Creating a free web site
by ethelsmith
Creating a website can be a daunting task. If you want to practise doing so, create a personal site and more, why not utilise google sites?
My creation
![]() My first creation |
Create a web site
What me?
Yes you.
Believe it or not there are so many options these days which will enable you to create a website. Many have easy to use interfaces. Weebly.com for instance has easy to navigate help menus, drop down capsules and much more that will make it simple for you to create a website.
Weebly was my first venture into creating a website. I had previously played around blogging with word press and blogger but would leave my blog to fester for months on end. Weebly enabled me to create a website which I felt passionate enough about to want to update on a daily basis. In fact many times a day, as time allowed.
For many users the problem is that such website creations usually cost money. Weebly will allow you to create a website for free, that is until you want to display it online.Weebly is reasonably priced and offers beginners a great starting platform.
However what about an even simpler way to create a free website all of your own. Step up to the mark Google.
Google Plus
Like me you may have wondered about the uses of Google Plus. These days we are inundated with chances to "social network" but rarely have the time. We also often discover with time that they are pretty pointless unless your main online mission is networking or simply to express yourself.
Many of us want a little more, including the chance to earn a little money.
Browsing aroung google plus today I began by updating my profile and then adding it to my very old blog. I then spotted a tab saying Site.s Hello, I thought what is all this about?
Well it is a quick and easy way to create a website, or perhaps a few websites. There are templates available and easy to add sidebar gadgets. It is also possible to add google adsense to any such website you create.
A win win situation it seems.
![]() | Creating a Website: The Missing Manual (English and English Edition) Think you need an army of skilled programmers to build a website? Think again. With nothing more than an ordinary PC, some raw ambition, and this book, you’ll learn how to creat... |
![]() | How To Create A Website Using Wordpress: The Beginner's Blueprint for Building a Professional Web... Building A Website With Wordpress Has Never Been This Easy Learn how to set up a website that meets your exact needs in 3 EASY STEPS....one that the "professionals" would have c... |
![]() | How To Create A Website - A Step By Step Guide AMAZON TOP 100 BEST SELLER (COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY / WEBSITE DESIGN)Create A Professional Website In Less 30 Mins...Regardless of your age, background or experience!Let's be hon... Only $0.99 |
Personal experience
I created TEK Journalism extra this morning. It did not take long. Now you may choose to think that I am Internet wiz kid but you would be very wrong. I am far from that. 60 next year I was educated pre-computer days. Hell my first job in a bank involved manually updating bank books and doing calculations on adding machines. Calculators, as you know them, still were a long way off.
I have picked up this and that techie information mainly by writing online. What helps is that computers do fascinate me. Their potential is awesome.
Today I wanted to create a free website to add more back-links and support to TEK journalism UK, my passion.
The new site still needs a little work to add additional pages and the like but as you can see, it is up and running. Sign up for google plus, if you have not already and done so, look at the tabs at the top left. Click on sites and begin to create your website. There are some fancy templates available including some specifically designed for family, sports and school work. It is quick and easy to personalize your website and hopefully should prove fun also.
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Hi rose mary it is a hard one to suss. after creating the start of the free webiste i have done little with it. My website on weebly has taken of lately and keeps e so busy. On there I post new stuff but also add links to wizzley etc. This is still where the money comes from. For now my main website traffic is increasing but the money is small and there was an initial layout. In time it should come. For now i offer free blogs so that bloggers can add some links to their other work. No cash though. If you want to give it a go let me know. Nice to catch up. Wizzley is lovely and easy to use aint it :)
Hello ethel! It's me, Rose Mary from HP. I have definitely been pondering the whole website thing. Google+ sounds like just the ticket. I know I need to diversify, but the traffic aspect is de-motivating. I get 2K-3K views a day on HP. I've had less than 50 views in 6 months on my Blogger blog. I was looking for something ultra simple to use, and thought I heard hostgator was super easy. But again the thought of working hard on a website and having no traffic...
Katie if you click on more, from the toolbar, when you have created your website you will an option to manage adsense. I have been too busy to complete my free site just yet but will in the near future
Ethel how and where do you add your adsense account number to google plus sites to get paid?
Thanks Posh. It takes time to get everything going but is fun. Have not had time to do any writing on the new site etc.
Katie another Hubber. Welcome :) Thanks for stopping by
Nice article. Look forward to seeing the site finished. Love the main site also.
Awesome info on how to create a free web-site. Thanks for the great heads up!
Yes I do Sam :) Weebly has its uses but it can be hard work. A free website is always much more appealing anyways. Good luck with your venture and remember to write about it or at least send a link.
(Not sure what you mean about a losing battle with Weebly though??)
Ethel, you're an angel! I guess, "I can't see the forest for the trees...", (I know, someone else has already used that line also). Thanks so much. I'm working with Weebly, but fighting a losing battle; want to branch out, just not knowing how or what next. Will definitely check this out. Wish I could vote this up and useful, if you know what I mean. thanks...
Yes Agreed Kinworm. There are just not enough hours in the day though lol