Drills to Increase fastpitch softball hitting power

by teddletonmr

Fastpitch softball hitter increases softball crushing power using the advanced Batting Practice drills discussed here…

Fastpitch softball is a fun, fast-paced softball game. Many young ladies simply love to play here in the good old U.S. of A.
Primarily a team sport, many players feel as though the real fastpitch softball action starts, and ends with the pitcher intimidating the batter with her junk, striking her out, or at least not give her something she feels good about putting her bat on.
The batter’s role in this mini drama, not allow the pitcher keep her from her goal as a good softball slugger. Not just, put the bat on the ball hitting a pop-up or dinkers to the infield. Oh know, crush it deep into the outfield.
In theory, the batter’s role sounds easy right, in practice I believe we will all agree, not so much. Follow along as we discuss advanced batting practice drills that will help batters of all skill levels.

Timing vs hitting mechanics

Crushing a softball involves timing, mechanics, and confidence

It is no secret, Fastpitch batters focus most of their batting practice time on developing hitting mechanics that reinforce a hitter’s, quick hands inside the ball, long through the zone, finishing with good follow through. All-important skills a hitter need master to be sure. However, there is more to hitting the ball with softball crushing power

Proper timing starts with a batter correctly identifying the pitcher’s favorite pitches. This makes possible a hitter put all their mechanics hitters work so hard to perfect to work, get in front of a wicked fastball, or waiting on a nasty change-up, many hitters have a hard time getting their bat on.

The good news, there are a couple hitting drills that will absolutely help softball batters of all skill levels become better hitters. Additionally, for anyone that likes to take a more hands on approach and coach the girls rather than pay someone else give the girls private hitting lessons, or augment those lessons.

Everything you will need to run your own hitting drills, and the softball equipment recommended here will work for you.

Develop efficient bat swing

Bat control drill

Keep bat head level, hands inside ball, shoulders square

The best hitting drills that improve a batter’s mechanics and timing involves lots and lots of T-work. The best, most durable, and easiest to use hitting T, by far is the Tanner T.

While working on the T, a batter needs to focus on keeping her palm of her inside hand (left hand of a right handed batter) down, and outside hand (right hand of right handed batter), palm up as she swings through the ball.

Simply the best hitting T for fastpitch softball hitters

Stem easily adjusts from 26 – 43-inches, detachable polymer base fits in ball bucket or bat bag
Tanner Tee
$89.99  $89.09
Tanner Tee + T-Weight Bundle
Only $119.99

Pitch recognition affects timing

Proper timing is a must. It is extremely important to remember, how to hitting mechanics drills you read, and watch on YouTube. Will not guarantee a batter hit a hard groundball, or crushing a fastball over the outfielder’s head. Unless timing drills are incorporated that help ensure making solid bat to ball contact.

Hitting a softball with power requires batters understand. Bat swing timing fundamentals. This is to say, proper timing bat to ball contact vary with each pitch, fastball, change-up, and whatever the pitcher’s favorite junk happens to be.

The key to hitting the softball consistently, getting the bat through the zone at the right time, making possible, solid contact with the bats sweet spot and softball.

Hitting a fastpitch change-up vs fastball

When hitting an inside change-up and connecting with a fastball low and outside. Power hitters need remember be patient wait on the ball. Conversely, fastballs pitched over the inside corner of the plate, in the batter’s strike zone. The batter needs to swing early and hit the ball in front of their front foot, i.e. foot closest to pitcher.

Regardless pitch location, pitch recondition is of utmost importance, batter must remember to “keep eyes on the ball from the time ball leaves the pitcher’s throwing hand, until the bat makes solid contact with ball.

Simply put, this is the meaning of the commonly used phrase, See the ball, and hit the ball!   

Toss Drills - inside, outside and down the middle of the plate

Soft Toss drills

Soft toss aka side toss drills helps hitters work on timing.

Where hitting off a batting T helps develop good hitting mechanics and muscle memory. Soft toss drills adds the element of watching the ball leave the hand, there by providing batters practice recognizing hand movements, the path the soft tossed ball travels, and work on fluid bat swing timing.

The trick to making soft toss drills beneficial for hitters.

Do not get in a hurry when tossing balls to the hitter. This is not a race to see who can swing at the most balls in the shortest amount of time.

Treat each and every soft tossed ball as if the batter is stepping up to the plate facing the best pitcher in their league. Remember, the quality of balls hit not quantity of balls hit is the object of this drill.

At first, impress upon hitters, the importance of having the right frame of mind, a positive attitude is extremely important in this stage of the game. Especially when a young hitter finds herself stepping into the batter’s box facing a pitcher that has a cannon for an arm, and a nasty change up in her arsenal of pitches.

Done properly, soft toss drills will mimic a pitcher’s fastballs, and change ups, inside, outside, and down the middle of the plate. Giving the hitter ample time between soft tossed balls to reset both mentally and physically will pay huge dividends. For all the visual learners like me, I have included a video (just above this section) that explains why batters should practice, practice, practice soft toss drills.


Pre-hitting checklist

Encourage fastpitch hitter develop their own style

Encouraging young hitters to develop her own style of approaching the plate that works for her, do a little dance, sing her favorite tune, or mentally go through a pre-hitting checklist. Then address the plate and get her feet set will go a long way to building the batter’s confidence. Girls must feel good about their batting skills, before they will hit the ball well. In short, girls must feel good to hit good.

The best batting practise fastpitch softballs

12-inch durahide fastpitch softballs, coaches organizer bucket, Softball Skills & Drills book are must have items
Only $77.99
Only $22.61

7-foot tall, 7-foot wide Bow Net makes great hitting backstop

Easily sets up in less than two minutes, great for softball hitting and pitching drills at Ball Park and backyard
Bow Net Baseball/Softball Big Mouth Portable Net
Only $178.99

Quick and easy Bow Net set up

Updated: 12/31/2015, teddletonmr
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