Dyson Animal Vacuum Cleaner

by fitzcharming

I’m so happy with my Dyson Animal Vacuum cleaner I thought I would write a recommendation for other pet owners looking for a heavy duty vacuum. Read why I love my Dyson Animal.

I have an early model, the DC17. This is a picture of my Dyson Animal. There are newer and improved models now but this is what was available when I got mine. I can vouch for it personally. It’s been working OT for over 5 years so mine is a bit scruffy looking. But it still works better than any vacuum cleaner I’ve ever owned.

My Dyson Vacuum CD17
My Dyson Vacuum CD17

Dyson Animal Model DC17 Upright Vacuum Cleaner

This Is The Model I Have - They Don't Make It Anymore But You Can Buy It Used on Amazon
Dyson DC17 Animal Cyclone Upright Vac...

And Sometimes You Can Find It On Ebay - Along WIth Dyson Replacement Parts

So Far I've Not Needed Any Parts Though - It's A Long Lasting Durable Cleaner

Meet The Hairy Beasts

Below is a picture of my "Animals".  Collectively they are 200 pounds of dog and they shed so much I’m surprised they have any hair on their bodies.  The dark one is named Ozzy.  He’s a German Shepherd dog mix and he’s the main reason I got the Dyson.  Dog hair is a basic wardrobe accessory in my house. It's everywhere.  I'm talking tumbleweeds. I burned up two normal vacuum cleaner motors within a year of adopting him.  They were name brands too.  Not super expensive models but not cheap ones either.

Ozzy and Payton
Ozzy and Payton

You Can Read More About My Adopted Dogs Over Here

Ozzy The Once Orphaned Hound Dog
Meet my dogs Ozzy and Payton and read all about their quirky and fun habits. They are rescue and orphan dogs that I welcomed into my home. I love them to pieces in spite of the hair they leave lying around.

I Got My Dyson Animal Vacuum Cleaner As A Gift

So during the second year of bringing Ozzy into our home my husband got me the Dyson Animal Vacuum Cleaner for a birthday gift.  Okay ladies, stay with me, I can imagine you are all rolling your eyes.  At that point I was so frustrated I was ready to try anything.  It turns out the Dyson Animal was exactly what I needed and I was elated with the gift. 

Here’s a photo of the canister after just one vacuuming of my house.  I do this at least three time every week.  I know it's very gross but you get my point right?  I even brush the dogs a couple of times a week outside too.  Can you see why I can’t believe they're not bald?  Incredible. 


Dyson Dirt
Dyson Dirt
Dyson Dirt
Dyson Dirt

Here's Why I Like My Dyson - Just The Simple Explanation - No Technical Stuff

My purple Dyson Animal is so easy to use – no bags, easy to empty, easy to push, and an extra long cord.  The filter is easy to take out and wash, nothing expensive to replace.  There is a hose within the handle that pulls out easily and quickly to vacuum hard to reach areas and overhead fans, cobwebs, etc.  And the most important feature is it pulls Ozzy’s coarse heavy dog hair out of the rugs and off the floors like sugar.  It’s never once clogged up or overheated. It came with attachments too but most of the time I just use what's right on the vacuum cleaner itself, because I'm generally in a hurry.  I’ve had my machine for 5 ½ years now without a single problem.

Below are the newer Dyson Animal vacuum cleaners that are for sale on the market now. They offer a few improvements over mine.  I would buy another one of these in a heartbeat and if you’ve got tough dirt and animal fur or hair in your home you should try one of these.  You’ll be amazed. Read some of the reviews on the Amazon pages if you need more convincing.

What's Next For The Dog Hair In My House?

I've Got My Eye On A Dyson Pet Clean-Up Accessory Kit

I think one of these Pet Clean-Up Accessory Kits is in order for me.  Right now I have leather furniture thank goodness so dirt is easy to wipe up.  But I still need extra help with the fabric under the cushions and also the dog beds.  And it is good for spills and stains on the carpet too.  I have big dogs but I don't like my house to smell like I have big dogs.  This seems like the perfect tool for deep cleaning. 

Dyson Pet Clean-Up Accessory Kit

Dyson Pet Clean-Up Accessory Kit
Updated: 10/02/2014, fitzcharming
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Do You Have Tips For Dealing With Animal Fur?

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fitzcharming on 05/12/2013

Thanks for your comment katiem2. I hope others with animal hair issues will benefit from my recommendation.

katiem2 on 04/23/2013

I have three cats and three dogs and have one dyson. I love Love LOVE my dyson it is amazing, lite and easy to use. I'll never own another vacuum other than a Dyson. :)K

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