Apart from the wild Savanna, desert and rocky mountains, the adenium plant can be grown in home garden albeit in well drained soil and tropical, warm climate. Dwarf Adenium looks magnificent as Bonsai.
The enchanting desert rose captivated my heart when I went to Manipal to visit my daughter in India. The abundant growth of lovely pink flowers on the tree caught my attention and I decided to grow it in my garden. Since I do not have a large space to house a tree, I decided to grow a hybrid species of Adenium in a pot.
Thankfully, there are many hybrid species that can be grown in pots and plethora of colours that can mix and match the beauty and dignity of these flowers.
A popular species derived from the perennial succulent, Adenium Obesum is also known as Desert Rose. However; the Desert Rose nowhere resembles traditional rose.
Image is mine
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Have you grown Desert Rose?
I didn't know about Adenium. Those dark pink flowers are so beautiful!
Dustytoes - Glad to know that your Desert Rose is doing well in Florida. Unless one waters it too much, it should survive. It likes warm weather and sunny locations. One can easily confuse it with plumeria because it looks similar. Plumeria blossoms are fragrant while adenium flowers are not. Thanks much for linking this page to your blog.
Blackspanielgallery - I don't think the small hybrid adenium plant is poisonous. Before I did some study, I was not aware of the poisonous sap too. The quantity is too less and there is really no danger to humans or animals unless one tries to intake the white sap.
DerdriuMarriner - All adenium plants I have were saplings. Although I tried growing it from seed once and it was successful too but it did not survive due to overdose of chemical fertilizer. My adenium plant is outdoors all the time in a pot. Since there is no frost and severe winter, cold waves in Bangalore, I don't have to worry much.
WriterArtist, Thank you for the practical information and product lines. Did you start from cuttings or seeds? Do you keep your adenium pot outside 24-7 or is it brought in nightly? What else is potted in your adenium area?
Can the poison accidentally be taken in by humans or animals?
I do have a desert rose! It was given to me as a gift and I was told it was a Plumeria, but I knew it was not. I live in Florida, so I was worried that a desert plant would find it too wet here, but my plant is doing very well. So it seems the desert rose can handle lots of water too.
I'm glad you mentioned a dormant time, because within the last few months (Dec.-Jan.) most of the leaves turned yellow and fell off. I keep it inside at night when the temps are low this time of year. Recently it has grown a bunch of beautiful green leaves. I leave it outside in the blazing Florida sun all summer and it is very happy and blooms like mad! I will link to this page on my gardening blog where I have a post about my desert rose.