Educational Toys Provide STEM Development

by blackspanielgallery

There are educational toys available that are also fun, so they are likely to be used. Many of these address the STEM subjects, making them invaluable in providing a real value.

We often hear the acronym SEEM refer to areas in which we need to develop interest of the youth. But, what exactly is STEM? STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. These fields are significant if the next generation is to advance. And the best way to have new people enter these fields is by kindling the interest in children. That interest can occur in the very young children or in teenagers. But unless it occurs in a significant number of those who will become the next adults the world will regress.

Things shown below span a multitude of age groups. It is important that the items chosen for a child be age appropriate. Even if the item does not pose a danger, if it is too advanced it will discourage rather than encourage. And, if something is too basic it will become boring and discarded. A toy is only able to promote learning if it is used.

One good thing to keep in mind is that the toy should be fun, and that should be the focus for the child. Saying this is educational might be all that is needed to turn the child off and close the mind to accepting the toy.

STEM toys make excellent gift ideas for any gift giving occasion.

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Science Experiments

Start with a Book

A good book on science experiments might be a way to start things off.  It should allow an insight into what will interest the child.  Just be prepared to offer the needed materials to make it work.



Solar Powered Robot

Build and Learn

Solar power and robotics are two of the current leaders in fields that can stir the interest.  Combining these with a solar powered robot can really get the attention.


The solar powered robot can be built in many forms.  This allows for building skills as well as having a cool robot to use.  



Solar Powered Robot

OWI 14-in-1 Solar Robot

Basic Concepts

The first simple machines gave humans a leap forward. Understanding how they work is a good first discovery for a child.  Consider the simple machine kit as an excellent way to get started.


Now, we have items that utilize pulleys and pulley systems to make it easier to perform tasks such as lifting a heavy item. 

Still another way to make things work is the use of gears.  I learned about gears from an Erector Set, but there are gear kits available to provide insight into this important concept.  Here is still another excellent way to get a child interested in building as an engineer.


There are many different building sets available.  They are great for teaching how to put things together so there are is stability in the final structure.  Some sets, such as Lego sets, utilize popular topics such as Star Wars to kindle interest. 


Another interesting group of building sets are the Laser Pegs, blocks that have special blocks that light up.  There is an entire collection of Laser Pegs Sets.  These blocks add a whole new concept to building blocks, making them even more interesting.






Allow the child to study the weather with a basic weather lab.  A Magic School Bus weather Kit is a kit that makes this possible.  Older children might prefer basic weather equipment.



Electricity and Electronics

Electricity is fascinating, and children are often curious about how circuits work.  Choose a kit that allows the child to explore the world of electricity by actually making a circuit and having something work as a result.  There are several excellent choices for electricity based circuits building toys available.  




Telescopes and Microscopes

A good place to start a child seeking knowledge through curiosity is a telescope.  Today there are telescopes that connect to computers, so entire groups can gaze at distant worlds at the same time.  This is a great family activity idea, and can bring families closer through a common activity that becomes a common interest.  The one shown is more basic, and will serve as a starter telescope until it is determines if more advanced technology is required.


Microscopes open the smaller worlds to a child’s eyes, and make exploration of those worlds fun filled activities.  Here is yet another way to open a child to being receptive to science.



Basic Concpts

Physics is how the physical world works.  It is the interaction between objects interacting with objects, and interactions between objects and energy.  A good starter physics kit will allow a child to be directed in exploring these interactions.



Chemistry can be interesting, but buying your own chemicals and mixing them without sound knowledge can be dangerous.  It is far better to start with a chemistry set that is designed for use by children.  Even then adult supervision is a must.



Alternate Energy Sources

Alternate energy sources of the sun and wind power are interesting, and can be the start to developing skills for a promising career in leading edge technology.  Help a child become aware of these alternate energy sources, and allow the child to explore how they work.

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Updated: 09/18/2017, blackspanielgallery
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blackspanielgallery on 11/05/2015

Amazon helped but I could not fit them here.y having STEM toys come up with the search. Amazon is aware of STEM. There are many more,

younghopes on 11/05/2015

Wonderful post, i liked your selection of the toys for the kids

blackspanielgallery on 11/03/2015

Thanks for the comments. STEM is something we constantly hear about at the college. There are grants available to promote STEM subjects, And this is getting a lot of attention. Since I am in two STEM areas, physics and mathematics, I hear about these things more than most.

CruiseReady on 11/03/2015

I reallly like that you suggest starting with a book. I think it always makes a great gift for a child when you give them s kit, device, or instrument, paired with a book about the field. For example, a book about astronomy, along with a telescope.

WriterArtist on 11/02/2015

Also applying science is the best way of remembering. Practical applications of physics, maths and chemistry can go in a long way for the kids to remember the basics and complexities of the Law of Nature.

WriterArtist on 11/02/2015

I am hearing about STEM for the first time. I agree with you that these educational toys are better suited for child's development, they make learning less complicated and full of fun.

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