compile a great selection for you right here.

Christmas is a special time of the year so it stands to reason that you should serve a special drink and I like to offer Christmas cocktails to my visitors whether it's traditional egg nog or something even more special.

There are so many different types of Christmas cocktails to choose from I am sure that you'll find at least a couple that you'd enjoy so let's start looking.....

A White Christmas Inspired Cocktail

I'm Dreaming of a White a glass!

There are lots of different Christmas cocktails available and I wanted to introduce you to some that are inspired by a white Christmas.   Let's face it a white Christmas is pretty magical.

Opposite are some gorgeous Christmas Cocktail recipe cards which you can purchase and these make a great gift idea for people who enjoy a tipple or two.   Click on each of the cards to see a larger image - the recipes I've featured are a White Christmas Martini, a Winter Snowflake Martini and a Snowball Martini.

Now I actually enjoy a cocktail that is called a Snowball, but it's quite different to the delicious sounding one featured opposite, here's my Snowball recipe -


1 part vodka
1 part advocaat
1 part cream

Place vodka, advocaat & cream into a cocktail shaker, shake well and pour into a highball glass. Top up with lemonade slowly (the cream and lemonade cause the drink to froth)and gently stir.   A word of warning - these taste delicious and are highly addictive!   The worse thing about them is that it doesn't taste like you're drinking alcohol - very dangerous!



No matter whether you have a white Christmas or a tropical Christmas there's nothing more festive than a Candy Cane .......or is there?

A Candy Cane Martini

A Classic Christmas Cocktail

The Candy Cane Martini has become synonymous with Christmas and seems to be served at all of the office Christmas parties in conjunction with egg nog these days.   You can see the recipe on the recipe card opposite, but what makes the Candy Cane Martini really special is the garnishing.

Some people crush candy canes to rim the martini glasses with and this is a great idea, other's just hang a candy cane on the martini glass as a piece of cocktail decoration.    What do I recommend?   Do both!   Christmas is the time when you can go over the top so why only use a rimmer - be generous with your candy canes it's Christmas!

More Christmas Cocktail Recipes

Another delicious Christmas cocktail is actually a warm one that reminds me of Christmas Eve growing up and drinking hot chocolate by the fire before going to bed where there was no way I thought I would fall asleep as I wanted to see Santa............I always did though!

Hot Russian Christmas Chocolate

1 shot vodka

1 shot kahlua

1 shot egg nog

2/3 cup of hot chocolate

Make your favorite hot chocolate as usual and then add the alcohol and stir.   I often pop it into the microwave for 30 seconds afterwards so that it's nice and warm and ready to drink (the alcohol cools down the hot chocolate too much for my taste, but it's purely personal).

There are lots of other hot chocolate cocktail recipes which can easily be served up to visitors to your home over Christmas, check out some of them - Delicious Hot Chocolate Cocktails.

As you can see there are more Christmas cocktail recipes to be found on these fantastic recipe cards that are available to buy.   I alluded to them being a gift idea earlier and I'd like to expand on the idea with you now.

There are some great Christmas cocktail glasses available (link below) you could match one of them with a recipe card for a great gift idea.

Another way of incorporating these cool cocktail recipe cards is by giving someone the ingredients required on the card along with the recipe.   I actually did something similar a few years ago before I discovered these Christmas cocktail recipe cards.

I had a couple of girlfriends who used to love drinking Snowballs when they came to my house so I got them both a bottle of advocaat and vodka and typed up the recipe instructions for them on the computer - I printed it out with some festive artwork around it and that was their gifts.   They were very appreciative and the gifts were all put to good use!

Christmas Cocktail Glasses
Serve up your Christmas cocktails in style this year with these gorgeous Lolita Christmas cocktail glasses.

Egg Nog - The Traditional Christmas Cocktail

There are lots of different stories about how egg nog got it's name as well as lots of different recipes, but one things for sure it wouldn't be Christmas for a lot of people without some egg nog.

You can buy egg nog in a carton, but it tastes so much better when you make it yourself all you need is a recipe.   Here is a classic egg nog recipe, but first did you know that egg nog has been a Christmas tradition since the 1800s?

Classic Egg Nog

1 750ml bottle Brandy
1 quart milk
1 pint heavy cream
1 cup bar sugar
1 dozen eggs
freshly grated nutmeg

First you need to seperate the eggs, put the egg whites to one side while you beat the egg yolks and sugar together.  

Stir in the milk and whipped cream followed by the brandy before refrigerating for an hour.

Before taking the mixture out whip up the egg whites until they are stiff - fold these through the mixture and sprinkle with freshly grated nutmeg to serve.

If you want a variation on that egg nog then what about adding some berries?   Check out the article below for a Berry Christmas version of egg nog that is sure to be a hit.

Berry Delicious Eggnog
For a delicious flavored egg nog with a twist try and add some berries. I've found a couple of great berry flavored egg nog recipes for you to try - an alcoholic version and a non-alcoholic version.

More Christmas Cocktails

Christmas Cocktails
Delicious Christmas cocktails from egg nog to Santa's Sack and more can be found on this page including the delicious Christmas Pudding cocktail that has to be tasted to be believed!

Ten Cocktails for Christmas
The UK's Guardian newspaper has put together some delicious sounding cocktails ready to put the merry into everyone's Christmas

103 Cocktail Recipes for the Holidays
Magazine Marie Claire has outdone itself with 103 stylish cocktails for you to try at Christmas including the Gingerbread Apple Cocktail and the Mocha Nog Punch.

Updated: 07/17/2012, lou16
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