Ear Protection Equipment Reviews

by Tested_to_Destruction

High noise levels require the use of ear protection equipment to prevent hearing impairment. Choose the best ear muffs for your work or home environment.

If you're using power tools, you need the correct ear protection equipment. One of the more overlooked aspects of health and safety when working with tools and hardware is the damage done to the hearing.

This can be avoided easily enough, by way of investing in a good quality set of ear defenders. They come in a variety of makes, sizes and designs and any good set of ear muffs will serve to protect the user's hearing from noise pollution.

There's no such thing as a quiet power tool and you only have to spend a few minutes with an impact drill or similar to find that your ears are ringing in protest. Don't find leave yourself open to a hearing problem down the line - make sure you purchase the best industrial ear protection you can afford.

Peltor H10A Optime 105 Over-the-Head Earmuff

Pelter ear protection are the top rated and best selling ear protection on the market. Whilst they're not every one's favorite ear protection muffs of choice - they tend to be the choice for most. This pair of ear defenders are CSA approved and will deliver a hearing reduction level of 29 dB. Beyond the technical data, they're comfortable to wear and easy to work with.

The over-head strap is adjustable and they're a lightweight design overall. The price is also right - you're getting an awesome level of hearing protection without having to fork out dollars that don't count. The Pelter range offers some seriously good protection and the current price tag is well worth the investment.

Howard Leight R-01526 Impact Sport Electronic Earmuff

The Howard Leight R-105's are one of the best industrial ear muffs around and they also include the ability to plug into MP3 players and scanners. Neat. Added to that is the feature that allows the user to amplify conversation at the touch of a single button. Handy, useful and an attractive feature.

You get a level of protection up to 82db - which is a pretty awesome level of noise and a part of what makes this particular pair the best for those working in an industrial environment. They're powered by way of two AAA batteries and the weight, design and size feels comfortable and offers close contact across the had and around the ears without gripping too tight. Not the cheapest ear defenders but you're getting a lot of bang for your buck. What price ear protection?

Howard Leight R-01526 Impact Sport Electronic Earmuff

To capture low level sound, the Impact Sport employs built-in microphones that amplify range commands and other important sounds. Users enjoy full, clear directional hearing in ...

Only $57.8
John Deere 93112 Professional Earmuff



John Deere 93112 Professional Earmuff by AO Safety

Best mid-range ear protection come courtesy of John Deere. The world famous tractor manufacture will know a thing or two about noise and its negative effects. These ones will protect your ears up to 27 dB, which is plenty for an average working environment. They're not especially pretty - these are ear muffs for working guys (or gals) and they do the job impressively enough.

They're comfortable to wear, no pinching or headaches caused by the headband or weight, the ear muffs themselves are comfortable and close fitting, the headband is padded and fully adjustable. These are easy to wear, deliver an environment appropriate level of protection and won't cost you more than they're worth. One's to buy.

Peltor MT15H7F SV Tactical Pro Hearing Protector

Another set of ear muffs from Pelter, these are the best electronic ear defenders.They're manufactured for a range of environments - sports, home working and industrial. The noise reduction is sophisticated and will work up to NRR 26dB. With a touch of a button you can amplify external sounds with a near perfect reproduction.

The stereo microphones are a great feature - omni-directional so that you get a full 360 degrees ambient listening. Liquid gel fills the ear cushions and the steel headband is padded for extra comfort. Between the two, you get a good seal around the ears and the ergonomic touch pad is a breeze to use. A top quality pair of ear defenders and worth every cent.

Radians EL29 Eliminator 29 Earmuff

The Eliminator ear protection muffs are the best entry level ear protecors and will provide an aedquate level of protion in a moderately loud environment. They lack some of the bells and whistles of other models, yet they're capable of delivering a good standard of noise reduction.

They work up to NRR 29db and the headband, though not overly sophisticated, will easily adjust without any real effort. They feel comfortable, the slip on and off the head with no issue and overall, they're a good quality pair of ear defenders. Basic, do the job they're supposed to - nice budget level ear muffs.

Radians Eliminator 29 Hearing Protection Muff

Lightweight and adjustable earcups that flip outward. Fully dielectric construction. Flexible inner headband allows precise adjustment to the shape of the head.

Updated: 06/24/2012, Tested_to_Destruction
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