Attributed to theologian Charles Spurgeon, there is a quote. “The waiting time is the testing time.” I think this is a very apt discovery in developing patience, and a patient attitude toward receiving the promise of God. Or Less spiritually the vision of promised success many strive for.
It’s relatively easily to want anything visual perceptual or conceivable under the sun, even the moon and stars. However the waiting time that usually occurs is today the most difficult part. I think this is because the wait itself denotes a certain amount of belief, or if you will faith in the work we’ve done to date.
I think though it also indicates we have set a number in our mind as to what limits we will accept in aiming at individual promises. We will work for our paychecks, but we expect them to be there and good at the end of the pay period or the specified payday.

Developing Patience:
by vocal_pen
Patience is defined as endurance, staying power, persistence and lack of complaint. The quality of being patient, as an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness upon delay.
Biblical Quote: Romans 5:3 KJV … but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience (NIV - perseverance);
Trials Worketh Patience |
Enduring Patience:
The Average Wait time May Not Apply
As I said with a job we expect to be paid in a certain predetermined pre-established time frame. And if we are not there quickly better be an explanation as to why. However wait times don’t necessarily apply with God. While expectancy is relatively the same, it is difficult to impossible to establish an average wait time because each individual is so vastly different. What took Abram years to see the first indication of (Genesis 15:4,5) seems like an everyday occurrence to a family like the Duggars. There is no specific value placed, or numeric to indicate when some promises will bear fruit. The answer is just be patient. Actually and more specifically, it is
(Habbakuk 2:3) though it linger wait for it: it will certainly come and will not delay.
The key though is how you wait. Expect many patience tests to pull you at every turn. This is not so much to prove you (to God). But to prove you to you; so that you will see the truth behind your promise. Whether the promise is tangible success or an intangible gift like peace of mind. It’s easy to want it. To pray for it requires very little actual sincerity but to prove you want it and then reach it. That lesson is an enduring truth.
And it also consequently serves to winnow at the motivations behind whatever the thing(s) we want. Again it’s easy to say I want to help change the world. But, am I willing to walk three blocks to work to do it?
Romans 5:3 KJV … we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience (NIV - perseverance); perseverance, character; and character hope, and hope does not put us to shame because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.
But Why Trials? |
The Waiting Time is a Work:
Character Building (James 4:2,3)
NIV- You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive; because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on YOUR PLEASURES.
There is no better explanation of character anywhere outside the Ten Commandments. What you cherish most determines what you’re willing to do to get it. It also happens to determine or define the character that’s prevalent in you. Again it’s easy to want success. Just know success at all costs- costs. Some pay now others pay later but in order to achieve a toll must be paid. Or rather an unveiling of readiness has to occur. For some it’s a discipline by faith. For others it’s enduring certain hardships to accomplish building a physical joy or measure of success. Whatever it is along with what we’re willing to do to get it, usually determines the nature of our motivations. And while the answer may surprise us, God is not at all surprised. Refer (Genesis 25:23)
The Future Looks Good, But I'm Living Right Now. |
The Intersect of Now & Right Now (A Critical Look at Genesis 25:32)
Waiting Times and Debating Times
When we’re hungry we need food. This is a natural everyday occurrence, but no one says your food has to come from a microwave. Nor do you have to stop at 7-11 or your favorite “fast-food” place. Yet today billions of people do because when we want food we want or see no need to wait for it to cook. Generally speaking. Yet the long term costs of eating “fast-food” have grown enormous (pun intended) along with waistlines and healthcare needs. Have patience today means, in the words of Mr. Wentworth, “It’s My Money and I Need it now.” Why should I have to wait for it?
Esau faced this same position. After a long days work, his attitude is I’m starving, and food is done. Break bread with me. However there was a beautiful promise (actually a right) at stake here. Jacob wanted what Esau Had (the long view). But Esau saw no value in tomorrow when what he wanted was there for today. What good is learning patience if I’ve got to wait to do it? It seems logical, however when you look at the long view. (Genesis 27:28,29) success may not come in the waiting time. But it is definitely built in the preparation which occurs during the waiting time.
