Pixabay offers thousands of professional photos for your website or blog, as well as for your product creations on Zazzle, Cafepress, etc. (Think t-shirts, mugs, mouse pads, posters, or whatever you'd like to sell.) Nobody should take the risk of using copyrighted images in their articles or on their mugs. Use Pixabay's free pictures instead.

Copyright Free Images For Commercial Use
by chefkeem
High-quality images, no royalties or attributions required, totally free for personal and commercial use. No sign-up necessary!
Royalty Free, Copyright Free, No Attribution...
where's the catch behind "free"?
Sure, there are plenty of sites advertising free pictures, but usually there's some form of action required: sign up and give 'em your email address, make sure you link back to the site, and what have you.
Not so on Pixabay.com. Just pick, download, and use!
You see, this professional image-sharing site was founded by Simon and Hans, the tech-team of Wizzley.com, a revenue-sharing online platform for quality authors. We all know how important it is to show pictures in your articles, and how difficult it can be to get high-quality images for free. So it made a lot of sense to provide such a convenient image resource along with the article portal.
On Pixabay all images (except for a small percentage of "sponsored" Shutterstock suggestions) are in the public domain, so to speak. They're published under the Creative Commons CC0 license. It's not really a license but rather a release statement of the original photographers.
You may use these images any way you want except for truly stupid, illegal stuff. For instance, if you place a NASA image next to your crochet hat and then declare: "All astronauts must wear my great hats because NASA says so!", you're in big doo-doo. And rightly so. No fake endorsements!
On the other hand, create a Valentines card with <--- this image, then write underneath:
"This is how I feel when I look into your eyes",
and sell thousands of cards through your Zazzle account - NASA won't even care.
(Except for a bunch of orders from astronauts. Maybe.)
So, use common sense and you will be fine.
More Fun Facts About Pixabay.com
(As if free images weren't fun enough, already...)
You may sign up on Pixabay, though. Then you can upload your own pics, get and give feedback, exchange tips, participate in contests....the whole shebang.
The forum is brand-new, but the site gets already thousands of visitors every day (no lion!). So, before long, the party shall begin.
One last thing: All submissions will be hand-reviewed. Some of them may be rejected for quality reasons or copyright issues.
That way, you're always sure that on Pixabay.com you'll get clean and totally free images of the highest quality. Nice, eh?
Slide Show Video With Free Images From Pixabay
The music is an excerpt of one of my own pieces
Now THAT Was Exciting!
You may leave me a free comment
![]() Free baby pictures |
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Where will you get your copyright free pictures from now on? (Hint: pixabay.com)
chefkeem, Thank you for the examples and explanations. The music video really gives an exciting touch regardless of the baby's yawn. Where is the rest of the piece?
Thank you very much! these are great. btw exciting is spelled with a c.
There are no categories on Pixabay. If you look for images about "nature" - as an example - simply search for "nature" ;-)
Thanks for this tip about Pixabay. I did not find a way to search by category there for images. Did I miss it?
Thank you, Cheryl and Scott. :)
Great article. That's useful for me. :)
I love pixabay, I use it all the time and am grateful that I read this article some time back and learned about it.
Simon - I will definitely link to that piece as it compliments well what I am working on.
Sure Sheri :) On Pixabay we also have summarized the most important issues with Public Domain images, which might be interesting for your article: http://pixabay.com/de/blog/posts/publ...
Thanks for the link, Sheri. :)