Like Esau our stomach may be grumbling, but consider when is the last time you’ve eaten. The tragedy of the right now addiction is, you can’t get enough. It’s not a satisfiable hunger. It’s an insatiable need.
That’s what Esau faced, and that’s what he gave up his birthright for. I want right now – NOW!
But consider the issue:
If I take right now, Now; What am I Giving up later? |
Patience Test
How does your patience rank?
Some Things ARE Worth Waiting For:
Learning Patience Speaks Volumes
In the words of Esau (NIV) He took my birthright, and now he’s taken my blessing.
If you recall neither of these things happened exactly that way. In reality he sold his birthright and hoped to obtain a benefit, which he gave up claim to. While Jacob may have had issues of his own, and there was certainly some mothering issues there. Learning patience means saying no sometimes to right now. Because what’s at stake for tomorrow is actually worth it. This could range from a business interest or simply a new pair shoes. Everything that’s available isn’t always necessary or good right now. In fact it could end up being very costly. Ask your favorite politician about that.
The essence is waiting times are making times for a reason. You simply can’t build long-term success without a foundation. And it’s not long-term success if the foundation fails six months later. Or even if it fails six years later. If it requires me destroying the building to redo the foundation you can certainly expect to test your patience next time around. Because certain character flaws simply don’t mend.
Having Patience When the Average Wait Time Increases:
How long is too long (A Critical look at Saul - 1 Samuel 13:8)
Let’s say the day arrives and you’re crowned CEO of this big global multinational corporation. And you’re told wait a week before you make this little life changing decision. And after a week you haven’t heard from me. What do you do?
Here Saul decides to do the advisors job, when his job is actually to be CEO / face of the corporation. Now there are two problems with this. As chief people do what you say is acceptable to do; even if your words and actions aren’t aligned. And two, all things success included, are built on a foundation which no man can establish. Man didn’t make the air earth or sun. So there are certain rules we all must follow. But that doesn’t complete the answer of waiting time.
Because the verse also indicates there was a brief delay to reach the appointed time.
To which God gave us an interesting answer, Habakkuk 2:3 ESV – WAIT FOR IT, it will surely come. I have to reiterate this quote, “the waiting time is the testing time. “ If it seems delayed or is delayed there must be some work to be completed in our end. Often it’s easily identified in the wait. So all we need to do is address it and then move forward. Which may seem difficult in the end but…
The trying of our Faith, produces a hope that cannot be disappointed by pain. |
Patient Waiting Time:
Some Things are Still worth Waiting For.
No one said waiting on the promise was easy. But enduring patience, building patience is a work that must be accomplished. Because there are many times that may come upon us suddenly that will try to turn us away from God; tear us away from our focus. And these are the times when the appreciation or the art of waiting become not only a necessity but a source of strength.
As we see in Saul, it delineates character, having the ability to wait patiently on God. To not take matters in our own hands without knowing all the consequence. It may seem all right today and tomorrow but when we lack patience, we often lead others to lack patience. And ultimately this can cause a whole nation to stumble.
Prayer for Patience:
James 1:3-5 A Patient Work
We are instructed to let patience have its perfect work. Perfect is an indication of complete, full and precisely accurate. It makes no mistakes. As such I say, if you are indeed feeling the stress of life’s situations, take a moment and absorb these words.
Grant me patience to endure all afflictions and sufferings. Comfort me in all misfortunes and distress. Forgive me daily my sins and grant that I may thus continue firm unto my soul's salvation, and that I may, in the true and saving
faith and with a good conscience, serve Thee even unto the end, through Jesus Christ. Amen. (An Excerpt of The Little Treasury of Prayer)
Some Free Ebooks on Prayer and Patience
Humility - The Beauty of Holiness
Outside of the Word of God, The meditative spirit-led words of Andrew Murray have profoundly changed my life like no other book. Humility is the "secret" that unlocks God's power and the source of true happiness. "Todd Smaretsky"
Lord Teach us to Pray
This is the reason why Jesus here uses the name of Father. We never find one of the Old Testament saints personally appropriate the name of child or call God his Father. The worship of the Father is only possible to those to whom the Spirit of the Son has been given.
The Little Treasure of Prayer
an excerpt; Grant me this, gracious Father, for the sake of Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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